- Christmas in July Bash
- Peter Lawson Cup
- POPS World Record
- Wingsuit World Record 2015 - 61-way
- 1st FAI World Indoor Skydiving Championships
- Forthcoming Attractions
- Nationals 2016
- Freefly Licences Update
- SSA Mid-Term reports
- New licences and ratings issued
- Aero Club Membership
Hendri Liebenberg, D938
On the weekend of 24 – 26 July 2015, Skydive Rustenburg hosted their annual Christmas in July Bash and, even with bad weather grounding us for most of the Saturday, 28 loads were flown, with 239 descents being made.
Since its inception in July 2013, wingsuiting has been the main focus of this “mini-boogie” and, together with JSC’s tonto boogie and EP Skydivers’ J-Bay boogie, this is one of the main wingsuit events on the SSA calendar. This year, our focus was on basic skills development, with a first flight course (FFC) being presented, as well as Cat 2 and Cat 3 progression jumps, wingsuit coach development and a wingsuit seminar.
Three students participated in the FFC, namely Cameron Gordon-Forbes (RSC), Dylan Hemer (DSC) and Jacques Breedt (PSC), with all three completing the ground school training and required jumps and gaining their Cat 1 status by the end of the weekend.
Wayne Ford (PSC) successfully passed his Cat 2 test on the first load of the Saturday, thereby enabling him to fly with other wingsuiters over the weekend, while Andrew de Jonge (Skydive Mossel Bay) successfully passed his Cat 3 test (next stop: WS coach rating!)
Michael Panaino (DSC) took the opportunity to make use of the FFC ground school and student jumps to get the final few requirements of his wingsuit coach apprenticeship signed off and, after two rather “eventful” evaluation jumps with Oliver Nöthen, gained his well-deserved PASA wingsuit coach rating, as well as the Squirrel Wingsuits manufacturer’s coach rating endorsement.
The weather hold on the Saturday afternoon presented us with an ideal opportunity to bring forward the evening’s wingsuit seminar (and thereby freeing up the evening for, uhm… other activities), and this was very well attended by wingsuit and non-wingsuit skydivers alike. Oliver Nöthen went to a lot of trouble to create a very professional looking slideshow presentation and our seminar included: an overview of wingsuit development over the last two decades up to present day technologies, the route/requirements for South African skydivers to get into wingsuiting (and how the WS SSA can assist them in this regard), as well as an overview of the WS FFC ground school curriculum and the main differences/additional concerns when wingsuit skydiving, compared to regular skydiving.
We ended off the seminar with an explanation of the official FAI wingsuit competition disciplines, namely flocking, acrobatic wingsuit flying and performance flying, as well as 4-way wingsuit sequentials and XRW and, judging by the feedback we’ve had, we’ll very likely see a few new wingsuit teams entering Nationals next year in the performance and acrobatic competitions!
Sunday morning saw us up bright and early in order to make the most of the day’s predicted fair weather. No less than 8 wingsuiters were on the second load, braving the cold at altitude and most of us managed 6 wingsuit flights on the day, achieving our progression goals, while having loads of fun!
The weekend ended on a high note, with myself and Graham Field pulling off our very first wingsuit rodeo on the last load of the day (yes, you read that right: a WS rodeo was on Graham Field’s miniscule list of remaining skydive firsts!)
Everything went exactly as planned, and we flew the rodeo successfully all the way down to the agreed dismount altitude of 5000ft without incident, proving once again how important it is that the “rider” is an experienced skydiver. (As much fun as this type of jump can be, the additional safety concerns makes it something that only experienced wingsuiters and skydivers should attempt! If in doubt, speak to a wingsuit coach or senior wingsuiter at your DZ first.)
After landing and dishing out around 5 minutes’ worth of high-5’s and hugs, we ended the weekend in spectacular fashion by having the required “first” beers on the RSC deck with the sun setting on another fantastic weekend of skydiving. Even the 5-hour drive home on Sunday night couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, and Graham, Danelle, Herman and the staff of RSC should be congratulated for, once again, organising a safe, fun event, with something for everyone!
For any wingsuit related queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact your SSA WS representatives on ssaws@para.co.za, and remember: you can tick the WS box on your PASA application form at any time during the year, even if you aren’t wingsuiting… (yet!)
Blue skies and happy flocking!
Hettie Blignaut
In acknowledgement of Peter Lawson's contribution to our sport and development of skydivers, I approached PSC members with the notion of a special event to coincide with Pete's birthday. It was decided to have an annual Peter Lawson skydiving competition. This year, the inaugural Peter Lawson Cup was held on 8, 9 and 10 August at Pretoria Skydiving Club. The disciplines include Formation Skydiving (4-way Novice, 4-way Open and 10-way Speed Star), Wingsuiting and Canopy Piloting. There were 2 novice 4-way FS teams, 7 open FS 4-way teams, 2 FS 10-way speed star teams, 7 wingsuiters and 5 canopy pilots.
A huge thanks is extended to event sponsors, Parachute Systems (especially Colleen Dales), AirTeam Aviation, Harri Viljoen, Cypress and Kiss Helmets for their support and contributions for the event.
A special thanks to Yolandi van den Berge, Ian van den Berge, Jacqui Coetzee, Rainer Coetzee, James Meyer, Jimmy Parrella, Bailey Edmunds and Carmen Van Vuuren for organising, managing, judging, contributions and support for the event. Oliver Nöthen and Rob Kruger managed the Wingsuit and Canopy Control competitions respectively. PSC would also like to thank all the competitors for their support towards a charity as well.
Family and friends of Peter Lees, D112, well know skydiver of the ‘60s, ‘70s and early ‘80s, gathered at PSC on the Saturday morning to scatter his ashes. His daughter, Kerry had her brother Craig and husband Vincent scatter the ashes on tandem skydives. A fitting tribute to a respected friend, mentor and skydiver. Blue skies...
The event was huge a success with exactly 500 skydives in 47 loads for the two and half days. As this will be an annual event, PSC is already planning for next year's competition with more prizes and competitors, including international skydivers. So, watch this space for our 2016 competition.
(Photographs courtesy of Katie Levick) |
Eugene (Pottie) Potgieter, D860
What an experience!!!
During May this year, I received the exciting news that I was accepted to participate in the 2015 POPS World Record attempt!
Needless to say, this was an honour not coming about every day and definitely not to be taken lightly!
On my arrival at Perris Skydiving in California (I made sure I arrived a day early), I started to prepare myself by doing some warm up jumps with the base. My initial slot was to be a 90 Anchor from a stinger on the base (E2).
This 40-way base was engineered to make a 132-way formation work. Since some of the guys allocated to the base could not make it early, I got the ideal opportunity to polish my skills in several positions. I wanted to make sure that I was best prepared for any placement in the formation, should it come my way.
The warm up jumps went well and I really enjoyed being in the Big Way Action again. That afternoon, as expected, there were some slot changes putting me as second last dock in an outside wacker line, (F12).
Most of the first day in the record was spent in F12 and I really felt comfortable on the outside, wearing a T-shirt over my jumpsuit with extra sleeves to reduce my fall rate.
The second day, I was approached by our Team Captain, Tim Weible and given a new slot as a Wacker Anchor in the same line (F3). This quickly proved itself to be a way more challenging slot and I had to keep all my bearings in place not to screw this up. This slot needed patience and way more discipline. One cannot dock just a bit hard as it could unsettle the entire sector.
Day two showed some progress, yet we could not get a build. Always a few out or low. When this formation is built and one goes low on it, it slows down to such an extent that you cannot easily come up to dock. So, if you are not high in your stadium to the formation, you’re LOW. No one wants to end up low, as you are in the full view, entire thoughts and extended vocabulary of over a hundred unhappy skydivers – especially on a World Record attempt.
On Saturday, day three, we still could not get a completion. On the last jump of the day, nearly sunset, we took up a final load, six planes in formation with 125 skydivers. The formation formed nicely and we managed to get what we thought was a completion. In fact you could hear the cheers on landing! However, there was an uncertainty on some of the grips and we carried it over to retry Sunday Morning, unfortunately with only 121 skydivers after the Team Captains had their meeting, cutting some friends. (Terrible job, I would not want it)
The next day we proceeded with only 121 skydivers and on the second last jump we managed to build a confirmed 121 way World Record Formation! Everyone was overfilled with joy on this huge achievement and it was hugs and high fives all the way!!!
On my way returning home, I received the exciting news from Kimbo Godwin, our event organizer, that our original record attempt of 125 indeed was ratified and that we now had a 125 Way POPS World Record!! This was the best news ever, especially with the mixed feelings of having four of our friends having to stand down after the 125 Way attempt.
What a fantastic ending to a magnificent event!
Kimbo Godwin, Dan Brodsky Chenfeld, Larry Henderson, Tim Weible and the rest of the incredibly gifted skydivers taking part of this unforgettable experience, you are written in a very special chapter of my life and I am sure I am speaking on behalf of everyone else!
Thank you for a completely life changing event! May you be blessed with soft winds and gentle landings for all days to come!
The Parachutists Over Phorty Society or POPS is a club for skydivers over the age of forty. The first POPS was founded in 1966 in the USA and has spread to many countries around the world. Competitions at meets include accuracy, formation skydiving and the special POPS competition, the Hit and Rock.
Membership requirements are that a person has made a parachute jump, or a tandem skydive, and is over forty years of age.
Email us if you’re over 40 and interested in joining POPS SA.
Lifetime membership costs R200 and you receive a POPS membership card and certificate as well as a POPS cloth patch.
Ollie Nöthen, D906
Where does one start?! What an experience and honour to be invited to such an awesome event. Hosted by Skydive Perris and LightningFlight which saw over 12 countries represented! I assumed it was going to be memorable at the very least, but I underestimated the experience that I was about to have.
I arrived after 27 hours of travelling and had the Monday to acclimatise and get some fun jumps in at the Skydive Perris.
Tuesday morning, bright and early, we were briefed by Taya Weiss (lead-organiser and all round bad-ass) promptly grouped into planes with a plane captain and were all set to do some 40-way (2 planes) jumps as warm up. I was placed towards the back of the plane which meant that I would get the ability to work on my Ninja skills!
The excitement is electric, everyone is focused and quiet in the plane, the door opens and the visuals out the door are breath-taking. The thoughts that went through my mind were: “Green Light, get ready, GO”, get out of the plane stable, diving 90 degree turn to the left, find slot in exit formation, get the approach to the formation right, slow down without popping and let the formation build, own your slot, BE THE BASE, break-off as planned; 5500ft break-off and stay inside your break-off group to 4500, then split off and fly as if your life depended in it, because it does! Sharing the sky with almost 80 other wingsuiters requires a level of awareness that most people are not used to.
Wednesday was the official practice day with 5 fantastic 77-way wingsuit jumps. The FAI judge would be arriving tomorrow so the pressure to perform was on!
Thursday was a “dud day” due to cloudy weather conditions (clouds in a desert, are you kidding me?!) and we only got two jumps in.
Friday was a complete weather day with no jumps taking place. As with most World Records or internationals events, weather seems to have other ideas and the clouds caused some high stress levels for the organisers.
We all woke up to an e-mail on Saturday morning (which was sent at 01:07am) that the organising team had re-evaluated the strategy and thereby split the group into 27-way (2-plane formation) and a 50-way (3-plane formation). The 50-way broke the current record twice in a row and the organisers then upped it to 2 x 61-way attempts on the same day! With sunset approaching, we were on a 20 minute call and everyone knew that this would be the last attempt for the day. Scott Callantine piped up just before boarding the planes: “Guys, if you need motivation, understand that you are the only ones today that get to do a 61-way sunset Wingsuit jump!”
Props and engines buzzing, we all piled into the Skyvan and 2 Twin Otters and flew in formation to an altitude of 13500ft. The exit went smoothly. From my view at the back, the formation seemed to have built quite nicely. Break-off and landing went without a hitch.
We got back to the debrief room and packed up our gear for the night, then time for beer! The organisers had arranged a keg and some Taco’s at the Bomb Shelter (Skydive Perris’ awesome restaurant) for us. What Legends!
Sunday saw us all being ready to dirt-dive the 73-way exit, approach, formation and break-off at 6am in the dark with most people using their phone flashlight to find their positions on the ground. Towards the end it even started drizzling but no one even flinched at this and it showed the commitment of the feathered team!
After the dirt dive, Taya called us all in for the brief to inform us that judges, 1 on-site and 2 off-site, reviewed and unanimously agreed that the sunset 61-way of the night before was now the official new Wingsuit World Record!!! We all looked at each other in disbelief and everyone cheered! One of those surreal moments in my life that will be a highlight for years to come!
Unfortunately, the weather did not play along on Sunday and we were not able to attempt the 73-way before jumping was called off for the event.
I would like to thank Taya Weiss for... being Taya and for her ongoing support of South African Wingsuiting. Zun Stéphane Zunino, Scott Callantine, Lawrence De Laubadere and Michael Swearingen for organising and being awesome plane captains. Also, Matt Blank and Greg Drogaline were there to support the captains to “herd the cats”.
Thanks to the FAI and FAI Judges as well as the awesome camera staff and last but definitely not least, my fellow wingsuit pilots, without you and your commitment it would not have been possible.
I am looking forward to building the SA contingency for the next World Record! If you would like to work on your skills and find out what it takes to be invited and be part of such an awesome event, please let the Wingsuit SSA (Hendri Liebenberg and myself) know via email or chat to us at your local DZ.
(Photographs courtesy of Oliver Nöthen and Mark Harris)
Well done to Jazz Republic who who recently represented South Africa at the 1st FAI World Indoor Skydiving Championships in Prague on 23 and 24 October, finishing 10th in the FS 4-way Open competition.
 L-R: Dirk Venter, Claire King, Paul 'Simba' Marcellin and Colin Rothman
A special shout out too to Voodoo, former SA National 4-way champions, who finished 7th overall, representing the United Kingdom. |
8 November 2015 |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
PSC’s 4-way Summer Celebration Mini-Meet
Strut your Stuff at PSC’s 4-way Summer Celebration Mini-Meet.
4 Rounds of 4-way, on 4 different teams, accumulating points individually throughout the day.
And after battle, kiss and make up as we join up teams for bigger ways.
Cost: Your winning smile and open mind
What: Teams will be drawn for each round and points will be gained for placing on each round. You’ll carry your individual points through the day and the competitor(s) with the most accumulated points at the end of the day wins.
Prize: Fame, glory and the most beautiful imaginary trophy you have ever dreamt of. Buckets of imaginary money can also be yours – or you can donate it to an imaginary cause! Worth fighting for, I think
To enter, please email Claire King or contact your nearest Jazz Republic team member by Monday, 2 November 2015 |
20 – 22 November 2015
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
tonto Boogie
We will be jumping, learning, laughing and celebrating the life that changed many.
So what can you expect at the tonto boogie??
Well for starters we will have TWO turbine planes at the Drop zone so there will be no shortage of slots and altitude to get everyone up and to get their knees in the breeze the whole weekend…
But wait… that’s not all… Taya Weiss and Tamsyn Snyman will be organizing Wingsuit Big Ways! That is right… Internationally acclaimed Wingsuiting legend Taya Weiss!!
But wait… that's not all… We will also have the talented Amy Kirtland and Bailey Edmunds from the well renowned SAVOLO formation skydiving champion team doing coaching!!
But wait that's NOT all!!... Thanks to Parachute Systems, a R50 rand raffle ticket could win you a Vortex container!
But wait that's not all… The amazing Wonderboom will be performing the Saturday night!! There will also be goodie bags, awesome t-shirts and plenty of camping space! All of this in aid of the tonto charity!
But wait… No that’s all… FOR NOW…
More prizes will be announced, so watch this space!
Email or call 083SKYDIVE (0837593483)
Click here for the Registration form
12 – 16 December 2015
Pretoria Skydiving Club
AE & FS Festival
- PAC 750 - 12 000 AGL - R280 - No registration - All welcome
Email Hettie
19 December – 3 January 2016
Jeffreys Bay
J Bay Boogie
See in the New Year at a Boogie to remember.
Hosts, EP Skydivers, would love to have as many sport skydivers as possible representing all disciplines at the Boogie.
- The PAC 750 has been confirmed. - Dynamic coaching duo, Claire and Dirk, will be attending and assisting with FS and load organising.
We look forward to welcoming friends, old and new.
Email Joos or call 0828009263
The Sport Skydivers Association recently announced that Pretoria Skydiving Club will be hosting the PASA 2016 South African National Skydiving Championships in all disciplines from 27 April to 2 May 2016.
The 2016 Nationals Controller will be working with PSC to ensure a well run competition and would value any competitor feedback or comments from previous experience.
One thing which has been a real concern over the past few years is the lack of event blocking - or the fact that people competing in a number of events can slow down an entire discipline / class. For this reason, the SSA have negotiated a commitment to giving preference to FAI events (open class), and to ensuring that no team or competitor is ever more than one round ahead of the rest of the field.
The bid documents are available here. More information will be given in PSC's first bulletin. If you are in a position to help with any aspect of Nationals, please make contact with Hettie or Pete.
Congratulations PSC!
Following on from the proposed changes mentioned in the previous newsletter, we have further tweaked the Freefly C and D licence requirements. Click here for the updated MOPs for AE, as approved following consultations between the SSA AE Committee and senior free flyers around the country. The document will remain marked as a “draft” until we have operated with the changed requirements for a few months to ensure that no further amendments are needed before formally incorporating it into the PASA MOPs.
The major changes are :-
- Formalisation of Head Up coaches, who are now enabled to take first time free flyers, and sign them off on Cat II, Cat III and C licence jumps.
- C & D Licence jump sequence has changed completely. Instead of being 3 & 7 jumps respectively which TEACH certain skills, they are now 2 & 3 jumps respectively which TEST the student’s ability.
- All C Licence jumps are 3 Way Head Up jumps, where one of the jumpers must be either a HU Coach or AE Coach
- All D Licence jumps are 3 Way Head Down jumps, where one of the jumpers must be a AE Coach.
We believe that this will solve the issues we have faced with lack of available coaches, as well as that of skilled 'tunnel rats' who would then just need to prove their ability to gain their PASA licence.
Since implementing the Head Up coaching system on a trial basis earlier this year, we now have additional coaches, which has really helped make coaching accessible to new students. These HU coaches are Warren Hitchcock, Braam van Heerden, Dietrich Bock & Maryke Prinsloo. The HU coach trial period has been a clear success HU AE Coach Rating. Click here for the updated Coach Rating application form (Form 19).
Those who have already started their C or D licence progression on the previous progression system are welcome to continue along this path to obtain their next licence. You will have until the end of January 2016 to apply for your next licence. The new licence jumps as outlined above are applicable immediately and can be completed and signed off in your logbook, however, due to IT administration constraints, licences for the new jumps will only be available to apply for from 1 February 2016 after the deadline for those applying under the previous system expires.
SSA AE Committee Julie Teague Warren Hitchcock Richard Morgan
Your elected SSA committees have provided the following mid-term feedback reports to keep you informed of how they have been using your funds to develop your preferred discipline/s. The left hand column in each case indicates their original plans in April 2015 while the right hand columns represent actual activity in the 6 months to 30 September. We have included mainly the skills development activities here. Committees will present comprehensive feedback for their terms of office at the AGM in the first quarter of 2016.
It is encouraging to note that, due to higher member numbers, we anticipate there to be more funds available in the current year than budgeted for. Such additional income will be used to augment funds allocated to certain projects and/or add in additional projects.
Artistic Events
Skills Development Activities
- Rooiberg Boogie (R4850) - A skills camp is going to be held from 12 -16 June in Rooiberg with the aim of having 2 - 4 coaches taking head down groups of up to 5 jumpers. This is a ‘preparation event’ for the Head Down record in December 2015.
- Rooiberg completed safely! Naomi was in attendance, sharing her skills and preparing the SA flyers for the Big-way attempt in December (R3930).
- Big Way Head Down Record (R4850) - At least one international coach is going to be brought to SA to assist in putting together a 14 Way HD record at PSC from 11 – 16 December.
- Intermediate Competition Incentive (R4850) - We will budget to carry this cash over since we would like to incentive a monthly competition, based loosely on the SASL model. Monthly competition jumps will be selected from the Intermediate Compulsory Rounds. Team rather than individual scores. Cash is for new Freefly suits – a good discount will be negotiated with Sonic. Some cash may need to be used to administer via Dirk Venter.
- Competition - Website construction 90% complete – visit www.freefly-sa.co.za to have a sneak peek. Minor cost incurred in the setup, a yearly website fee of R150 needs to be budgeted for in future.
Canopy Formation
R1500 is budgeted for rig hire of CF specific equipment for skills camps.
R1254 of the funds budgeted for rig hire was used to fund maintenance required following the August skills camp.
Skills Development Activities
3 skills camps are planned for the year at R2000 per camp plus possible travelling.
R2320 spent on a skills camp at RSC in August where 5 new people were introduced to CF. Of these, at least 3 that will potentially carry on with the discipline. We plan a follow-up camp on 17/18 October 2015 to keep the momentum and not let them lose interest.
Canopy Piloting
Skills Development Activities
3 skills camps
Coaching camp for intermediates and identified students by current coaches. This is an annual event as “students” cannot be identified from ISP stage but only after 100/200 jumps.
Cape skills camp 1 at R1000
KZN skills camp 2 at R1000
Gauteng skills camp 3 at R1000
A planned skills camp will be hosted in the Cape as well as Natal, venue to be confirmed. Warren Hitchcock will be hosting an introduction to canopy piloting and basic skills program in early December and in January.
1 Competition – Fun Scrambles Meet
To encourage intermediates and students coached by CP Coaches to enter their first competition and compete against experienced Pilots. Handicaps will be given to seniors to even the competition field. A team score will also be awarded to the Senior and Junior entering the event together.
Costs R500 – prizes to be determined by the CP Committee.
A CP scrambles meet is planned for the month of December. The event is to be hosted at PSC and would incorporate both senior and intermediate pilots.
CP Judges
CP has lost several judges that have relocated or stopped judging. An amount of R7500 brought forward from the previous year to contribute towards an FAI judges’ travel costs ahead of Nationals 2015.
R7936 was spent on bringing a FAI judge to 2015 nationals. 4 judges passed the FAI rating course.
Formation Skydiving
Skills Development Activities
- Novice Team Subsidy brought forward from the previous year. Awarded in March 2014 and earmarked for payment after Nationals 2015 to those teams who abide by the subsidy agreement. [R3625]
- R3 625 was paid following Nationals 2015.
- Novice Team Subsidy for nationals 2016. It will be awarded in 2015 and earmarked for payment after Nationals 2016 to those teams who abide by the subsidy agreement. Two novice teams consisting of 3 juniors and 1 senior, and subsidy sponsors 50% of senior’s jump. (max of 20 jumps) [R7500]
- We are starting team selection/identification in Nov/Dec with actual jumping in 2016.
- JSC skills camp. Planning to assist 2 novice teams and 1 intermediate team with options of 1-on-3 or 2-on-2 coaching. [R7500]
- Planned for 21st and 22nd November at JSC. Bailey Edmunds and Amy Kirtland are confirmed as coaches. JSC to host as planned.
- WSC skills camp. Planning to assist 2 novice teams 1-on-3 or 2-on-2 coaching. [R3500]
- Due to lack facilities at WSC, we held the event at PSC, but most attendees were from WSC. The budget was increased to R3900 and paid to PSC after the camp.
- PSC Large Formation Skills Camp. To add specific and general big way techniques (think 50-way and bigger) to the skills set of all levels of FS flyers. The large formation will not actually be formed but the skills will be taught and practised in a simulated and realistic environment given the aircraft and altitude limitations. [R4500]
- PSC to host this as an 8-way camp. Bailey Edmunds confirmed as coach and dates are yet to be finalised, but planning to have this by end of the year.
- Money Meet August/September 2015 with prize money. Both 2-way and 4-way will be included and all experience levels will be catered for, live judging and a prize giving at the end of the weekend. DZ to be confirmed. [R2500, in addition to R3500 brought forward from the previous year]
- We are planning for this event. Tentatively in end-Jan/early-Feb at Rustenburg Skydiving Club. We requested assistance from Claire King regarding rules/formats.
- Ad hoc Events – Shake the bag weekend, FS Cameraman training, additional junior skills camp, etc. [R5000]
- Not planned this one yet.
- Coaching Videos – Made in tunnel to be used for CAT II and CAT III coaching as well as coach refreshers/evaluations. [R4000]
- Claire King and Dirk Venter completed. Editing and post production still needed before making available to coaches and DZs. This expense is not paid yet.
- FS Cat III days – self -funded. We will offer and organise an experienced Cat III base of senior, current FS flyers for Cat III attempts, on request and subject to support. Student to cover base’s slots, an expense we found they are happy to do for the guarantee of skills and reliable base.
- Self-funded. No action required from FS committee so far.
- C-Licence 8-Way days - self-funded. The FS Committee will organise 8-ways for ready FS flyers who need C-Licence requirements on request and subject to support. The system of an experienced base to fly and coach during the day and rotating docking positions for participants will be used again. Participants will cover the costs of the coaches’ slots.
- Self-funded. No action required from FS committee so far. From WSC/PSC 8-way camp, few C licences were achieved.
- Remaining funds to be allocated to ad hoc events as opportunities present themselves during the year.
SASL or Supporting similar competition league. [R3000]
We are planning to use this for the Money Meet at RSC, pending necessary approvals from SSA Exec and MC.
Style & Accuracy and Paraski
Skills Development Activities
Budgetary Requirements to be raised by way of registration to the skills development activity. Provisional R500 set aside for medals or prizes.
We believe that the performance and possible participation in the competition can be improved by hosting a skills camp during the year. The details of this still to be finalised but we aim at holding the skills camp shortly prior the actual National Competition in order to retain the skill level.
We allocate R3000 to the skills development camp and plan to raise any additional funding needed for the skills development camp by way of registration and, with any luck, some sponsorship.
We plan to take a more attentive look and record of our gear and to make this available for use at the skills camp and Nationals
No report available.
R500 is budgeted for ongoing repairs.
We intend replacing the Small SSA Wingsuit with a new updated suit. This will most likely be a Squirrel Hatch or PhoenixFly P4. Funds required +/- R5500. R3500 allocated initially with any additional funds from an increase in members and/or WS adoption drive to be added through the year.
R3860 - 50% P3 suit – second 50% to be paid next year. Payment terms offered by PF with no interest.
National Championships
R2000 is allocated to hosting the inaugural WS national championship.
First Nationals in Wingsuiting successfully held with 8 competitors in Performance and 2 Teams in Acrobatic.
Skills Development Activities
We are budgeting R1500 for skills development camps at this year’s PASA sanctioned boogies (tonto boogie, Jbay, Xmas in July in Rustenburg).
R1200 is allocated to training new WS Coaches to manage the increased demand in First Flight Courses.
R520 paid for coach development at WSC.
R620 paid for coach development at RSC.
Tamsyn Snyman and Michael Panaino successfully passed Coach Evaluations. We now have coaches in all geographical areas in South Africa. Two further potential Coaches have been identified and will be receiving mentoring and support to get them the requirements and ready for their evaluation jumps.
We intend to drive the WS Adoption again this year to bring in additional funds across all allocations in the budget plans above.
16 skydivers have flown a wingsuit for the first time during the period under review. This is a marked increase and a result of Wingsuit being an accepted discipline at Nationals as well as having Coaches available at most dropzones.
The Wingsuit SSA was requested to load organise at the Botswana boogie, under PASA rules. The event was a great learning opportunity for large plane wingsuit exits and load organising.
We plan more First Flight Courses (FFC’s) at different dropzones as the demand is still high.
With regards to boogies and events, WS SSA plan to focus more on bigger formations as well as acrobatic training as FFC’s will be managed by the more junior coaches that are now available.
Lic/Rating |
Name |
Drop Zone |
A Licence |
A7440 |
Werner Mouton |
Skydive Rustenburg |
A7441 |
Steven Taylor |
Skydive Rustenburg |
A7442 |
Stefan Volschenk |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7443 |
Riaan Jacobs |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
A7444 |
Chris Oertel |
Skydive Oudtshoorn |
A7445 |
Jeannie Swanepoel |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7446 |
Emjee Jonker |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7447 |
Charlene Le Roux |
Skydive Cape Town |
A7448 |
Willem Kroucamp |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7449 |
Jessica Langlands |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7450 |
Caroline Rex |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7451 |
Mario Gibson |
Skydive Rustenburg |
A7452 |
Erik Harding |
Skydive Robertson |
A7453 |
Daniel Bakken |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7454 |
Shaun Swart |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7455 |
Celine Hietbrink |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7456 |
Keith Mac Intyre |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7457 |
Raphaël Munck |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7458 |
Xenia Olajosova |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7459 |
Robert Glennie |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
A7460 |
Devan Brussow |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
A7461 |
Clive Vardakis |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7462 |
Dennis van den Berg |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B Licence |
B2951 |
Matthew McGillivray |
EP Skydivers |
B2952 |
Gerry Snyman |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2953 |
Nic Behr |
Skydive Rustenburg |
B2954 |
Sandre Nel |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
B2955 |
Lloyd Louw |
Skydive Robertson |
B2956 |
Elmarie Grobler |
Skydive on the Vaal |
B2957 |
Pieter Smit |
Skydive on the Vaal |
B2958 |
Carin Smit |
Skydive on the Vaal |
B2959 |
Craig Ziman |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
B2960 |
Russell Vandrau |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2961 |
Paul Henshaw |
Skydive Rustenburg |
B2962 |
Tanje Britz |
Skydive Rustenburg |
C Licence |
C1859 |
Frikkie Geyser |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
C1860 |
Greg Waspe |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
C1861 |
Cameron Gordon-Forbes |
Skydive Rustenburg |
C1862 |
Arnold van Dyk |
Skydive Central |
C1863 |
Marieta van der Vyver |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
C1864 |
Biela Liebenberg |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
C1865 |
Berno Claassen |
Skydive Rustenburg |
C1866 |
Jean-Jacques Wallis |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
D Licence |
D940 |
Warren Dent |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
D941 |
Debby Vliegenthart |
Skydive Robertson |
D942 |
Gerwald Biesenbach |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
D943 |
Matteo Pagani |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
D944 |
Johan Greyling |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
D945 |
Jean-Jacques Wallis |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
Jumpmaster Rating |
JM1291 |
Brad Price |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1292 |
Gerrit Botha |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1293 |
Gerrie Peyper |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1294 |
Michael Walker |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1295 |
Jaco Scott |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
JM1296 |
Warren Dent |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1297 |
Harry Sinko |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1298 |
Debby Vliegenthart |
Skydive Robertson |
JM1299 |
Gerwald Biesenbach |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
JM1300 |
Brandon Rothero |
EP Skydivers |
JM1301 |
Jean-Jacques Wallis |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
PRO Rating |
PRO459 |
Brad Price |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
PRO460 |
Arnold van Dyk |
Skydive Central |
Instructor Rating |
I204 |
Ryan Weeks |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
I205 |
Corne Vorster |
Skydive on the Vaal |
I206 |
Bruce Tait |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
I207 |
Eugene Potgieter |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
AFF Instructor Rating |
AI87 |
Rainer Coetzee |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
AI88 |
Nicolaos Karagiannakis |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
Tandem Master Rating |
TM171SG |
Gerwald Biesenbach |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
V = Vector |
SG = Sigma |
ST = Strong |
Coach Rating |
CH91W |
Tamsyn Snyman |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
CH154W |
Michael Panaino |
Durban Skydive Centre |
CH157H |
Maryke Prinsloo |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
CH158H |
Warren Hitchcock |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
F = Formation Skydiving |
A = Artistic Events |
H = Artistic Events Head Up |
C = Canopy Formation |
P = Canopy Piloting |
W = Wingsuiting |
S = Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing |
PASA Members who have received Aero Club membership Certificates and / or cards please note:
The Aeroclub SA Membership year-end falls on the 31st of December each year while that of PASA is at the end of March of the following year. This is an administrative issue only between PASA and the Aero Club so your actual Aero Club membership will be valid until the end of the PASA Year i.e end March even though your Aero Club card / certificate shows end December.