- Skydive Central Easter Weekend Wingsuit Camp
- South African National Skydiving Championships
- WPSPC 40th Birthday Weekend
- Artistic Events News
- Judges' News
- FS Action for 2012
- Smoking Dragon Sky Jam Boogie
- SkyDive Parys to commence operations in June
- The Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium
- J Bay Boogie 2012/13
- Licences and Ratings issued
The 2012 Easter weekend saw Bloem’s Skydive Central host their FIRST ever Wingsuit course presented by Frederik Potgieter, made possible by the Sport Skydivers Association Wingsuit Committee.
There was a lot of interest but unfortunately only 2 members were cleared to attend the course, one having the 300 jump waiver.
 Etv filming for a documentary about wingsuiting
(Photo courtesy of Marie Nel)
The course included theoretical and practical elements as well as a supplementary instructional Wingsuit dvd and the next day our new flockers took to the skies with confidence. Safety and correct equipment was emphasised and the new jumpers deployed and landed their square canopies without any incident.
In total, 32 successful Wingsuit jumps were done, with Jackie Schoeman completing his 5 progression jumps with flying colours and both him and Francois Krös doing their first 3-way flocks at the end of the weekend.
There was tremendous interest and numerous requests from other local skydivers who just didn’t have the required minimum jump numbers to attend the course this time round. Hopefully Jackie and Cois will keep the interest levels high and encourage those coming through the ranks to give Wingsuiting a try. An invitation has been extended to both to join us at JSC shortly to further assist with their development. A HUGE thank you goes out to Skydive Central and especially to Christine Daffie, Sonja Botha and CI – Chris de Jager for all the arrangements, organisation and hospitality. We hope to Flock in Bloem again soon and assist in growing the Wingsuit discipline even further.
 Karen Fourie with Jackie Schoeman
(Photo courtesy of Frederik Potgieter)
 Frederik Potgieter with Jackie Schoeman
(Photo courtesy of Karen Fourie)
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Comebacks, Dark Horses, Suspense and Sunshine
Another skydiving season drew to a close in May with SA Nationals 2012, hosted this year by Pretoria Skydiving Club. Beneath uncharacteristically sunny skies, teams spent the week battling it out for titles in Formation Skydiving, Artistic Events, Canopy Piloting and Accuracy Landing.

South Africa is a member country of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the organisation under whose authority and regulations the World Parachuting Championships are run every 2nd year. This year’s SA Nationals was an “on” year, meaning the winners of the FAI events are entitled to represent South Africa at the World Championships, to be held in Dubai this December. |
In addition to the FAI events (Formation Skydiving 8-way and 4-way Open, Freefly Open, Canopy Piloting Open and Accuracy Landing Open), we have a number of non-FAI events which serve as skills development, preparation and feeders for lower experience participants into the FAI Events.
All events and categories are contested by teams with varying motives, levels of seriousness and energy. This makes for a vibrant, diverse competition site, kept familiar and informal by our small competitive population. Most competitors enjoy the week spent with friends and rivals, alternating daytime strategizing and plotting with evening beer and braaivleis together.
Gold medallist, Serafim Fernandes (left) and Constant Benade (right) doing Landing Accuracy
Dewaldt Smit preparing to land after a successful skydive
The most contested event at SA Nationals is the FS 4-way Open event, and this year didn’t disappoint. For starters, Voodoo, who for many years kept the trophy out of everyone else’s reach, andthen skipped Nationals 2011, returned this year with a small change to their line-up, having replaced Amy Kirtland with Dennis Parker in Point slot. Voodoo found their groove ahead of the pack once more, flying into 1st place with a 16.4 average. The rest of the 4-way Open pack emerged less predictably, making for a close and exciting competition from beginning to end. AppChat SAVOLO, a new team of familiar faces, using either a “right-place-right-time” or a “persistence prevails” strategy scooped up Amy Kirtland in the 11th hour to fly Point in the newly formed team and arrived at the meet without a known average and therefore no expectations. The Dark Horse of the meet, AppChat SAVOLO took silver with a 14.7 average, with no close rivals behind them, but impressing themselves and spectators by beating Voodoo’s score on one round and matching them on 3 others. Not bad for a new team and certainly the closest we’ve seen to Voodoo for a long time. I think everyone, perhaps mostly Voodoo, is looking forward to some closer competition and more pressure at the top of the log in the future.
Third place went to G4B, who also arrived without expectations, after a year of no training at all. Throughout the meet we saw really close competition and several ties between G4B, Nashua and newcomers to the open category, Vertical Xcelleration (VX). VX started competing in 2011, winning the 4-way Novice and continuing as a team into open. A year of hard work and smart training was showing throughout the meet and VX finished round 9 ahead of Team Nashua by 1 point. Not only was 4th place on the line, but another title and some great prizes too.
The first and second placed competitors in the South African Skydiving League (SASL), which culminates with SA National each year, were Mark Broomhead (of Team Nashua) and Yolandi van den Berge (of VX). Separated in weighting by 0.02 points, it would all come down to which one of their teams beat the other at Nationals 2012, the final winner of the league walking away with a free Aerodyne sport canopy of their choice, a Larsen & Brusgaard Viso II altimeter, and a custom made Bev Suit. While the second placed individual still wins a Larsen and Brusgaard Optima II audible altimeter, the first placetitle and prizes are well worth the effort!
VX’s dedication and faster flying was up against Nashua’s smoother, cleaner flying, years of team mate familiarity and general competition experience. Everyone was glued to the scoring screens.
The final outcome of 4th place in Nationals and 1st place in SASL was down to the wire. Not just competition results mattered, but the single, final round was to be the decider. And experience finally showed who was boss. With Nashua having finished their round 10, VX knew the score to beat. Perhaps VX was also a little distracted by their unexpected proximity on the scoreboard to G4B – something they never even considered they could achieve before, but alluring for the ambitious newcomers to the category.
 4-way Intermediate medallists |
Perhaps it was simply the pressure of the last round, in which they needed 8 points to beat Nashua – a very achievable score for VX for that round (blocks 5-4-8). Or perhaps experience really is that valuable. As VX broke the first point and started the inter, things went (as they say) “to spares”, and in a devastating turn of events (involving what would have been a comical communication breakdown in any other circumstance), as each member tried to build the close of the doomed double slot-switcher, another would move off it to something else and they spent the rest of the skydive trying to get to the same place as a team so they could continue, never building another point before the end of working time. |
So it wasn’t to be for VX and Nashua’s BMT secured their 4th place in the end and with that Mark Broomhead won SASL Season III. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of VX by a long shot and we’re all excited to see what they bring to next year’s Nationals as we grow our 4-way Open category and see more teams performing in the 10 plus averages.
Well done to all teams and competitors. I chose to tell the big 4-way story but every event has its close battles and if you haven’t been to Nationals to be a part of or just witness it in whichever discipline you’re passionate about, you are truly missing out.
Good luck to all over the following season – the post-Nationals quiet has descended, but soon the hustling, shuffling, poaching and campaigning will start as teams and individuals build their winning formulae for SA National Skydiving Championships 2013.
   Canopy Pilots Chris Teague, Selwyn Johnson and Riaan Bergh showing how it's done
(Photos courtesy of Graham Field, Nicoleen Smit and Michelle Tobias)
Night Jumps and Old Pharts Reunion
What an incredible weekend! From start to finish, everything fell in to place to make for a fantastic celebration!
It all started when we realised that based on club budget, and being located at the far end of the continent, it would probably not be feasible to throw an all-out Boogie for our guava birthday. “Let’s keep it low-key” we said. “What about night jumps” said all the usual subjects who are desperate to get these for license purposes and basically track the moon as a full-time job. “Cool”, said we, “that’s something special at least. Sorted!”
 Pam Russell with Joan Isham, Bruce Molzen D277 and Colin Beard D245
(Photo courtesy of Ailsa Burns)
Then a few months ago Colin Beard asked when we were having our big party, as the Old Pharts were interested in participating. We gave him the details, and I think I detected a certain lack of awe at the magnitude of what we were planning. But once the ball started rolling, there was no stopping the oldies in their quest to get arthritic knees back in the breeze. Before we knew it, we were up to 8.
So all we needed now was aircraft (we always need aircraft) and decent weather (ditto). NNP has been showing up to the party pretty consistently lately, so no worries there. Mother Nature followed her lead and gave us perfect weather for the whole of the weekend.
Rod Baker D242, ZS-NNP and Colin Beard D245
(Photo courtesy Oliver Nöthen)
Mark Bellingan arrives to join in the festivities (Photo courtesy of Ailsa Burns)
The day was pretty much a standard day except there were two classes running; regular and refresher. Each of the returnees got in one jump and every one was completely amped on landing. Jess Baker on the other hand, was back after a long absence, aged 16 and ready for her very first jump. Her dad Rod had been giving her space in the class and the harnesses but he was in the field ready for her to land. Alister had shuffled the exit order and so Rod had the unexpected privilege of watching her jump three times! Luckily everyone performed, so no stress for the “expectant father”.

Terry Debrick D139, Basil Jones D329 and Ruth Parker D534
(Photo courtesy Bruce Molzen)
Night jumps followed day jumps, in the way of nature. The briefing was at 5, the jumps started at 7 and the last person landed at about 9:55pm. As far as we know, none of them were reported as UFOs despite the fact people must surely have been admiring the supermoon directly behind them as seen from town. Small town. Maybe stranger things have happened?
 A flurry of activity as young pharts prepare for night jumps
(Photo courtesy of Bruce Molzen)
The down side of this is that the “festivities” started late. The up side is that those coming in from night jumps got to see what it’s like when fully 50% of the party is WAAAY ahead of the other half. We started with presentation of certificates, the most notable being a Life Membership for the long suffering (and to be fair long inflicting) Mr Steven Norris.
After that, one of the best renditions I’ve seen by the Citrusdal Male Voice Choir (redubbed the Robertson Male Voice Choir) was performed. Colin started off, hushing the crowd and helping the guys with their harmony. Then it was time for the actual performance. It was as indescribable as usual, but can be found on youtube (link on the Robertson FaceBook page). Midway through the performance, Colin handed the baton to Rod who took over. This was symbolic of the handing over which had happened years ago when Colin retired as Choirmaster.
 The Choir Back: Andre d’Argent C1577, Karl Hayden D568, Martin Phelps D755, Bruce Molzen D277, Marcel Vliegenthart D902 Front: Basil Jones D329, Steve Norris D566, Ari Spanos D338, Rod Baker D242, Erik Vliegenthart D789, Colin Beard D245
(Photo courtesy of Ailsa Burns)
Then, very belatedly, once the choir was still, Rod announced there would be a new handing over ceremony. To his surprise, Andre d’Argent was called forward and given the sacred stick (in this case a glowstick in a pair of tongs but we’ve been soundly told off about that and it will be fixed). He immediately started on another round, failing initially to gain control of his performers until told the magic words. In a text, the magic words would be rendered as STFU.
With everyone still, he put his own stamp on the proceeding, asking for a high note. He then ran through the usual piece very competently. A good sign for things to come. Luckily our new choirmaster does have some restraint, and stopped short of a rousing chorus of his trademark Engineer’s Song. Another good sign.
Andrea had designed us an amazing cake, which was then brought out complete with sparklers. It was absolutely beautiful and put the cherry on an amazing day!
Needless to say, we do have a birthday every year, and while we might save the night jumps for a different weekend, this event is going to be a fixture on our calendar! Welcome back to the skies to our Old Phart visitors! Please bring your friends next time.
Coaching @ Skydive Robertson: 14-15 April 2012
Skydive Robertson hosted a coaching weekend on 14-15 April 2012. Both Timothy Hutchings and André du Preez coached. The weather was a bit of a problem, being too windy most of Saturday to jump, although some jumps were done early on Saturday. Sunday, only one AE load went up before the wind started howling and the weather came in. So 5 coaching jumps were done in total.
Planned Coaching Clinics
Rob Kruger and Louis Eybers will be presenting AE coaching at Witbank the weekend of the 26th and 27th of May 2012.
Christopher and Julie Teague will be presenting AE coaching at PSC on the weekend of the 16th and 17th of June 2012.
Each weekend is kick-started by a fairly brief but vital discussion / presentation by the coaches on Saturday morning at 7:30am. People who don't attend this might not be able to be accommodated due to limited time and space. If you are interested in attending any coaching clinics, PLEASE PRE-BOOK WITH JULIE TEAGUE (julieteaguesa@gmail.com). It's always going to be first come first served situation in terms of the 50% coaches slot subsidy, and as jumps need to be debriefed etc., approximately 5 jumpers can be accommodated each weekend.
Whilst the AE committee are planning at least 1 coaching clinic per drop zone this year, if you are in need of coaching before then, make a noise about it. If you join our new facebook page you will have access to the contact information of all AE coaches, who you can contact directly to arrange coaching with.
Ranch Boogie
The Ranch Boogie in Polokwane was an incredible experience last year, and we can’t wait to support it from 9 - 12 August this year. We’ll be subsidising 20 slots and will have a coach available for the first 3 days. If you are interested in booking coaching you will need to let Julie know, and also pre-pay your registration fee to the event organisers to secure your place on the rotation.
On the last day, the senior jumpers will be looking to beat the current SA Head down record of 6 docked flyers.

(Photo courtesy of Attie Fourie)
There was an extremely successful judging training course held over Nationals. At the end of the course we had the following new ratings:
FS – 2 FAI and 4 National ratings Accuracy – 5 FAI and 5 trainee’s CP – 2 FAI, 1 National and 3 trainees
Well Done to all the successful candidates! It is fantastic to see the amount of judges increasing with each training course.
Congratulations to the South Africans announced as part of the Judges’ Panels for Canopy Piloting, Canopy Formation and Formation Skydiving at the Mondial - Dubai 2012:
Canopy Piloting Ettienne Bosch Deborah Seber
Canopy Formation Agnieszka Solomon
Formation Skydiving Chanel Robinson Dirk Venter
Artistic Events Stuart Robinson
Anyone interested in finding out more about judging can contact Stuart Robinson.
Activity |
Large formation skills camp |
Date |
Approximately 15 September |
Description |
This camp will be presented by Tim Mace. For those of you that do not know Tim, he has over 8000 skydives, of which 730 are in 16 way formations or larger. He is a Founder member of the World Team, and holds the following big-way world records: 218/282/297/357/400way.
Sheepdogging, crossovers, very late diver and super floater. Not sure what they are? Then apply for the Large Formation Skills camp.
Following from the success of last year’s camp the FS committee has decided to incorporate and sponsor this event for 2013 again.
The serious stuff…
- Entry into the camp will be done based on a selection process and readiness of the jumper.
- The camp is limited to 7 jumpers excluding the coach.
- Minimum 200 jumps and can accurately hold position with no-grip. This camp is primarily aimed at people who are already reasonably competent at 4 way wanting to improve their Large Formations FS skills.
- Speak to anyone who has attended Tim Mace’s famous Large Formation Skills Camp to get an idea of why this is such a hot event that people are scrambling to get onto.
FS Committee Contact |
Ian van den Berge serpro@worldonline.co.za
Shake the bag weekend
For teams training, jumpers needing teams, individuals, meet and greet, general learning, many coaches on ground & jumping
Date |
Mid-August |
Description |
Shake the bag
Then shake it again You might be catching on to what we’re saying here but the whole idea is to shake the bag of FS talent and see what falls out, shake off the nationals dust, start jumping again, get some awesome 4-way coaching and *grin* maybe form some new teams.
The format of the weekend is to invite jumpers needing teams, individuals, teams that are starting their training for 2013 nationals, and any other interested bodies for 4-way skills development, meet and greet, competition and more.
The serious stuff…
- None really. Everyone is welcome to come along, learn something, meet people, form teams, discover FS or just have a good time with other FS jumpers.
FS Committee Contact |
Claire King cking@nspace.co.za
Ian van den Berge serpro@worldonline.co.za
Chris Badenhorst skyjive@me.com
Activity |
Money Meet |
Date |
First weekend of February 2013 |
Description |
Money Meet– 1 day
Money, it’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands
And make a stash
The Money Meet is exactly that, jumping for prize money and the more people that participate, the more cash will be up for grabs. The formats that are being considered at the moment are 2-way, novice and open, and 4-way, novice and open.
New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team!
FS Committee Contact |
Chris Badenhorst skyjive@me.com
Activity |
Cat III days Open reminder to members that we can assist those who are ready. No specific day or venue is required. Just that we can find good base for people at their own DZ when they are ready to do their test. |
Date |
On-going |
Description |
Cat III days
Hungry for that B-licence? We can help. We will provide you with an experienced base of senior jumpers that will assist you in obtaining that ever elusive big B. Contact any FS Committee member to setup the day.
The serious stuff…
- This opportunity is subject to the availability of senior jumpers to assist you on your chosen day.
- You need to be ready, i.e. all requirements according to the MOPS and a capable demonstration of FS skills.
FS Committee Contact |
Ian van den Berge serpro@worldonline.co.za
Activity |
16 Way Sequentials Day
Invitational event for top FS teams organised if and when we have appropriate lift capacity and demand from jumpers.
Date |
Dates to be decided as aircraft and jumpers dictate |
16 Way Sequentials Day
A little something for the senior FS jumpers who constantly contribute to development and SSA events. These days will be dependent on availability of planes and interested jumpers and will be invitation-only, productive 16-way sequentials. Just a good time for everyone amongst capable peers.
FS Committee Contact |
Claire King cking@nspace.co.za
Activty |
16 Way “development” day, with focus on assisting ready jumpers with D-Licence 16-way. |
Date |
9-12 August at The Ranch Boogie |
Description |
16 Way development day
Coaching days to assist the less experienced FS jumpers with learning about 16 ways.
Learn from Pottie and Marius after their epic big way camps overseas and their recent 100 ways.
Pottie and Marius will be load organising jumping and coaching all weekend at the Ranch Boogie, building jumpers up to 16 ways as necessary.
FS Committee Contact |
Claire King cking@nspace.co.za
Activity |
South African Record Attempt - Largest Formation, Female |
Date |
9-12 August at The Ranch Boogie |
Description |
Women's Day Record Attempt
Ladies, this one is for you!
Plans are underway to achieve a new South African record for the Largest Formation (Female).
Invitations have started going out and further selections will be made at a preparation event to be announced soon. If you think you have what it takes and want to be a part of the record attempt, give Claire a shout.
Be a part of History!
FS Committee Contact |
Claire King cking@nspace.co.za
Activity |
C Licence 8-Way day
On-going reminder to members that we can assist those who are ready. No specific day or venue will be planned until we have suficient interest as this was repeatedly requested then not supported in 2011.
Date |
As needed and on request |
Description |
Don’t quite C what we mean?
A C-Licence is less about the fluke 8-way collisions than about a general level of jumper proficiency. If you feel you’re ready for the 8-way requirements for a C-Licence but can’t find enough good jumpers for the 8-ways?
4 experienced base jumpers will be arranged to assist the 4 participants, who must cover the base jumpers’ slot.
We will assist in organising the jumps for you.
The serious stuff…
- We need 4 candidates who are ready for a feasible day of assistance. Contact us when you’re ready and we will do what we can to find others and co-ordinate everyone for the day.
- Candidates will have to contribute towards the slots of the senior jumpers assisting on the 8-ways. It is a worthwhile investment; their skill makes the difference to the success of your tasks.
- This opportunity is subject to the availability of senior jumpers to assist you on your chosen day.
You need to be ready, i.e. all requirements according to the MOPS and a capable demonstration of FS skills. |
FS Committee Contact |
Chris Badenhorst skyjive@me.com
Activity |
FS Camera Camp
Self-funded through participant registration fees if sufficient interest exists to cover the costs
Date |
FS Camera Skills Camp
If there is sufficient interest to cover the costs of an FS camera coach to come out and run an FS-focussed camera camp, we will hold one.
Please let us know if you’re interested as we will only go ahead with it with sufficient interest.
FS Committee Contact |
Claire King cking@nspace.co.za

dPhi Wear Online Store
Suppliers of high quality skydiving t-shirts and apparel. Why wait for us to come to your DZ when you can get what you want directly from our website!
Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: http://www.dphi.co.za/
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
Skydive all day out the PAC750 in the Drakensberg with the beautiful Amphitheatre as your backdrop. Party all night at the Amphitheatre Backpackers with Great bands and DJ's from eight till late. For the more energetic - mountain bike trails, horse riding and rock climbing is available in the area. Hiking trails are run from the lodge. Book early.

Entrance Fees....
Weekend pass (skydivers and non-skydivers): R300 at the gate
R200 on payfast - go to www.facebook.com/SkydiveDurban for details
Tandem Jumps: R1600
Fun Jumpers Slot rate : R250
Hikes, Horse Riding: Contact Lodge; 082 855 9767
Food Stalls, Bar Facilities on site.
Entertainment.... To be confirmed but should be...
Friday 25th May: 19h00 Inkhonjani No Bheseni 20h00 Violet Somedays 21h00 (to be confirmed (but they’re hot))
Contact: vernon@skydivedurban.co.za

(Photo courtesy of Liam Bartels)
SkyDive Parys, South Africa's newest and undoubtedly most scenic inland skydiving venue will be commencing operations with its opening weekend and party on 16 & 17 June 2012
Situated in the heart of the Vredefort Dome at South Africa's Adventure Capital, Parys, the dropzone is located on the banks of the Vaal River and surrounded by granite outcrops 3km from the town.
The Dropzone is in a unique position in that it has teamed up with the Vaal River Resort Stonehenge In Africa to provide 5 Star facilities for skydiving and adventure seekers both during and after operations. At a later date the Parys airfield will also be used for overflow skydiving events, providing an additional attraction to this fast growing hub of skysports and general aviation.
Skydive Parys' business operators, Capt Aidan Parker and Steven Taylor, have teamed up with one of South Africa's leading Skydiving Instructors and Aviation Personalities, Graham Field who, with over 5600 skydives in 25 years of skydiving experience, will be heading up skydiving operations. Graham is joined by the multi-talented Frederik Potgieter on the full time skydiving staff of Skydive Parys with Danelle Barnard running manifest and office operations on the DZ.
Primarily a skydiving operation catering to the provision of safe and exhilarating 1st Tandem Introductory Skydives, the DZ will also offer an affordable and convenient alternate dropzone for Gauteng based Sport skydivers that is situated less than an hour and 100km from Johannesburg. At this time Skydive Parys is a non-student operation and potential students will be directed to convenient DZs in their areas that we support.
Initially a Cessna 206 will be used for a 7 day a week operation with a larger turbine aircraft being available when increased lift capacity is needed.
For the opening weekend of 16 June we invite all Sport Skydivers to join us for 2 days of skydiving fun with associated activities for the whole family – an Atlas Angel and C206 will be used for these 2 days for this weekend and there will be several accommodation options for those wishing to overnight at this awesome venue. A program of the opening weekend festivities will be posted shortly on the various FaceBook groups and by way of the PASA list serve – Skydive Parys and Stonehenge are also the preferred take-off locations for the local hot air balloon operation so watch this space for specialty aircraft closer to the time ;)
For further information please visit www.skydiveparys.co.za email mailto:skydiveparys@gmail.com or call Steven on +27 (0)72 303 9140 or Graham on +27 (0)74 198 0891
 Aerial view of Skydive Parys
(Photo courtesy of Willie Bodenstein)
The Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium, South Africa's Premier SkyDiving Event, will be happening from Thursday 9th to Sunday 12th August 2012 hosted by Skydive Parys.
Last year’s event was a great success. We had registrations from 21 different Sport Skydiving Operations and Military Parachuting Units from across Southern Africa.
Two Turbine Atlas Angels flew a total of 90 loads to 12 000ft and 78 members of the visiting public were taken for a tandem introductory skydive. The event also enjoyed massive media support and exposure.
Service providers and suppliers to the skydiving and parachuting world may apply to have their products and services displayed at the event.
All skydivers, parachutists and interested parties are welcome to attend.
Discounts will be extended to individuals and teams for bulk ticket purchases.
This event will grow year on year. Don't miss out!
Details of the event are listed on the www.para.co.za website.
The J Bay Boogie dates this year are confirmed from: Wednesday 19 December 2012 till Wednesday 2 January 2013.
Setup and registration will take place on Tuesday 18 December with operations to commence on 19 December 2012.
Please check the events listing on the PASA website periodically – more information will be added as it becomes available…
Lic/Rating |
Drop Zone |
A Licence |
A7153 |
Henk Burnett |
Skydive Robertson |
A7154 |
Louise Cilliers |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7155 |
Christine Dahl |
Skydive Cape Town |
A7156 |
Jan-Harms Burger |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7157 |
Jacques Breedt |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7158 |
Jenny Hankey |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7159 |
Danielle Pentz |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7160 |
Dean Benson |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7161 |
Terance van Ginkel |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7162 |
Dean McKelvey |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7163 |
Gavin Blane |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7164 |
Johan Greyling |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7165 |
Paolo Zurlino |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
A7166 |
Stefan Scheepers |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7167 |
Waldo Prinsloo |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7168 |
Trishen Kommal |
Pretoria Military Parachute Club |
A7169 |
Brad Lloyd-Warren |
Durban Skydive Centre |
A7170 |
Fred de Kock |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
A7171 |
Ernst Smit |
Skydive Robertson |
A7172 |
Faisal Ariqat |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B Licence |
B2811 |
Ashley Verhulp |
Skydive Robertson |
B2812 |
Philippe Charron |
Skydive Cape Town |
B2813 |
Ruan Joubert |
Skydive Robertson |
B2814 |
Kevin Short |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2815 |
Brendan Smit |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2816 |
Ian van Riel |
Skydive Robertson |
B2817 |
Gary Meyer |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2818 |
Dean McKelvey |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2819 |
Darrell Wright |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
C Licence |
C1788 |
Jean Strauss |
Pretoria Military Parachute Club |
C1789 |
Jackie Schoeman |
Skydive Central |
C1790 |
Willem van Tonder |
Skydive Port Elizabeth |
C1791 |
Jaco Coetzee |
SkyDive Rustenburg |
C1792 |
Debby Vliegenthart |
Skydive Robertson |
D Licence |
D901 |
Bertus Haring |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
D902 |
Marcel Vliegenthart |
Skydive Robertson |
D903 |
Garric Townsend |
Skydive Robertson |
PRO Rating |
PRO419 |
Gerrit Olckers |
SkyDive Rustenburg |
PRO420 |
Amanda Loots |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
PRO421 |
Jean Strauss |
Pretoria Military Parachute Club |
Jumpmaster Rating |
JM1239 |
Henk Britz |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
JM1240 |
Justin Fuidge |
Skydive Robertson |
JM1241 |
Pam Turner |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1242 |
Zach van Tonder |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
JM1243 |
Fritz Schoeman |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
Instructor Rating |
I196 |
Timothy Hutchings |
Skydive Robertson |
Tandem Master Rating |
TM149R |
Tim Mace |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
TM150SG |
Frederik Potgieter |
Skydive Parys |
TM151ST |
Nico Vorster |
Durban Skydive Centre |
TM152SG |
Johan Laubscher |
Skydive Central |
V = Vector |
SG = Sigma |
ST = Strong |
R = Racer |
Coach Rating |
CH142W |
Marcel Vliegenthart |
Skydive Robertson |
CH143W |
Frederik Potgieter |
Skydive Parys |
F = Formation Skydiving |
A = Artistic Events |
C = Canopy Formation |
P = Canopy Piloting |
W = Wingsuiting |
S = Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing |
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
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