Style and Accuracy Landing
Tim Mace
Freefall Style and Accuracy Landing
(or Spinning and Stomping as it is
sometimes known) is alive and well.
Nationals saw the largest turnout for
several years, 14 competitors, and
a number of newcomers tried their hand
at both events. Alex Jordaan broke
the 9 second barrier on his first ever
style jump, which is the qualifying
time to make it into round 2 at a world
championships. Marc Bouwer got a line
over on his first ever accuracy jump,
on Simba’s canopy, and managed
to ‘diagonal rock’ it
clear (you learn how to do that sort
of thing if you do accuracy). Several
people have expressed an interest in
learning style and accuracy, if not
for competition then to improve their
skills. We plan to have several seminars
and opportunities to try it out during
the year. So if you, or your dz, are
interested let one of the sub committee
The sub committee this year is Tim
Mace, Cornette Blignaut, Paul Marcellin,
and Jasper Williams. The funds in the
account have been slowly building over
the last few years and we now have
enough to purchase an accuracy scoring
system. This comes with a score board
viewable by the spectators, and two
scoring pads with the new 2cm target
(Yes, 2cm!). The system should be with
us by late November.
In March 2009, once again South Africa
will be represented at the world para-ski
championships, this time in Austria.
Tim and Simba have been to the last
two world championships, Montenegro ‘05
and Italy ‘07, and now others
are starting to become interested.
So far it looks like we have 5 entrants.
However, we are allowed to have 12
entrants so if you are interested please
contact Tim Mace
The event is 9-14 March 2009 and anyone
who knows even vaguely how to ski and
is prepared to learn accuracy is welcome.
You’ll be doing three 1500m ski
races down a mountain, and six accuracy
jumps onto the side of a mountain.
We’ll be doing some of the accuracy
training by winching, as we have in
previous years. We place the target
about half way down the winch run,
get off the winch line between 700ft
and 1300ft, and make an accuracy approach.
We get up to 6 approaches an hour at
about R40 a go. This is great fun,
and very efficient, and you don’t
have to pack!