Formation Skydiving (FS) Formation Skydiving is the ultimate team sport and generally consists of 2, 4, 8 or 16 people. The flying position is belly to earth while forming as many formations as possibly before opening your canopy. FS is about precision flying and using your body to displace wind in order to do the formations. The team is only as fast as it slowest member. There is nothing better than tracking away from a perfect 35 seconds of fully synchronised precision-built formations. FS combines great personal skill with extraordinary team work.

Artistic Events (AE) Artistic Events is an expansion of skydiving which includes using any combination of the three flying axes (roll, pitch, and yaw). These positions increase freefall speeds and make new types of formations and routines possible. AE is a three-dimensional art form of skydiving that is constantly evolving with its growth in popularity. It can be immensely enjoyed as solo skydiving as well as in groups once individual skills improve.

Canopy Formation (CF) Here, groups of jumpers leave the aircraft and open their parachutes relatively quickly in pre-determined sequences, allowing them to fly those parachutes together in various formations. CF is an exciting discipline within our sport and appeals to those who enjoy precision flying and doing something different with a parachute than merely landing it.

Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing and Parachute-Ski (SAP) Three sub-disciplines make up Style, Accuracy and Parachute-Ski. Of these, Accuracy is the oldest discipline in skydiving and the most active of the three in South Africa. The aim in Accuracy is to land as accurately as possible on a designated spot. Competitions usually provide for a large inflatable mat with an electronic measuring pad accurate to a spot the size of a R2 coin. As larger canopies are usually used to perform accuracy jumps, wind can be a factor. Competitors of all jump numbers and experience levels are welcome to take part. Taking part in Accuracy teaches useful skills when working towards a Pro-rating or when finding yourself in an off-landing situation.

Canopy Piloting (CP) Specialised high-speed accuracy flying of high-performance parachutes. Taking some of canopy formation and accuracy landing combined with high performance canopy flight to make for some spectacular viewing. Distance, accuracy and speed are the 3 events that are combined to find the overall winner in this discipline. Normally practised over a body of water, there are some great views of water spray created. For those interested in exploring canopy flight to the full.

Wingsuit Flying (WS) Wingsuit Flying is the latest SSA discipline in which one flies through the air using a specialised wingsuit transforming your body into a wing. A wingsuit flight ends by deploying and landing a parachute. Consistent glide ratios of over 3:1 can be reached with forward speeds exceeding 300km/h. It is even possible to GAIN altitude over short distances. Wingsuit Flying is an official FAI discipline, and you can compete in Wingsuit Flying at a national and international level. There are two sub-disciplines: Performance Flying and Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying. Performance competitions consist of speed, distance and time tasks done on separate flights. The average of the 3 scores makes up the total score. Acrobatic flying consists of two wingsuit pilots performing acrobatic manoeuvres relative to each other with another camera person filming, also in a wingsuit. Wingsuit Flying is for the experienced skydiver wishing to explore the full potential of human flight.