Canopy Formation
Skills Camp : 27
February - 1 March
2009, Rustenburg
Helge Harms C1719
This Canopy Formation
camp was complete with all the
critical ingredients: Sunrise loads,
weather holds, little stacks, big
stacks, kites, downplanes, CReW
puppies, CReW dawgs, a hairy mal,
followed by a safe landing, outlandings,
long walks back to the dz and of
course Karaoke.
It started with
a drive, through rain and traffic,
out to Rustenburg Skydiving Club
on Friday evening. On arrival the
students got a warm welcome, a
cold beer and the relevant briefings,
courtesy of Andre le Roux. At 05h30
on Saturday morning we were all
kitted up and raring to go, but
the clouds closed in, in a matter
of minutes. However, spirits remained
high and it wasn't long before
the weather lifted and we decided
to give it a go. Some awesome jumping
ensued for most of the day. Paul
and Liz made their 1st Canopy Formation
jumps and did an awesome job at
that! Charles and Rhett got some
additional experience on some larger
stacks and Johan and Ricky were
welcomed back after taking a break
from CF and had a stack of fun!
Tilman and Helge built their first
5-way kite with Sharky, Nico and
André and duly bought beers!
L-R: Charles Barnhoorn, Ricci Bucceri,
Tilman Harms, Andre le Roux,
Helge Harms, Sharky Annandale
morning started bright and early
with another 06h00 load which
actually got wheels up on schedule.
To the amusement of the old CReW
dawgs, Tilman and Helge learnt
that imperfect body position
on exit from a speedy run-in
will be punished with a swift
slap from your risers. Rhett
achieved his Cat 2 in CF! Liz
masterfully handled a PC-in-tow
and Andre had a great time chasing
the toys. Tilman, Helge and Sharky
decided to pop in at the local
prison and hitch a ride back
to the dz. The camp was beautifully
rounded off with Charles, Andre,
Helge, Tilman, Sharky and Ricky
flying a 6-way stack, built by
6000 feet, from an exit altitude
of 8000 feet.
in all it was a great and successful
camp. The beginners got introduced
to CF and progressed, the intermediates
gained valuable experience and
the coaches had a great time
imparting their wisdom.
thanks go out to our coaches
Andre, Sharky and Nico (you guys
make these camps possible!),
Liz for running the tight admin
that she does and also to Ralph
and his team at Rustenburg Skydiving
Club for hosting this event -
the experience was freakin' incredible,
to see some more of you at our
next SSA CF camp. Open high,
break low!