- Chairman's Message
- Rustenburg Boogie - September 2013
- PSC 50th - October 2013
- tonto Boogie - November 2013
- The tonto Boogie Raises the Sky for charity
- Freefly and Wingsuit Camp – 24-25 November 2013
- Shake the Bag – 30th November to 1st December 2013
- J Bay Boogie 2013-2014
- Nationals 2014
- New drop zones
- SSA mid-term reports
- SASL Season V
- Aero Club Annual Awards
- New licences and ratings
- Admin office closed
A blink of an eye and here we are at the last issue of the Toggle Times for 2013. Allow me to take this opportunity to highlight some of what has happened during this year:
- Team SA did us all proud at the 2012 Mondial at the end of last year. Voodoo 8way finished 9th out of 16 teams, while Voodoo 4way finished 11th out of 38 teams. Christopher Teague finished 15th out of 129 Canopy Piloting competitors. Outside of competition, Claire King and Dirk Venter’s live scoring system worked seamlessly and Jasper Williams was integral to the success of the Canopy Piloting event as not only course director and equipment manager of the event but also as the designer of the integrated laser gate electronics.
- The SSA and hosts, Johannesburg Skydiving Club, saw to an excellent National Championships in April with pleasing increases in freefly and accuracy participation.
- Christopher Teague represented SA at the World Games in Cali, Colombia in July/August where he secured 23rd place despite very little training on his new 71sq ft Peregrine canopy.
- A pillar of South African skydiving, Pretoria Skydiving Club, celebrated their 50th anniversary in October. We are proud to be associated with PSC and join them in looking ahead to the next 50.
- There were numerous boogies, festivals and special events arranged by drop zones around the country this year. Thank you to all who helped to arrange these great events and, especially, to those who attended.
- The SSA also arranged many seminars and skills camps, some to coincide with the boogies and festivals, others on their own. The selfless work of these volunteer committees is impressive and is often at their own cost. Thank you to everyone who helped, in whatever way, to grow and develop skills this year.
- New drop zones were approved in Ballito, Knysna, Margate and Oudtshoorn and we look forward to a long association with all of them.
- A huge thank you to my colleagues - the Management Council, NEDs, ADZO executive committee, Safety and Training and the admin office - who have all worked tirelessly behind the scenes, and made enormous sacrifices of their time and energy, to ensure that we continue to protect and promote our wonderful sport and to best serve the interests of our members.
- We again close off the year with the J Bay boogie hosted by EP Skydivers where I look forward to welcoming old friends and making many new ones.
Finally, I would be remiss in not mentioning the sad passing of Nelson Mandela. We mourn the loss of a great man and celebrate his immeasurable legacy.
“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” ~ Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918 – 2013)
My very best wishes to you and yours over the festive season and throughout 2014.
Blue skies, Joos Vos
By Danelle Barnard
We had an awesome weekend. Even with the bad weather, we managed to do 52 loads out of the 90 loads that were manifested. There were 88 sport skydivers registered and 18 people were introduced to skydiving by doing an Introductory Tandem Skydive. We had two 16ways which they got on the 2nd attempt. We did 439 descents from 2 Atlas Angels. There were skydivers who supported the event from all the following clubs: Johannesburg Skydiving Club Witbank Skydiving Club Rustenburg Skydiving Club Durban Skydive Centre Skydive Robertson Pretoria Skydiving Club
So, people came from all over to support us, we had awesome fun and great parties we also had ETv News come film the wingsuit guys and some of the fun things. We are grateful for everyone who made it a success and keeping it safe.
We just want to thank all our sponsors for supporting this event and always being there for us:
Parachute Systems for the Vortex 2 container which Sean Schook WON as well as for all the goodie bags. BluEye Eyewear for the set of shades they sponsored which Michael Bonandrini WON! Action Cameras for the Drift HD Camera that sponsored which Dean Benson WON! West Vaal Rustenburg for all of the pens and little goodies that we put in the goodie bags. Sign Line for all our printing and caps they sponsored.
Then, CONGRATS to the guys who were on the 16-way and for the ones who got their D-Licences we are very proud of you!!! Amanda Loots Yolandi van den Berge Ian van den Berge Johan Loots Chris Moller Mohan Chudalayandy Sean Schook Michael Bonandrini Brian Boynton Graham Field Frederik Potgieter Hendri Liebenberg Jaco Coetzee Nico Hickley Jimmy Parrella Robbie Stewart Camera: Andre Fourie
6 people did their 1st balloon jumps at the boogie: Christine Daffie Jackie Schoeman Debby Vliegenthart Charles Krohn Jenny Egerer Brad Price
Thanks to all the STAFF for making it work and for helping make it a success!!!
Please visit our Facebook Group Skydiversity Skydiving to find out about future events and operating weekends...
(Photographs courtesy of Andre Fourie and Graham Field)
Pretoria Skydiving Club celebrated their 50th year of operation in October.
Peter Lawson has been involved with the club since 1991 and, under his watchful eye, PSC continues to offer a world class facility with world class coaching, training and equipment. They regularly host skills development camps, national and other competitions and hosted the 2nd FAI World Championships in Canopy Piloting in 2008.
 (Photograph courtesy of Warren Hitchcock)
by Eugene Potgieter, JSC Chairman
Wow! Nothing better than having your expectations exceeded!
We started off with the bigger ways on the Friday and I really have to say that the start up already exceeded our expectations. Norman, Ralph and I never thought we’d see skydiving of this level and I must admit that it exceeded our expectations.
The discipline, the flying skills and the passion was fantastic! This actually reminded me why I love FS Big Ways so much. The group started off on Friday, mainly doing 14 way formations, but what really blew us away was that we never had less than 12 people completing the formation with only one or two out.
On the Saturday, we increased the formation to 18 and 20 way formations. The quality of the skydives increased with each and every jump, leading us to hope for a 20 way completion. However, our last jump on Saturday did not deliver a completion, and we stood it over for briefing on Sunday at 07:00 to have wheels up at 08:00.
Saturday evening was, to say the least, magnificent. Bruce Askham and Tammy produced live music entertainment that fired up the best party JSC has experienced in a long time!
Sunday morning saw us up early. The whole twenty way was ready for briefing at seven. Some were a bit worn out, following their efforts to help close the bar. However, they persevered and we managed to get a couple of loads up.
We were honoured by having World known organisers sharing our air space. The Wing Suiting World Record formation Organiser, Taya Weiss made sure that our local wing suit flyers had a fantastic time. With the help of Ollie, our SSA WS Chairperson, they put some wing suit flocking formations together, introducing the newest Squirrel demo wing suits in the process.

(Photograph courtesy of Taya Weiss)
Scott Plamer and Paul Ferriman blew everybody’s mind with their excellent skills in free flying. This made the 2013 tonto boogie an event to remember!
Huge thanks go to the aircraft operators who bent backwards to accommodate us and help make this boogie the huge success it turned out to be. It was a wonderful experience to see our Pac partnership and the Angel Trust taking hands to pull this off. Guys, words fail me. You are fantastic!
Liz Cooper, the absolute Angel she is, did a STERLING job with manifest. She did, however, develop a lack of tolerance when we hijacked Danni, her manifest officer, to join us in our formation, but she really gave her all to keep that wonderful smile. (At times I mistook it for a grinding of teeth but then, having had a late night, I could be mistaken).
The guys with the hardest job (other than Liz), - our pilots who had to fly in formation for the big formations - not an easy task. You guys excelled, giving us stable platforms to launch from on each and every skydive! Thank you for keeping us safe!
Finally, to the most important people, our visitors: Thank you for joining us. We were honoured to host this event with you guys being a part of it! We are eagerly looking forward to your next visit - and to the Capetonians, yes, we admit - we do NOT have a mountain, but we DO have some slime dams, surrounded by a load of warmth and personality!
Thanks guys! It was a privilege to share the skies with you!
Johannesburg Skydiving Club, November 9-11, 2013
by Taya Weiss
The skies over South Africa were full of smiling skydivers at JSC's tonto Boogie in November.
Two planes were flying for three days, a PAC and an Atlas Angel.
Scott Plamer and Paul Ferriman came out to fly fast and steep with the freeflyers, and Lawrence de Laubadere and I, along with local organizer Oliver Nöthen, kept the wingsuiters busy with formations, vertical stacks, and docked dives.
Belly flyers did some 2-plane formations with some very happy campers achieving the 16-ways for their D-licence.
The other important aspect to the weekend was a fundraiser for the Pastoral Centre Preschool located in an informal settlement in Kliptown, Soweto. Raise the Sky has supported this organization for the past few years.
My personal involvement goes back more than ten years as a volunteer, and tonto (after whom the boogie is named) was also very involved there as a volunteer. The preschool has 250 students ranging in age from one to 6 years old. All live in shacks nearby with no electricity or running water, and many have lost one or both parents to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
I am proud to say that with the help of generous support from sponsors, our charity raffle raised R7,000. Mirage donated a 30% off coupon, Squirrel Wingsuits donated 50% off a brand new Swift wingsuit, and Performance Designs contributed a $50 gift certificate.
Other prizes included a free skydive and a reserve repack, and various T-shirts and other awesome schwag. Boogie T-shirt sales with a gorgeous design from Nadene Elaine of Adventure Creative topped off the fundraising drive.

JSC's Stefan Griesel and I delivered a carload of food and donated clothing items, along with a card announcing our financial donation, on Monday right after the boogie. The teachers were overjoyed, and the kids enjoyed their first healthy snack of apples in quite a long time!
In a partnership between JSC and Raise the Sky, I organized the first tonto Boogie in 2008 to celebrate the life of Eric “tonto” Stephenson, the man with whom I shared my life for nearly 6 years. He passed away in a high-performance landing incident on October 28th, 2007, leaving a legacy of 5,314 skydives, a club he helped to found and grow, and numerous AFF students who are now some of South Africa’s best competitive jumpers. The boogie started out as a way to remember, but six years later it has become so much more. A big thank you to everyone who made the weekend possible!
To make an independent contribution to the Pastoral Centre Preschool and Crèche, a registered non-profit organization in South Africa, you can transfer money directly to their bank account, information here.
(Photographs courtesy of Taya Weiss)
By Oliver Nöthen and Andre Du Preez
Skydive Mossel Bay and the SSA AE and WS committees hosted a Freefly and Wingsuit Camp over the weekend of 24/25th November.
Andre Venter, aged 57, (pictured below) did his First Flight Course and completed his Cat1 in Wingsuiting with great success and has really taken to it like a bird to the air. Olga Naumova also completed her Cat2 in Wingsuiting.
 (Photograph courtesy of Oliver Nöthen) |
Andrea Fuidge and Susan Watts (pictured right) completed their Cat3 and Cat2 in Freefly respectively with the help of Andre Du Preez and Pierre Marais Badenhorst.
Brandon Rothero and Ria Moothilal did their introduction to head down flying and Ffinch Lauer dusted off his freeflying skills after getting current again last month after a 3 year break from skydiving.
Like any other weekend we had some slight impact due to weather but it did not set back the focus of the weekend or the impact of allowing for skydivers to gain skill in the respective disciplines.
 (Photograph courtesy of Vivienne Du Preez)
By Chris Badenhorst
A sunny Saturday morning at the Pretoria Skydiving Club was the setting for the much anticipated “Shake the Bag” event hosted by the FS SSA Committee. Skydivers from all ranges of FS experience and various drop zones gathered. New novice, intermediate and open teams for nationals 2014 was the goal of the event.
Saturday saw the skydiving gods smile on us with a dedicated Angel for the STB participants, no incidents and all loads completed for the day. The day could not have ended in a better way. Sunday however saw a change in weather with the wind gusting to 20 knots at times, a few brave skydiving souls made a few attempts at SASL 2-way and 4-way jumps and luck favoured them as they submitted their footage just before the start of Jacember.
To everyone that participated, please keep up the good FS flying. The new SASL season has started, loaded with prizes and giveaways so if you have not entered, get going!. Need help getting started? Contact the FS SSA Committee and we will help you. That’s our passion! In the mean time, film your jumps and get them debriefed – we will see to it that you get feedback on the footage no matter where in the country you jump.
A big thank you to the coaches, cameramen and PSC who dedicated a lot of their personal time and made us feel welcome. A great weekend at a great drop zone with great people. See you all at “Shake the Bag 2014”.
If you enjoyed this event or want to join the next one, please support the FS committee by ticking FS on your PASA renewal form. You can do this mid-year by emailing the PASA office. FS operates on the smallest budget per member than any other discipline; the tick costs you nothing but allocates more development budget to us to give you events like this.
 (Photographs courtesy of Robbie Stewart) |
A reminder that it’s not too late to join hosts, EP Skydivers, at the Jeffreys Bay Annual Christmas Boogie at Paradise Beach. A licence and above. Great scenery and beach landings with the 3 FAT FISH catering again.
All jumps from 12 000 AGL, first two early bird loads of the day from 14 000 AGL out of the PAC ZS-BLU.
Claire King, Dirk Venter and Bailey Edmunds will be our FS load organisers and we will be doing plenty of 16 ways for those who want to join. Last load of the day, BFR with super prizes.
For all you free flyers, this J-Bay Boogie will have the world’s top freefly load organisers and coaches - Scott Plamer (Voss Ventus), Steph Fardel (Babylon Freefly), Will Penny (Babylon Freefly) and Paul Ferriman.
 (Photographs courtesy of James Williamson) |
For registration contact James Williamson
For accommodation contact Hester Fourie on 0827958394 at the Aston Bay Caravan Park or Reinette Strever on 0726685222 for self catering units.
The PASA 2014 South African National Skydiving Championships in Artistic Events, Canopy Piloting and Formation Skydiving will be held at Pretoria Skydiving Club from 26 April to 1 May 2014 (Competition Days 28 April -1 May).
This is an “On” year for all events, meaning that the winners of the FAI categories will qualify to represent South Africa in the World Championships in 2014.
Unfortunately no bids were received for Canopy Formation or Classic Style and Accuracy so Nationals was not awarded for these disciplines.
Bulletins will be available on the PASA website in due course.
SA Nationals offers events for all levels of experience and skill, and with South African Skydiving’s top athletes all there at once, it’s a great learning opportunity too.
Contact your SSA Committee for advice on competing, training or even getting involved in other ways (judging, organisation, volunteering, sponsorships, etc.).
PASA approved 4 new drop zones during this year - in Ballito, Knysna, Margate and Oudtshoorn.
Skydive Ballito
Skydive Ballito started operating in late November 2013 and will be open most days, weather permitting.
Sport skydivers with a B licence and above are welcome to come for a skydive.
Call 084-2663-359 to check jump availability.
Right: Flag raising with Dave Daniels, Boss Doug and Reggie Dludla (Photograph courtesy of Bob Simpson)

 Above: Dale Jowett exits overhead the DZ (Photograph courtesy of Vernon Kloppers)
Left: CI Dale Jowett and DZO Boss Doug making sure the DZ fridge is cold enough (Photograph courtesy of Bob Simpson)
Skydive Oudtshoorn
This new student drop zone, operated by Henk van Wyk, is due to commence operations by end January 2014.
Skydive Knysna
Any sport skydivers in the area are welcome - just call or mail Di Taylor 084 843 3236.
Skydive The Beach
This new drop zone, located in Margate, and operated by Donavon Crerar, is due to commence operations in early 2014.

dPhi Wear Online Store
Suppliers of high quality skydiving t-shirts and apparel. Why wait for us to come to your DZ when you can get what you want directly from our website!
Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: http://www.dphi.co.za/
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
The SSA committees have provided the following mid-term feedback reports to keep you, the members, informed of how they have been using your funds to develop your preferred discipline/s. The left hand column in each case indicates their plans as at April 2013 while the right hand columns represent what has actually been done in the past 8 months. The Canopy Formation committee has, unfortunately, not provided any feedback. Comprehensive feedback from each committee will be presented at the AGM in the first quarter of 2014.
Artistic Events
Skills Development Activities
We felt that last year’s spending at beginner level in AE has been really fruitful. So the idea is to do the same in 2013/14.
The area we didn’t get to in 2012 was EP, and so that will be the first club that we engage with this year.
Continuing to do this. We have sent Andre Du Preez to Bloemfontein, even though this hadn’t been budgeted for. We haven’t yet managed to get to EP, but this is going to happen either at the J-Bay boogie or in combination with the Canopy Piloting skills camp which is being arranged for the beginning of 2014
- Aim to increase competition during the course of the year by coming up with a SASL type arrangement which is sustainable for the AE jumpers we have. This could be a quarterly competition, which may involve using a senior on camera and an intermediate / junior as a performer. Still under discussion.
- SASL is going to be launching a new 2-way VFS format which we will be supporting as the jumpers are likely to come from the AE fold. It is also easier to judge in this competition format than freefly would be.
- Aim to host an international coach that senior AE Jumpers and Wingsuiters pay to bring over. At a sea level boogie preferably out of the PAC or large aircraft we would like to set a new SA record for HD. When the coach is busy with the Wingsuiters, the senior local jumpers already gathered could then be available to coach local freeflyers.
- JSC seems to be putting together an international coaching event which we will be supporting.
- Reconsider the format of the Intermediate competition for Nationals, which includes a Head down and two flat moves at present. Although the maneuvers are attainable but challenging, there is little clarity on sequence etc.
- We have changed the format of the intermediate freefly event and will be using the 50th Birthday Party event at PSC to test this format before next year’s nationals.
- We are also investigating how one qualifies as a AE Cameraperson, and what level this person can coach at.
Canopy Piloting
We are in the process of purchasing 3 lasers for the CP scoring equipment to the value of R15 000, which will leave the amount for fixing equipment at R0.
3 Lasers were bought as part of the scoring system for CP and will be kept by Christopher Teague (Asset Register). The total cost of the laser systems was R15 500 (R15 200 (€1 275) and R300 for Shipping Costs).
One of the laser stands was refurbished with a new sighting mechanism head and the cost was R5 700, paid to CR3 Manufacturing (Roy Hughes). This was an unforeseen expense but needed for the lasers to work correctly.
Total Amount: R21 200
Skills Development Activities
1 skills camp
Coaching camp for intermediates and identified students by current coaches
Coach Slots at R2 000
A skills camp was held at KZN with 7 pilots attending. There were no costs incurred by the SSA, these were covered by Skydive KZN and Christopher Teague.
1 Competition – Fun Scrambles Meet
Planned for Sep/Oct 2013 to encourage intermediates and students coached by CP Coaches. Handicaps will be given to seniors so seniors can compete with Intermediates to make it fun. A team score will also be awarded to the Senior and Junior entering the event together.
Prizes and Judges refreshments R3 381 – prizes to be determined by the CP Competition.
This competition will be held at PSC’s 50th birthday and 8 senior and 4 intermediate pilots have entered thus far. No costs are expected.
Formation Skydiving
Skills Development Activities
- Bloem Skills Camp/ Mini-meet. A skills development weekend (with an informal 2-way competition if it is appropriate for the participants) will be held at Skydive Central. This will double as an opportunity to hold a Coaching Seminar for non-Gauteng members.
- Novice Team Subsidy. The senior slot subsidy for new Novice 4-way teams will be repeated. This seems to be feeding the FS competition pool and excitement, focus and exposure for novice jumpers. This subsidy will cover 10 slots for the senior jumper on 2 new novice 4-way teams, provided they do a minimum of 20 training jumps and compete in SA Nationals. The funds for the 2012 teams comes from the 2012 activity plan but will only be paid after Nationals 2013 provided the teams meet the commitment agreement. The 2013 teams will be awarded closer to Nationals 2014 on the same basis, funds to be paid on the same basis (after the year end, due to Nationals timing).
- Scheduled for later in the season, closer to Nationals.
- Robertson Rumble: Skills and Mini-meet. The annual Robertson Rumble embodies SSA principles of skills development, exposure and competition support. In previous years, a coach and judge have attended this event (private initiative) and it is consistently one of the most productive and positive club events of the year. Therefore the SSA would like to ensure a coach and a judge can attend the 2014 Rumble by assisting on the flight costs. This will double as an opportunity to hold a Coaching Seminar for Cape FS coaches and members.
- Robertson has been without an aircraft for many months and they are finally back in action, with the Rumble provisionally scheduled for February 2014.
- Shake the bag. After the success of 2012’s event, another will be held in 2013. This is a skills weekend aimed primarily at novice and intermediate 4-way jumpers who are looking to meet and greet other jumpers to form new teams with. It will be held a couple of months after Nationals when budgets have recovered and jumpers are motivated to start planning and training for the new season. The funds will be put toward coach slots on the lower-experience teams who still need senior jumpers for productive 4-way but are ready to start competing and looking for team mates. Coaches will coach, jump where necessary and assist with matching and introducing jumpers appropriately.
- Scheduled for 30 Dec – 1 November at PSC.
- Money Meet – prizes/prize money. A competition with a money prize will be held. Both 2-way and 4-way will be included and all experience levels will be catered for. A small entry fee may be charged, live judging and a prize giving at the end of the weekend. This may leverage off or combine with SASL.
- Scheduled for later in the season – closer to Nationals when more teams have formed.
- Cat III days - no funding. We will continue with this offering – organisation of an experienced Cat III base of senior, current FS flyers for Cat III attempts. The student will cover the base’s slots, an expense we found they are happy to do for the guarantee of skills and reliable base. Because of differing schedules of those needing the base, we simply have a standing offer to organise the base for each request as it happens.
- 16-way Sequential Day. It is aimed at the senior FS skydivers only. There will not be coaching – it is a fun and challenging sequential day for the experienced skydivers who usually come to SSA Events to coach. The committee will keep looking for opportunities to schedule the event. The participants will all contribute equally to additional costs (such as aircraft ferry and camera slots) but we have earmarked R2000 should the opportunity for a bigger aircraft be available and assistance with ferry costs is needed.
- Coupled the PSC 50th Birthday event and the preparation jumps for it, senior jumpers attended 3 16-way invitational weekends.
- C Licence 8-Way days - self-funded. The FS Committee will organise 8-ways for ready skydivers who need the C-Licence requirements. The system of an experienced base to fly and coach during the day and rotating docking positions for participants will be used again. Participants will cover the costs of the coaches’ slots.
- FS Camera Camp - self-funded. If sufficient support is shown the FS Committee will hold a skills camp for FS cameramen. There is currently a shortage of skilled FS cameramen, and a lack of understanding from cameramen of the FS-specific requirements. In 2012, we had little interest but we feel it is something worth persevering with and will try to structure something low cost and local to motivate participation.
- As yet, we have had little response to our request for communication of interest in the camera camp but informally cameramen still seem to support the idea. We will plan for a local coach to hold a camp so we are not dependent on attendee numbers to justify costs.
SASL Sponsorship R3000 – FS has a long term strategy to partner with SASL in building competitive formation skydiving, increasing competition opportunity and growing the discipline.
This was done and the SASL Season is underway with VFS now introduced as an experimental event.
We are planning to start phasing out the Firebirds for PhoenixFly P3’s. First one will costs an estimated R6 000.
The new SSA student Wingsuit (Phoenix Fly Phantom3 Medium) has arrived. Payments not yet finalised but approximate cost R8500 (including bank charges and customs).
Skills Development Activities
We are planning to host 3 Skills Camps around South Africa this year with more emphasis on getting regular wingsuiters as well as beginners in the sky. One of these Camps will be shared with the AE Committee to get the Soul Flyers to coach. R7 500 set aside for 3 skills camps.
4 skills camps held: July 2013 – Bloemfontein (R1000) August 2013 – Pretoria (R1040) September 2013 – Mossel Bay (R1000) November 2013 – Mossel Bay (R750)
Jacember: Sun, sea, boogies and extra time to perfect those SASL rounds!
December and January combine into a single SASL “month” to accommodate closing DZs and jumpers attending to December holiday “Relative Work”, so this draw’s jumps must be submitted by 1 Feb 2014.
If you’re going to the Swakopmund Boogie – why not rope Simba and Bev into some SASL entries with you – or get their help in prepping and perfecting your rounds. Simba (and his company Simbalism) has been an avid supporter and sponsor of SASL since its inception and shares our passion for skills development and competition. He’s also a mean storyteller so after you’ve abused him for knowledge, coaching, jumps and FS load organising at the boogie, follow him to the pub for some entertainment a ’la Jaeger. ;)
If you’re at the J-Bay Boogie this year rope in Claire, Dirk and Bailey. Claire and Dirk run the League and Bailey is last season’s SASL winner so use the time to pick their brains for hot tips on working the SASL system to win. It’s about performance but also about savvy. The three of them are load organising and coaching at J-Bay, all sponsored by EP Skydivers so take advantage of EP’s generous freebies and jumpjumpjump with us. Our bar stories are no match for Simba’s but our ambitious jump plans for this boogie are likely to create your next bar stories. We’ve been hard at work designing a range of jumps – big small, easy, hard, fast, mellow, flat, hybrid, 2D, 3D, pretty, technical, experimental and everything in between – and we’d love you to join us in bringing our plans to life.
Both boogies are expecting good FS cameramen so you have no excuses. Contact us if you need help finding SASL cameramen at your boogie.
SASL November will be judged on Monday (9th Dec). Look out for your scores, coaching and judging feedback.
If you still haven’t entered SASL, go to www.skyleague.co.za to find out how every level of skydiver has a chance to win great prizes in fun, low-commitment competition. Aerodyne, Larsen and Brusgaard, Bev Suits, AfricanSkyGear, dPhi prizes all up for grabs!
What are you waiting for?
Game ON!!!

The annual Aero Club awards dinner was held on 2 November 2013 with PASA being well represented, filling three tables.
This annual event is the Aero Club showpiece of the year where national colours and various other awards for excellence in recreational aviation are presented.
The following PASA members received awards on the night:
New National colours
Erik Vliegenthart
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 4way and 8way
Serafim Fernandes
32nd FAI World Freefall Style and Accuracy Landing Championships
Bailey Edmunds
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 8way
 Brigitte Edmunds collected National Colours on behalf of her son, Bailey Edmunds
National Colours re-award
Christopher Teague
4th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships
Selwyn Johnson
4th FAI World Canopy Piloting Championships
Colin Rothman
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 4way and 8way
Dennis Parker
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 4way and 8way
Vana Parker
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 4way and 8way
David Sumter
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 4way and 8way
Amy Kirtland
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 8way
Paul Leslie-Smith
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 8way
Emile van den Berg
20th FAI World Formation Skydiving Championships 8way
 Jacqui Bruwer collected awards on behalf of those not present on the night
Recognition awards
Christopher Teague
Canopy Piloting 2013 World Games
Julie Teague
Canopy Piloting 2013 World Games (Manager)

Aero Club Gold Wings
Graham Field
For his incredible achievements spanning an illustrious 26 year skydiving career
Neeve Oosthuizen
For her dedication to the administration of PASA for the past 10 years
  (Photographs courtesy of Cheryl Smit Photography)
Lic/Rating |
Name |
Drop Zone |
A Licence |
A7282 |
Kyle Enslin |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7283 |
Janes Barnard |
Skydive Central |
A7284 |
Michiel Kemperman |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7285 |
Barend Pretorius |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7286 |
Iwhan Basson |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7287 |
Matt Futcher |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7288 |
Brenda Zondagh |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7289 |
Emené Peyper |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7290 |
Dirk Bosman |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7291 |
Raymond Connell |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7292 |
Craig Ziman |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7293 |
Kris Coetzee |
Skydive Robertson |
A7294 |
Friedrich Lombard |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7295 |
Andre Cloete |
Skydive Central |
A7296 |
Corne Breed |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7297 |
Allan Skinner |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7298 |
Craig Hunter |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7299 |
Andrea Forder |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7300 |
Herman Roos |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7301 |
Nadine Leleux |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7302 |
Riaan Stavast |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7303 |
Anton Diethelm |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7304 |
Johan Snyman |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7305 |
Kgotso Moloisane |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7306 |
Eduard Seymore |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7307 |
Leigh-Anne Wessels |
EP Skydivers |
B Licence |
B2867 |
Ahmad Mourtada |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2868 |
Tom Gardner |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2869 |
Susan Watts |
Skydive Robertson |
B2870 |
Ilke Greeff |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2871 |
Londani Ntombela |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2872 |
Stephanus Klopper |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2873 |
Kgotso Moloisane |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2874 |
Eduard Seymore |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2875 |
Sibusiso Mhlambi |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
C Licence |
C1820 |
Eddie Hanekom |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
C1821 |
Michael Schlachter |
Skydive Rustenburg |
C1822 |
Danielle Pentz |
Skydive Rustenburg |
D Licence |
D914 |
Chris Moller |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
D915 |
Johan Loots |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
D916 |
Jimmy Parrella |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
D917 |
Sean Schook |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
D918 |
Amanda Loots |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
D919 |
Michael Bonandrini |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
D920 |
Rainer Coetzee |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
D921 |
Olaf Ohlssen |
Skydive Central |
D922 |
Scott Riddell |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
Jumpmaster Rating |
JM1257 |
Londani Ntombela |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
JM1258 |
Stephanus Klopper |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
JM1259 |
Kgotso Moloisane |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
JM1260 |
Sibusiso Mhlambi |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
PRO Rating |
PRO444 |
Hendri Liebenberg |
Skydive Rustenburg |
PRO445 |
Michael Bonandrini |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
PRO446 |
Renier Jordaan |
Skydive Rustenburg |
PRO447 |
Cornelius van der Walt |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
Parachute Technician Rating |
RP95 |
Cornelius van der Walt |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
Tandem Master Rating |
TM161 SG/V |
Vernon Pretorius |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
TM162 SG/V |
Chris Moller |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
V = Vector |
SG = Sigma |

The PASA office will be closed from Monday, 23 December 2013 and re-opens on Monday, 6 January 2014.
Members are welcome to send emails and faxes during that time, or leave a message on the answering machine. All enquiries will be attended to when the office re-opens.
Email: admin@para.co.za Fax/answering machine: 021-553-3398
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
If you are interested in advertising in this newsletter, contact admin@para.co.za for more details.
PASA and the Toggle Times cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, due to all content being submitted without verification.