Apologies - the previous version of the newsletter had a glitch in the document links. Corrected links herein.
This is a special issue of the Toggle Times containing the Notice and Agenda of the PASA Annual General Meeting and links to all related documents together with a notice reminding you that March is National Safety Month!
- Notice of Annual General Meeting
- From the NEDs
- Formation Skydiving Committee 2011
- Artistic Events Committee 2011
- Style, Accuracy and Paraski Committee 2011
- Canopy Piloting Committee 2011
- Wingsuiting Committee 2011
- Atmonauti Committee 2011
- National Safety Month
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Parachute Association of South Africa will be held in the ground floor meeting room at Grand Central on Wednesday, 2 March 2011 at 19h00.
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be as follows:
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting.
To consider substituting the existing Constitution with the redrafted Constitution as circulated or to consider substituting the existing Constitution with the redrafted Constitution as circulated as amended and approved by the AGM.
To receive and consider the individual committee’s reports on:
the statement of accounts for the previous year;
the activities of the previous year;
To set the limits of expenditure for the individual committees.
To elect the incoming Non-Executive Directors.
To ratify the office bearers as tabled by the SSA committees:
Formation Skydiving
Artistic Events
Canopy Formation
Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing and Paraski
Canopy Piloting
Other business.
To consider a proposal from the SSA to restructure the SSA fee to include an amount, to be agreed upon at the AGM, in the PASA general membership fee. This fee to be separate from the SSA sport membership fee, which fee is to be agreed upon at the AGM.
Motion of any proposal to be put to the GM other than ordinary business or amendments to the constitution, must be lodged with the Secretary at least 96 hours prior to the meeting and must be included by him in the agenda, which shall be made available to the members at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Proxy votes are acceptable as long as such votes have been lodged, in writing, at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the General Meeting, with the Non-Executive Directors, and shall be applicable to specific agenda points on a point-by-point basis. Any one member shall be allowed to carry a maximum of ten proxy votes per agenda point.
Omission of receipt of notice to any member or affiliated body shall not invalidate the meeting.
By Order of the Non-Executive Directors Johannesburg, 16 February 2011
To all PASA members
The focal point of this year’s AGM is for members to consider substituting the current PASA Constitution with a redrafted Constitution.
There have been a number of small changes throughout – mostly housekeeping, reordering of points, standardising of terminology, etc. We have therefore not included a version showing a myriad of tracked changes and would prefer members to read the clean document.
Some salient changes:
- The creation of PASA financials by consolidating ADZO and SSA financials – this is required in order to register PASA as a Public Benefit Organisation
- The addition of NSTO to Management Council
- In the event of an equality of votes on the Management Council, the NEDs will have a casting vote
- Incorporating Appendix 1 into main body of document
- Incorporating Appendix 3 into main body of document
- Reshuffling some duties and responsibilities from ADZO and SSA to the Management Council
- The creation of an SSA board
- NEDs moved from being part of the SSA to being a standalone section
- SSA discipline committees to be canvassed and put in place before the AGM to be ratified at the meeting
- SSA discipline committees to present both feedback for the past year as well as budgets and activity plans for the year ahead at the AGM
Many of you will no doubt have seen emails from the various SSA discipline committees encouraging interested parties to make themselves available to serve on these committees for the coming year. If you think you have something to offer not just your preferred discipline but the sport as a whole, we urge you to seriously consider standing for one of the committees. Without these committees, sport parachuting would not be able to develop and grow.
The SSA will be presenting a proposal to restructure the SSA fee to include an amount, to be agreed upon at the AGM, in the PASA general membership fee. This will be separate from the SSA sport membership fee, the amount of which is also to be agreed upon at the AGM.
We would like to encourage all members to read the redrafted Constitution and to enter into discussions and debates at your local drop zones ahead of the AGM. If you have questions, suggestions or concerns, please contact the NEDs at neds@para.co.za.
Please make every effort to attend the AGM. If you cannot be there in person, find someone who is attending and get them to carry your proxy.
We want to make sure the Constitution works well for the sport and for you, its members but we cannot do this in isolation – get involved!
Non-Executive Directors:
Dennis Cohen Steve Bartels Charles Verster
Hi Everyone
This email in important for all SSA members with an interest in Formation Skydiving:
In the past we have had difficulties with the election of SSA discipline committees at the AGM. The voting takes time, lengthening the AGM and the election process does not allow for members to give much thought to the committee candidates, often resulting in the first three nominees getting elected and then moving on to the next committee. We also believe that people are being nominated and accepting without enough thought going into the time and work that will be required of them, to find themselves unable to add value during their year in office.
As a result, requests were made last year that the SSA committees facilitate the election of the incoming committee members and simply notify and minute the result of the elections and hand over to the new committee at the AGM meeting.
The FS committee would like to kick off this process now.
The process:
If you would like to stand on the FS committee for the 2011-2012 year, please email the following information to cking@nspace.co.za before Thursday 17 February. If you want to nominate someone else, you may do so, but they must confirm that they are willing and able to stand and the nomination must still please be accompanied by the following information:
Your name
Some background about yourself that you believe is relevant
Why you want to be on the committee and perhaps the reasons / ideas you have that you think will add value
This is a mini-campaign / advert to convince people to vote for you. People often get voted onto the committees because they are well known or because they have served on it before, despite having not added value in the past. As members, we should want a committee of keen, capable people we can entrust our discipline to and who we believe will make responsible and progressive decisions on our behalf. This mini-campaign also gives the quieter individuals the opportunity to present what they can offer and brings fresh faces and ideas onto the committee. Hopefully we can end up with a well balanced committee that combines some fresh new faces and some experience and continuity.
The FS committee will compile and publish all the nominees and their information for the members to evaluate and decide.
The members will have a week to email their votes – we will reply to each email so you know your email has been received and votes counted. if you don’t receive a reply, please resend.
The 3 people with the most votes will form the new committee, to take over from the current committee after the AGM in March.
Please only put your name forward if you are truly interested and want to do the work. Some meetings are required and you are expected to pull your weight and put in effort to grow and maintain your discipline on very small budgets. It is hard work but it is very rewarding if it’s something you are enthusiastic and care about. NOTE: The fact that the SSA meetings happen in Gauteng does not preclude those is other provinces from representing. One representative from the FS committee at each SSA meeting is (in our opinion) adequate if the others cannot make it. (The current FS committee’s online committee meetings have worked very well for us).
Sent on behalf of the SSA FS committee
Claire King Marisa Dold Bailey Edmunds
Hey Freeflyers, Freeflying in SA is definitely growing. Over the last few years we’ve had the likes of world champions Volare and Jean Philipe come to SA, as well as several skills camps and freefly scrambles competitions being held.
If you're interested in growing the SA freefly scene then why not get involved with the SSA? It doesn’t matter how many jumps you’ve got or how long you’ve been in the sport. If you’re into freeflying, and feel you have something to offer to help grown the discipline, then get involved and grow the SA Freefly scene! If you’re interested or know anyone who might be, please give any of the AE committee members a shout. Cheers, AE Committee
Brendon - brendon.delate@gmail.com Tracey - tracey.goetsch@gmail.com Karen - karen.z.fourie@za.pwc.com
Hi all you enthusiastic skydivers !! The SSA SAP Committee (Style, Accuracy & Paraski) is looking for willing & able bodies to serve on the SSA SAP Committee for 2011/2012.
All you need is a willing nature, a friendly smile, and a can-do attitude !! You also need to be a fully paid-up PASA member (of course). Everyone interested in serving on the SSA SAP Committee 2011/2012, please contact Cornette Blignaut [Cornette.b@samsung.com // 083-442-4574] to put your name forward to be nominated. There are 2 slots available.
Newly nominated members will be announced at the PASA AGM to be held on 03 March 2011.
Looking forward to hearing from you !!!
Cornette Blignaut
SSA SAP Committee 2010/2011
All Swoopers out there!!!
Are you interested and willing to stand on the CP Committee for the 2011-2012 year, then email the following information to jacqui.bruwer@gmail.com by Monday the 21st of February 2011. If you want to nominate someone else, you may do so, but they must confirm that they are willing and able to stand and the nomination must still please be accompanied by the following information:
- Your name
- Some background about yourself that you believe is relevant
- Why you want to be on the committee and perhaps the reasons / ideas you have that you think will add value
- A recent photo of yourself
The CP committee will compile and publish all the nominees and their information for the members to evaluate and decide by Tuesday the 22nd of February 2011. The members will have until Monday the 28th of February to email their votes – we will reply to each email so you know your email has been received and votes counted. If you don’t receive a reply, please resend.
The 3 people with the most votes will form the new committee, to take over from the current committee after the AGM in March.
Jacqui Bruwer
CP Committee
Hi to all our fellow wingsuit flyers out there!
It is that time of year again and we need passionate wingsuiters who are willing to stand for our SSA WS Committee. There is some great potential out there and we need you to step forward and take the lead.
All you need is passion for our sport. Come on guys! We need some energy this year, let’s accumulate this year to the biggest flock SA has ever seen!
Everyone interested in serving on the SSA WS Committee must PLEASE contact Eugene Potgieter at pottie@gladiator.co.za or at 0836314747 as soon as possible so we can nominate you!
Newly nominated members will be announced at the PASA AGM to be held on 2 March 2011!!
Wingsuiting Committee Eugene Potgieter Edzard Biermann Matteo Pagani
The current Atmonauti Committee would like to evaluate interested atmonauts who would like to participate and contribute towards the ongoing atmonauti development in our community.
If you feel that you have value to add and are passionate about the discipline, and would like to consider standing for a position on the Atmonauti SSA Committee, please send your relevant details to mlc.holdings@tiscali.co.za.
The new committee will be voted in at the AGM on 2 March 2011. The term of office is one year after which you can stand for re-election for further terms as long as your services are required and available.
The Sky's Our Playground...
Atmonauti SSA Committee