- Annual Membership Renewal
- Online PASA membership renewal user guide
- PASA Office Bearers
- Discipline Activity Plans
- New competition rules uploaded
- Speed Skydiving
- SAP is back!!
- Old Dogs and New Wings
- FS Skills Camp 29-30 March
- Bachelor/ette Weekend & Canopy Control Course
- Skydive Parys 2nd Birthday 13-16 June
- JSC events planned for 2014
- SASL Season V update
- New licences and ratings
Members are reminded that annual membership renewal falls due on 1 April 2014.
PASA fees for the 2014/15 membership year were set at the recent AGM at R470 (R20 increase).
As in the past, PASA will collect Aero Club fees from licensed members and pay them across on your behalf. The Aero Club fees are set by the Aero Club and are R350 (R20 increase).
New licence/new rating application fees remain unchanged at R100.
Rating renewal fees for all ratings (except Jumpmaster, Coach and Evaluator ratings for which there are no renewal fees) remain unchanged at R100.
New tandem rating applications remain unchanged at R600.
SANDF/SAPS members:
All licensed PASA members currently serving in the SANDF and SAPS pay half the Aero Club fee (R175).
PASA members who are currently serving in the SANDF and SAPS and hold NO PASA ratings, pay R100 PASA fees while rating holders pay the full fee (R470).
The online renewal process will get underway around 20 March. All current members with a valid, listed email address will receive an automated email renewal reminder containing a link which you will need to click on in order to update your data online. Once updated, you will be prompted to make the required payment. For those members who have no ratings to renew or who are not applying for any new licences or ratings, this will be all that is required.
If you did not provide an email address on your last renewal form or, if your email address has changed in the past year, please drop a line to admin@para.co.za confirming your correct email address.
If you are renewing an existing rating or applying for a new licence or rating, you will be prompted to make payment and print Page 2 of the PASA General Application Form which you will still need to get signed by your Chief Instructor and submit to the admin office via fax or email as in the past.
Rating holders who want to get their ratings signed off before the renewal emails go out can download Page 2 in the mean time and obtain the required signatures. Please only submit these to the admin office via fax or email once you have also completed the online renewal.
New members joining for the first time, or those without a valid, listed email address will need to download and complete the PASA General Application Form (Form 2), complete and submit to the admin office via email or fax. If you are not applying for a licence or rating, you do not require CI signature and need only submit page 1 of the form.
Please refer to the user guide below for details on the system.
Gmail users note: Gmail sends automated emails to the spam folder. Please add admin@para.co.za and newsletter@para.co.za to your safe senders list to ensure you receive important notices and the Toggle Times newsletter.
Follow this step-by-step guide to renew your membership quickly and easily.
Please Note: If you have ratings and/or licences applications or renewals, you need to submit the online form first and then print and complete ONLY PAGE 2 of the manual form for your CI to sign. Page 2 is still manually submitted to PASA. If you have no new licence applications and no ratings, you can complete everything online.
1. Just before renewals are due, you will receive an automated email from PASA Admin reminding you to renew.
- The email will display the link to your personal online renewal form.
2. When you are ready to renew, all information on PASA's records will already be completed for you in the form. You only need to confirm what is there and update what has changed.
- Just like when you renewed manually, have your log book on hand (or at least knowledge of your jump numbers in the last year and last 3 months.
3. Click the renewal link in the email to go to your form.
- This link is unique to each member so you can't click somebody else's link - you MUST click the link that was emailed to you personally.
4. When the form opens in a webpage, you will see most of your details are already completed.
5. At any point during the process, you can save what you have done to continue at another stage. To do this, just click the SAVE button at the bottom of the form. You can return to the form by clicking the emailed link again. What you completed will still be there.
6. Sections 1 and 2 (everyone must complete):
- Confirm the information there is correct, updating as necessary.
- Select the check box/es for your preferred discipline/s (you may select more than one).
- Select from the yes/no drop down list to indicate if you regularly use an AAD as this is a mandatory field.
7. Section 3 (New Licence Application):
- ONLY select a licence if you are applying for a NEW licence.
- The green instruction section gives you the cost and reminds you that your CI must confirm you have met the requirements. Your CI's checks and signature can be completed after you submit this general application, so continue through the application process. The system will tell you at the end what more is required from you.
8. Section 4 (New Rating Application):
- ONLY select a rating here if you are applying for a NEW rating. Select the relevant box/es to select more than one.
- The green instruction section gives you the cost and reminds you that your CI must confirm you have met the requirements. Your CI's checks and signature can be completed after you submit this general application, so continue through the application process. The system will tell you at the end what more is required from you.
9. Section 5 (Rating Renewals):
- You will see your existing ratings listed.
- ONLY select the ratings here that you are RENEWING by checking the relevant box/es.
- The green instruction section gives you the cost and reminds you that your CI must confirm you have met the requirements. Your CI's checks and signature can be completed after you submit this general application, so continue through the application process. The system will tell you at the end what more is required from you.
10. Check through your form to ensure everything is correct.
11. To save and submit your application to PASA, click Save and Apply for Renewal. If you want to save what you have done and return later to complete and/or submit, click Save.
12. Remember that your renewal application is only submitted when you click Save and Apply for Renewal. Until then, PASA will NOT receive anything from you.
13. Remember too that you need to deposit your fees before PASA will activate your received renewal. You will be reminded of this when you submit your application.
14. This concludes your General renewal application.
15. Read the confirmation message that pops up when you submit - it contains instructions on what is left to do.
16. If you have not applied for a new licence and have no rating renewals or applications then all that is left is to deposit the required amount (detailed in your form) and send proof to PASA.
17. If you have new licence or rating applications or rating renewals, PASA still requires your CI to verify that you have met the requirements by signing Section 2 and/or Section 3 of the General Application form.
18. Completing Section 2 and 3 is exactly the same as previous years' manual renewal process.
The following PASA Office Bearers for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 were ratified at the AGM:
PASA Management Council: Joos Vos (Chairman) Graham Field (ADZO) Jacqui Coetzee (SSA) Mark Bellingan (NSTO)
Association of Drop Zone Operators (ADZO) Executive Committee: Joos Vos (Chairman) Graham Field Vernon Kloppers
Sport Skydivers Association (SSA) Executive Committee: Jacqui Coetzee (Chair) Julie Teague (Vice-chair) Liza Hietbrink (Secretary)
PASA representative to the Aero Club of South Africa: Graham Field
Non-Executive Directors (NEDs): Steve Bartels Dennis Cohen Charles Verster (Any one NED also serves on the Management Council)
SSA Discipline Committee Members
The SSA committees for the period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 were all elected prior to the recent AGM and ratified at the AGM as follows:
Formation Skydiving
Mohan Chudalayandy Rainer Coetzee Liza Hietbrink
Artistic Events
Warren Hitchcock Ria Moothilal Julie Teague
Canopy Formation
Peter “Sharky” Annandale Graham Field Rogan Maclean
Style, Accuracy and Paraski
Annelie Hoeksema Paul “Simba” Marcellin Erik Vliegenthart
Canopy Piloting
Jacqui Coetzee Christopher Teague Mike Teague
Hendri Liebenberg Oliver Nöthen Eugene “Pottie” Potgieter
Contact details are available on the Contacts page of the PASA website (new office bearers to be updated effective 1 April 2014).
The outgoing committees presented their feedback reports for the previous 12 months at the AGM. These reports are available here.
The new committees’ activity plans for the year ahead are set out in the following articles. Members’ funds are allocated according to your ticks on the annual renewal forms, so, please consider the plans of each committee carefully and ensure you tick the box/es of the discipline/s you would like to support for the coming year. Only the skills development plans are listed in this newsletter. For the detailed budgets and activity plans, click here.
Formation Skydiving
- R5 600 brought forward from the previous financial year for a skills camp in Rustenburg. Due to increased slot rates and lower than expected costs in other areas, the previous committee allocated additional funds to this camp so that 2-on-2 coaching is possible on the 4-ways. An additional R780 is allocated to cover increased slot rates. Total R6 380.
- R6 750 brought forward from the previous financial year for the Novice Team Subsidy. Awarded in March 2014 and earmarked for payment after Nationals 2014 to those teams who abide by the subsidy agreement. An additional R210 is allocated to cover increased slot rates. Total R6 960
- R6 960 for the Novice Team Subsidy. Awarded in March 2015 and earmarked for payment after Nationals 2015 to those teams who abide by the subsidy agreement.
- R6 960 for Shake-The-Bag event combined with a 4-way skills camp to be held at JSC. This is a skills weekend aimed primarily at novice and intermediate 4-way flyers who are looking to meet and greet other FS flyers to form new teams with. It will be held a couple of months after Nationals when budgets have recovered and FS flyers are motivated to start planning and training for the new season. The funds will be put toward coach slots on the lower-experience teams who still need senior FS flyers for productive 4-way but are ready to start competing and looking for team mates. Coaches will coach, jump where necessary and assist with matching and introducing FS flyers appropriately.
- R2 900 for a Large Formation Skills Camp at JSC to add specific and general big way techniques (think 50-way and bigger) to the skills set of all levels of FS flyers. The large formation will not actually be formed but the skills will be taught and practised in a simulated and realistic environment given the aircraft and altitude limitations.
- FS Cat III days – self -funded. We will offer and organise an experienced Cat III base of senior, current FS flyers for Cat III attempts, on request and subject to support. The student will cover the base’s slots, an expense we found they are happy to do for the guarantee of skills and reliable base.
- C-Licence 8-Way days - self-funded. The FS Committee will organise 8-ways for ready FS flyers who need the C-Licence requirements on request and subject to support. The system of an experienced base to fly and coach during the day and rotating docking positions for participants will be used again. Participants will cover the costs of the coaches’ slots.
- R3 500 for a Money Meet early 2015 with prize money, Both 2-way and 4-way will be included and all experience levels will be catered for, live judging and a prize giving at the end of the weekend. This may leverage off or be combined with SASL. DZ to be confirmed.
- Remaining funds to be allocated to ad hoc events as opportunities present themselves during the year.
Artistic Events
- Funds for skills camps at Robertson and Witbank carried forward from the previous financial year.(R4 000)
- Further skills camps planned at PSC (R2 500) and Bloemfontein (R2 000 travel).
- Aim to host an international coach that senior AE Jumpers and the committee (and possibly Wingsuiters) pay to bring over. At a sea level boogie preferably out of the PAC or large aircraft we would like to set a new SA record for HD. When the coach is busy with the senior local jumpers already gathered could then be available to coach intermediate freeflyers. Most likely to be the J Bay boogie, as most international coaches would be most readily available this time of year. Altitude a must. (R6 000)
- Modification on MOPS wording to be done.
- Implement the new HU / HD coaching system. To kick start with coaching seminar before Nationals at PSC.
- Skills camps to allow for students to enjoy 50% off coaches' slots for individual training as per 2012 and 2013. But to incentivise teams to start training TOGETHER, 100% of coaches slot will be covered for 2-ways looking for help with their free or compulsory routines.
- When planning skills camps, DZ’s will be encouraged to drop the temporary memberships for visiting jumps on the camp, and to pre-arrange 12,000ft for freefly loads.
Canopy Formation
4 skills camps are planned for the year at R2 000 per camp.
R3 000 carried over from the previous year towards the purchase price of a CF specific canopy for skills development use. An additional R2 000 is being added in the coming year to take the total to R5 000.
R1 000 is budgeted for rig hire of CF specific equipment for skills camps.
Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing and Paraski
With no representation in the previous year, the new committee is still coming up to speed on where SAP stands and are debating the best use of available funds. It is envisaged that all funds will be allocated to skills development.
Canopy Piloting
2 skills camps
Coaching camp for intermediates and identified students by current coaches. This is an annual event as “students” cannot be identified from ISP stage but only after 100/200 jumps.
Coach Slots camp 1 at R2 500
Camp 2 at R1 500
1 Competition – Fun Scrambles Meet
To encourage intermediates and students coached by CP Coaches to enter their first competition and compete against experienced Pilots. Handicaps will be given to seniors to even the competition field. A team score will also be awarded to the Senior and Junior entering the event together.
Costs R2 300 – prizes to be determined by the CP Committee.
A judges training course and seminar is scheduled prior to the 2015 Nationals to ensure that there are enough National Judges to judge Nationals and other competitions. CP have lost several judges that have relocated or stopped judging.
At least 4 skills camps are planned for the year (tonto Boogie, Robertson, Xmas in July @ Rustenburg, J-bay Boogie). This may change, depending on where interest is shown. To include coaching slots and potential travel costs.
Depending on the discount on the new Wingsuit we will be able to do more paid coaching slots and skills camps.
If the new Large Wingsuit suit is too expensive to purchase this year, we will carry over at least 60% of the budgeted funds to the following year’s budget and thereby be able to buy a new Wingsuit in the 2015-2016 year.
The following new competition rules for all disciplines have been uploaded to the PASA website:
- Artistic Events Competition Rules 2014
- Artistic Events Competition Rules Changes 2014
- Artistic Events Addendum D routine description 2014
- Canopy Formation Competition Rules 2014
- Canopy Piloting Competition Rules 2014
- Formation Skydiving Competition Rules 2014
- Freefall Style and Accuracy Landing Competition Rules 2014
- Indoor Formation Skydiving and Vertical Formation Skydiving Competition Rules 2014
- Para-Ski Competition Rules 2014
- Speed Skydiving Competition Rules 2014
- Vertical Formation Skydiving Competition Rules 2014
Extract from the International Speed Skydiving Association Newsletter 1, 2014:
"Speed Skydiving Official FAI Discipline
In recent years, the International Speed Skydiving Association (ISSA) has intensified contact with National Airsport Controls (NAC) and the International Parachuting Commission (IPC). The major results of this ISSA approach to NACs and the IPC are:
- Sweden, the United Kingdom and Austria have approved Speed Skydiving as an official discipline on national level.
- In January 2008 Speed Skydiving was presented at the IPC Plenary Meeting in Paris.
- The development of software for the graphical display of acceleration and speed, the use of small high definition key-cams and the combination of video footage and graphical speed indicator presented to the public via internet and on big video walls.
- Because of this development, 17 of the world best Speed Skydivers were able to present their sport in a perfect manner to a broad international audience, during the Mondial 2012 and the 4th DIPC 2013 in Dubai.
It was a big wish of the Speed Skydiving athletes and the ISSA, that Speed Skydiving gets the official approval by the IPC to become part of the IPC family. On Saturday February 1st 2014, this wish came true at the 65th IPC Plenary Meeting in Vienna. Speed Skydiving is officially adopted by the International Parachuting Commission!"
From the FAI website:
"Speed Skydiving is a new skydiving discipline with as simple a definition as it gets. Achieve the fastest speed possible over a given distance.
It has developed over the last few years and represents the fastest non-motorized sport on Earth. In essence, speed skydiving is the discipline where only one aspect of skydiving counts – freefall speed.
The speed achieved by a human body in free fall is conditioned of two factors, body weight and body orientation. In a stable, belly to earth position, terminal velocity of the human body is about 200 km/h (about 120 mph). A stable, freefly, head down position has a terminal speed of around 240-290 km/h (around 150-180 mph). Further minimizing body drag and streamlining the body position allows the skydiver to reach higher speeds in the vicinity of 480 km/h (300 mph)."
Refer also to the in-depth article by Tim Mace in a previous issue of the Toggle Times.
Anyone interested in getting involved in this new discipline must please contact the SSA executive committee
The SAP rock ‘n roll show is back on the road folks!
The new committee is:
Annelie Hoeksema, Erik (Viking) Vliegenhart and Paul (Simba) Marcellin.
Our objective for the year ahead is to hold no less than 2x development events and an accuracy Nationals which we would like to be able to arrange in a public space such as an in-city stadium or at a beach festival, or something similar. We’re working on it…
Tick the SAP box on your renewal form and come play. It’s just like darts; only better.
We’ll be in touch!
By Oliver Nöthen, D906
This last year has seen quite a few new Wingsuit students take to the air and also progressing through the PASA MOPs WS CAT programme.
Andre Venter, D909 (below) jumps at Skydive Mossel Bay and he recently asked me to take him through the First Flight Course so that he could start Wingsuiting. I was somewhat hesitant because I had never trained anyone this senior.
 (Photograph courtesy of Oliver Nöthen) |
Andre, as usual, was determined and focused and extremely well prepared to face the challenges that lay before him in the course. His first jump was exemplary! Since then, Andre has already completed his CAT1 and CAT2 in Wingsuiting.
The WS-SSA also held a WS training camp at the 2013 J-Bay Boogie, hosted by EP Skydivers, where Norman Langeveldt, D434 (pictured below) did his first Wingsuit flight. Having over 7000 skydives (mostly FS) some of his FS habit’s sneaked into his first couple of Wingsuit jumps but, having such experience behind him, he managed to do very well and has since then also completed his CAT1.
 (Photograph courtesy of Oliver Nöthen) |
All in all, both Andre and Norman proved that one can actually teach old dogs new tricks!
If you have read the Wingsuit Section of the PASA MOPs and you feel you are ready, please contact WS committee members Oliver, Hendri or Pottie to arrange a course, or if you have any questions.
If you don’t have a wingsuit to jump the WS-SSA does have some suits available for you to use as well as FlySight’s which will help to improve your skills.
 (Photograph courtesy of Andrew de Jonge) |
Heads up, FS jumpers! Skydive Rustenburg (RSC) and the SSA will be running a skills camp at RSC on 29 and 30 March.
The FS skills camp will cover basic 8-way principles run over 1 day, targeting jumpers ready for their licence requirement 8-ways.
Max 8 jumpers – 4 per day, 5 jumps each (4 coaches and 4 participants on each).
All jumpers must be FS members (ticked FS in your PASA membership form – if you haven’t or aren’t sure, send an email to admin@para.co.za to tick it for you now).
Costs: Your own slot, plus ½ the slot of one coach on each jump.
RSC will sponsor the camera slots. (Thanks, RSC!)
The SSA will sponsor 50% of the coaches’ slots.
Prerequisites: Am I ready? Is this for me?
You must have done successful 4-ways and be current in FS. If not, you’re welcome to join us for the groundwork at the camp but the jumps are structured for 4 successful jumps so that every participant also leaves with the docking and point requirements for C /D licences. For every jump you cannot complete your individual job successfully, everybody else will miss one of their licence requirements as a result, so your readiness is key.
The purpose is to assist you with progressing to better 8-way - not getting you ready for 8-way - and achieving licence tasks in a controlled, productive environment. Every jump will require a licence task from every participant.
If you aren’t sure, give us a shout and we’ll help you assess your readiness.
Please join us for a fun-filled day of learning about 8-way and hopefully a stepping stone to your own 8-way team, a challenging, rewarding event that will hook you for years.
Contact Claire to book or find out more.
PS: got a 4-way group or team of ANY experience level and keen for free coaching? Use our senior 4-way coaches there all weekend to guide you – coaching, debriefs, planning and any other assistance to help you improve and have more fun. Let us know in advance for us to maximise your gains. |
11-13 April 2014 - We welcome all to come celebrate our Bachelor and Bachelorette weekend with us - Graham Field & Danelle Barnard - at Skydive Rustenburg.
This is the only way we can invite everyone and have fun as well.... We already have about 40 skydivers attending and want to arrange specialty aircraft or extra aircraft to make it even more fun...
We will also be hosting a Canopy Control course on that weekend hosted by Graham Field for the people who want to learn more.
Email us for more info or bookings or call: 079 345 7058
Skydive Parys is turning 2.
We invite you to join us for our Birthday Boogie from 13–16 June 2014. The Boogie will take place at Skydive Parys DZ, Stonehenge in Africa a beautiful lodge along the banks of the Vaal River only 1 hour from JHB.
Accommodation at the lodge will be available as well as camping facilities at a special rate, just for our Birthday Boogie. Stonehenge will also be catering for the whole event and there will be a Dinner and Prize Giving held on Saturday, 14 June 2014 for all to attend.
An Atlas Angel turbine aircraft will be the jump ship of choice during the Birthday Boogie for Sport Skydivers to get to Altitude and the very cool Huey Helicopter (Still to be confirmed). Skydive Parys is offering people the opportunity to experience a Tandem Skydive over the famous Vredefort Dome World Heritage site, with the thrill of landing on the banks of the Vaal River.
Scenic Flights down the Vaal River will be offered for those who do not want to try skydiving but would like to get an aerial view of the magnificent Vredefort Dome. Other activities such as Abseiling, quad biking, Horse Trails and Off-Road Go Karting will also be available during the Birthday Boogie. The whole Family is welcome to come and enjoy our warm hospitality at Skydive Parys and Stonehenge In Africa
Entertainment will be provided throughout the weekend; music, competitions, prize giving, jumping castles, water slide, cocktail and drink specials and a whole lot more.
Contact Steven Taylor 072 303 9140 or Amy Taylor 082 810 1821
Email: skydiveparys@gmail.com
Website: www.skydiveparys.co.za
21-23 March
Canopy Control Course
R1500 including 5 jumps, course, briefings and de-briefings before and each jump and Canopy Control Course booklet.
Free entry to accuracy competition.
Starting Friday at 11am.
All candidates must commit to the whole course and weekend to complete jumps.
Accuracy competition on same weekend - entrance fee R100 (if not on Canopy Control Course).
12-13 April
Big ways Camp
2 Turbine Planes.
18 April
Night Jumps
Weather permitting.
28-29 June
Big ways Camp
2 Turbine Planes.
Two Way Competition
Dates to be confirmed.
1 Junior, 1 Senior. Teams put together at random.
10 Way Speedstar Competition
Dates to be confirmed.
6-7 September
Spring Bash Boogie
End November
tonto Boogie
Dates to be confirmed. 2 turbine planes.
Big way Wingsuit Jumps.
Big way FS Jumps.
Big way Angle Flying jumps.
Contact Stefan for more details
FS Leaders Stay Strong while VFS Naps
FS Action at the top
Jac van Zyl has held fast to his FS lead, but Bailey Edmunds is back and scheming on how to take that from him. This is the first month that Jac van Zyl and Charl Coleman have not won this season.
On the 4-way team front this season, the running has remained between Jazz Republic and Peregrine. This season seems to have been thin on the 4-way Basic side. 4-Way novice flyers, this really is a perfect format to introduce yourself to competition before Nationals. Although it's an individual race for the big prizes, the team rivalry is followed by all looking for Nationals predictors. SASL is a good place to start competing if you aren’t sure whether it’s your thing yet.
Don't forget that you earn DOUBLE points for your Nationals performances (the last SASL competition of the season).
VFS Quiet
A quiet month for VFS – although disappointing for the test event - leaves the lead quite open for the taking - even by a new entry. So Debby Vliegenthart is still at the top but teetering precariously for now. We were hoping for a boost in VFS entries from the Robertson Rumble this month, but sadly the event had to be postponed, so we hope those jumpers manage to get some rounds done somewhere else – especially if Debby wants to keep her lead against hungry Vaalies.
Speaking of Hungry Vaalies, there are a bunch of them on tunnel trips this week. The freebies in Dubai and the flatties in Bedford. They’ll deplete their weightings, but bump up their skills, so here’s wishing you all higher scores and faster skydives on your return.
L&B Back on Board
We're excited to have Larsen&Brusgaard back on board as a sponsor again. They join a truly impressive list of sponsors, to whom we are infinitely grateful. The joy of the win really is powerful, but to walk away almost fully kitted out as SASL winners do is phenomenal. Aerodyne, our main sponsor, has just released the ZULU – don’t you think that would fly beautifully from the shiny new, made-to-order neXgen Icon that Aerodyne is sponsoring for the winning FS competitor? As will you if you walk away with one of the 3 Bev Suits (FS and VFS), L&B goodies and Cookie G3 Helmet.
You don’t have to win to win
So what about those who nearly win? Well you have to forego the glory – in that respect, winner takes all - but SASL gives out other goodies during the season to those who keep competing. SASL shirts, dPhi shirts and more. In December, Hendri Liebenberg and Arnold van Dyk did their 4-way skills camp and won in SASL at RSC. Hopefully they learnt something new or at least had a good time!

dPhi Wear Online Store
Suppliers of high quality skydiving t-shirts and apparel. Why wait for us to come to your DZ when you can get what you want directly from our website!
Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: http://www.dphi.co.za/
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
Lic/Rating |
Name |
Drop Zone |
A Licence |
A7318 |
Xander Kuhn |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7319 |
Johan Mouton |
Skydive Rustenburg |
A7320 |
Daniel Lopes |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7321 |
Johny Krüger |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7322 |
Lyle Goldman |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
B Licence |
B2882 |
Carel Boonzaier |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2883 |
Abby Holloway |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
B2884 |
Lyle Goldman |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
C Licence |
C1825 |
Johan Greyling |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
If you are interested in advertising in this newsletter, contact admin@para.co.za for more details.
PASA and the Toggle Times cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, due to all content being submitted without verification.