- Membership Renewal
- Online PASA membership renewal user guide
- SSA Committees
- Formation Skydiving
- Artistic Events
- Free Fly Skills Camps
- Canopy Formation
- Freefall Style, Accuracy Landing and Paraski
- Canopy Piloting
- Canopy Piloting Seminar and Competition
- Wingsuiting
- Judging Seminar
- Aerial FX on display in Swaziland
- Skydive Parys coming soon...
- Licences and ratings issued
- Vigil Information Bulletin
Members are reminded that annual membership renewal falls due on 1 April 2012. The PASA fees for the 2012/13 membership year have been set at R430 (R20 or 5% increase). As in the past, we will collect Aero Club fees and pay them across on behalf of our members. The Aero Club fees have increased to R300. New licence/rating application fees and rating renewal fees for all ratings remain unchanged at R100 (except Jumpmaster, Coach and Evaluator ratings for which there are no renewal fees). New tandem rating applications remain unchanged at R600.
All PASA members serving in the armed forces pay half the Aero Club fee. PASA members who are serving in the armed forces and hold NO PASA ratings, pay R100 PASA fees while rating holders pay the full fee as listed above.
We are implementing a new admin system for renewal this year which should streamline the process. Some final tweaks and adjustments are currently being made and we will get the renewal process underway as soon as possible but no later than 23 March - please bear with us. All current members with a valid, listed email address will receive an automated email renewal reminder containing a link which you will need to click on in order to update your data online. Once updated, you will be prompted to make the required payment. For those members who have no ratings to renew or who are not applying for any new licences or ratings, this will be all that is required. (If you did not provide an email address on your last renewal form or, if your email address has changed in the past year, please drop a line to admin@para.co.za confirming your correct email address.)
If you are renewing an existing rating or applying for a new licence or rating, you will be prompted to make payment and print page 2 of the PASA General Application Form which you will still need to get signed by your Chief Instructor and submit to the admin office via fax or email as in the past.
New members joining for the first time, or those without a valid, listed email address will need to download and complete the PASA General Application Form (Form 2), complete and submit to the admin office via email or fax. If you are not applying for a licence or rating, you need only submit page 1 of the form.
PASA members who hold only foreign licences are reminded that foreign licences will no longer appear on their PASA card. While PASA recognises FAI equivalent foreign licences, only PASA licences will be printed on PASA cards and only PASA licences will show on the PASA website. Holders of foreign licences will need to provide proof of such licences, as may be required, when visiting local drop zones.
Please refer to the user guide below for details on the system.
At last! Online renewals are here. Follow this step-by-step guide to renew your membership quickly and easily.
Please Note: If you have ratings and/or licences applications or renewals, you need to submit the online form first and then print and complete ONLY PAGE 2 of the manual form for your CI to sign. Page 2 is still manually submitted to PASA. If you have no new licence applications and no ratings, you can complete everything online.
1. Just before renewals are due, you will receive an automated email from PASA Admin reminding you to renew.
- The email will display the link to your personal online renewal form.
2. When you are ready to renew, all information on PASA's records will already be completed for you in the form. You only need to confirm what is there and update what has changed.
- Just like when you renewed manually, have your log book on hand (or at least knowledge of your jump numbers in the last year and last 3 months.
3. Click the renewal link in the email to go to your form.
- This link is unique to each member so you can't click somebody else's link - you MUST click the link that was emailed to you personally.
4. When the form opens in a webpage, you will see most of your details are already completed.
5. At any point during the process, you can save what you have done to continue at another stage. To do this, just click the SAVE button at the bottom of the form. You can return to the form by clicking the emailed link again. What you completed will still be there.
6. Sections 1 and 2 (everyone must complete):
- Confirm the information there is correct, updating as necessary.
- When selecting disciplines, hold the Ctrl key down to select more than one.
7. Section 3 (New Licence Application):
- ONLY select a licence if you are applying for a NEW licence.
- The green instruction section gives you the cost and reminds you that your CI must confirm you have met the requirements. Your CI's checks and signature can be completed after you submit this general application, so continue through the application process. The system will tell you at the end what more is required from you.
8. Section 4 (New Rating Application):
- ONLY select a rating here if you are applying for a NEW rating. Hold the Ctrl key down to select more than one.
- The green instruction section gives you the cost and reminds you that your CI must confirm you have met the requirements. Your CI's checks and signature can be completed after you submit this general application, so continue through the application process. The system will tell you at the end what more is required from you.
9. Section 5 (Rating Renewals):
- You will see your existing ratings listed.
- ONLY select the ratings here that you are RENEWING. Hold the Ctrl key down to select more than one.
- The green instruction section gives you the cost and reminds you that your CI must confirm you have met the requirements. Your CI's checks and signature can be completed after you submit this general application, so continue through the application process. The system will tell you at the end what more is required from you.
10. Check through your form to ensure everything is correct.
11. To save and submit your application to PASA, click Save and Apply for Renewal. If you want to save what you have done and return later to complete and/or submit, click Save.
12. Remember that your renewal application is only submitted when you click Save and Apply for Renewal. Until then, PASA will NOT receive anything from you.
13. Remember too that you need to deposit your fees before PASA will activate your received renewal. You will be reminded of this when you submit your application.
14. This concludes your General renewal application.
15. Read the confirmation message that pops up when you submit - it contains instructions on what is left to do.
16. If you have not applied for a new licence and have no rating renewals or applications then all that is left is to deposit the required amount (detailed in your form) and send proof to PASA.
17. If you have new licence or rating applications or rating renewals, PASA still requires your CI to verify that you have met the requirements and send the signed Section 2 and/or Section 3 of the General Application form available here.
18. Completing Section 2 and 3 is exactly the same as your previous years' renewal process.
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The SSA committees were all elected prior to the AGM and ratified at the AGM as follows:
Formation Skydiving
Chris Badenhorst, Claire King, Ian van den Berge
Artistic Events
Marco Ciocca, Andre du Preez, Rohin Gosling, Julie Teague, Zach van Tonder, Leith Welsford
Canopy Formation
Sharky Annandale, Graham Field, Wesley Pagel
Freefall Style, Accuracy Landing and Paraski
Constant Benade, Kelly Hoffmann, Erik Vliegenthart
Canopy Piloting
Jacqui Bruwer, Rob Kruger, Peter Lawson, Jasper Williams
Oliver Nothen, Dave van der Merwe, Taya Weiss
Contact details at http://www.para.co.za/contacts.aspx
These disciplines activity plans for the year ahead are set out in the following articles. Members funds are allocated to each discipline according to your ticks on the annual renewal forms, so, please consider the plans of each committee carefully and ensure you tick the box/es of the discipline/s you would like to support and participate in for the coming year.
- Large formation skills camp-coach slots. After the success of 2011's camp, another similarly structured camp will be held. One group only, 10 jumps, with the coaches slot paid for.
- Shake the bag. This is a skills weekend aimed primarily at novice and intermediate 4-way jumpers who are looking to meet and greet other jumpers to form new teams with. This will be held a couple of months after Nationals when budgets have recovered and jumpers are motivated to start planning and training for the new season. The funds will be put toward coach slots on the lower-experience teams who still need senior jumpers for productive 4-way but are ready to start competing and looking for team mates. Coaches will coach, jump where necessary and assist with matching and introducing jumpers appropriately.
- Money Meet - prize money. A competition with a money prize will be held. Both 2-way and 4-way will be included and all experience levels will be catered for. A small entry fee will be charged, live judging and a prize giving at the end of the weekend. Not yet confirmed, but this will possibly leverage off or combine with SASL.
- Money Meet - t-shirts. See above. FS branded t-shirts will be printed for the day for participants.
- Cat III day - no funding. We hope to have more than one such day. The committee will organise a team of experienced coaches to spend a whole day preparing, briefing and flying base for jumpers who need their Cat III. The jumpers will pay the coach slots, but the feedback received in 2011 indicates that jumpers are happy to pay this if it means that the base is sufficiently skilled.
- 16-way Sequential Day. This was planned for 2011 but aircraft availability prevented the event from taking place. It is aimed at the senior FS skydivers only. There will not be coaching – it is a fun and challenging sequential day for the experienced skydivers who usually come to SSA Events to coach. The committee will keep looking for opportunities to schedule the event. The participants will all contribute equally to any costs (such as aircraft ferry and camera slots) so no funds are required.
- 16 Way development day. If enough experienced skydivers can be found to assist on the skydives, and the costs can be covered by the participants, the FS Committee will facilitate additional 16-ways for intermediate jumpers who are ready and need it for licences.
- C Licence 8-Way day - self-funded. The FS Committee will organise 8-ways for ready skydivers who need the C-Licence requirements. Due to the lack of support for this initiative in 2011, no funds will be channelled into the event, but the planned system of an experienced base to fly and coach during the day and rotating docking positions for participants will be used again. Participants will cover the costs of the coaches slots.
- FS Camera Camp - self-funded. If sufficient support is shown the FS Committee will hold a skills camp for FS cameramen. There is currently a shortage of skilled FS cameramen, and a lack of understanding from cameramen of the FS-specific requirements.
- SASL Sponsorship - FS has a long-term strategy to partner with SASL in building competitive formation skydiving, increasing competition opportunity and growing the discipline.
- Incidentals and slot rate increases. Any remaining funds will be retained for incidental expenses, such as slot rate increases and unplanned SSA expenses.
Our primary aim in 2012/13 is to create a well informed community of South African freeflyers (and potential freeflyers) and to increase basic skills to encourage licence progression.
To do this our first order of action is going to be to launch a Facebook & Twitter page dedicated specifically to the SSA AE members. Andre Du Preez will spearhead this, and work with PASA to ensure that every new A-Licence holder is invited to join the page. On this platform we hope to inform jumpers of upcoming coaching and events, of safety and gear issues, of special deals, opinion polls, contact details for local coaches etc.
We feel that we would like to focus our efforts this year in the direction of the basic freefly skills of level control, fall rate, backwards and forward movement and axis rotations. This is the foundation of all non horizontal freefall, including freestyle, freeflying and VFS and essential to ensure development of the discipline to competition level. Over 16 weekends at all PASA Drop Zones, we will subsidise 50% of the AE coach’s slot. Jumpers can request coaching in feet down, head down, angled flight or any skill which they feel they need to improve on. Total cost for this will be around R20,000 so some additional fundraising may be required - speak up now if you can assist! But it means that instead of focusing on a handful events or bringing out an international coach which primarily benefits senior jumpers, AE members can enjoy continued basic skills development every 2 to 5 weeks throughout the year. A roster of these weekends will be formulated in consultation with DZOs & AE Coaches by the end of March 2012. Each participating DZ will be asked to display an A3 laminated poster advertising the available coaches / weekends / locations all year round. By using local coaches, and utilising coaches who travel under their own funding to other drop zones, we plan to maximise the cash benefits for emerging AE jumpers.
For more experienced freeflyers, we would like to support at least 2 boogies, where we will organise big way skills camps. Our aim here would be to establish a SA record of 12 freeflyers docked in a head down position. To achieve this, we will no doubt need to enlist the assistance of our senior jumpers based abroad, and the SSA will be co-ordinating this.
As many of you are now aware, 'Atmonauti' has been dissolved as a separate discipline in PASA. This motion was put forward and passed at the recent AGM. The manoeuvre, however, is set to be incorporated into AE (freefly in particular) during the course of this year. This doesn't stop any jumpers from taking part in angled flight - which already forms part of AE licence progression - but it does mean that the Category progressions are no longer PASA sanctioned. The SSA, our MOPs and progressions exist to give structure to competitive events and Atmo is not happening competitively anywhere else in the world but in SA. As PASA is a member of FAI, licences can only be awarded in FAI sanctioned disciplines. Angled flight first showed up on the skydiving scene in 1998, but as yet no IPC working group has been established to present it as a separate discipline to the FAI. Marco Ciocca has recently petitioned the IPC but they were not convinced that global interest would support this. They felt, as the majority of the voters did at the AGM, that to give Atmo it’s own discipline is to ignore the role of angled flight in freeflying. However, like big way formations, hybrids and speed stars, angled flight is loads of fun to do and is here to stay. In fact, Marco will be taking part in a world record event in Dubai later on this month, along with a few other South African jumpers based at Dubai.
Several of the Atmo jumpers have raised concerns about the difficulty level of the Licence progression in AE, as well as with the availability of freefly coaching. As you can see from the SSA activity plan for this year, there will be a big increase in communication regarding coaching and slot availability.
As far as the current progression is concerned, the SSA AE committee will focus heavily in the first quarter on suggesting amendments to the programme.
Proposed amendments will be debated and considered throughout the AE skydiving community - so please participate in this necessary discussion. And remember to tick in the AE box when you fill in your PASA form this year to ensure that the fastest growing skydiving discipline worldwide is able to grow in South Africa too.
The SSA Artistic Events committee will be kick-starting the new PASA year with TWO Free Fly Skills Camps - one at Durban Skydive Centre on the weekend of 31st March / 1st April 2012, and one at Skydive Robertson on the weekend of 14th and 15th April 2012.
The SSA will be covering 50% of the coaches slots on both of these weekends, and Skydive Robertson is waiving the temporary membership fee for non-members coming to the event. At both events, the weekends will start off with a half hour 'ground school' which everybody is welcome to attend. This will include safety issues, exiting techniques, recovery positions as well as a 'questions & answers' session. These are the perfect training camps in light of the upcoming SA National Skydiving Championships.
Please email julieteaguesa@gmail.com to book to jump with Chris Teague at Durban Skydive Centre or email bookings@skydive.co.za to book to jump with either Tim-O-T or Andre du Preez at Skydive Robertson.
The PAC partnership at JSC has also kindly sponsored Marco's slot for an Atmo skills camp at JSC this coming weekend the 17th and 18th of March. If you're interested in taking part please email Marco at marco@macaronis.co.za
Two skills camps are planned for the year, one each in Bloemfontein and Durban. And, if possible, a third in Witbank. The SSA to pay half coach slot and student the other half (some funds for travelling and accommodation for coaches). Once SSA funds are depleted there will be some coaches willing to cover their half of the slot if student pays for the other half.
We will also try and do some 'CRW eye candy' stuff to lure some folk at various DZs.
Additional skills development planned is the intended CF Coach rating of SANDF members. This will be done with a view to sparking a SANDF core of CF excellence as the SANDF has a number of AR7 canopies at their disposal.
Ad hoc one-on-ones will continue to take place at various DZs to introduce jumpers to CF.
It is planned to do skills training at the different clubs in the country.
Two night accuracy competitions at Pretoria and Rustenburg.
Participants will pay a registration fee to cover the cost of these events.
Funds not used will be saved for purchasing an inflatable mattress. Estimated cost: R15000.
Two Canopy Piloting Seminars are planned - one at a DZ with a pond and one at a DZ without. This is to discuss the CP Rules, CP Skills Programme and general canopy flight.
Two Canopy Piloting Competitions will be held. One as preparation for the Mondial in November and one in 2013 as preparation for CP Nationals. Open and Intermediate jumpers will be allowed.
Canopy Piloting Mentoring Programme
The CP committee will ask each Open CP Pilot to nominate 2 Intermediate Pilots and implement a mentoring programme in association with a current coach. This is to ensure that more intermediate jumpers enter Nationals, ensure safety and provide Pilots for the future. Two CP Skills Programme Days are planned for Intermediates. This ties in with the Canopy Piloting Mentoring Programme and the idea is to set aside a day where the coaches film, coach and mentor their Inters on a set of jumps.
The WS committee plans to host Wingsuiting development courses in Johannesburg, Cape Town and at Skydive Central.
These events will be partially sponsored by the SSA in conjunction with the clubs.
Remaining funds will be saved towards new demonstration / training suits that are more up to date.

dPhi Wear Online Store
Suppliers of high quality skydiving t-shirts and apparel. Why wait for us to come to your DZ when you can get what you want directly from our website!
Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: http://www.dphi.co.za/
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
It is almost time for Nationals again! This year we are bringing out a multi-rated FAI judge to assist in evaluating and training any persons who are keen to get involved in judging any skydiving discipline.
There is no prerequisite of having skydiving experience, just the willingness to learn and judge. From this feedback we can arrange the necessary logistics.
This is an ideal opportunity to take advantage of, as travelling abroad to gain judging experience can be a costly exercise!
Please could all interested parties contact Stuart Robinson as soon as possible so we can finalise the dates.
Blue Skies
Judging Committee
On 9 March, 2012 Aerial FX teamed up with Pretoria Skydiving Club to organize one of Africa's largest budget demonstration jumps for the launch of the new railway line and ore train linking The Kingdom of Swaziland with Maputo.
7 skydivers, Mike Rumble, Frederik Potgieter, Bruce Askham, Ricci Bucceri, Peter Annandale, Jasper Williams and myself flew to Swaziland in the awesome Augusta 109 Helicopter for an aerial site inspection prior to a rehearsal jump from the PAC 750 from NAC piloted by display pilot legend Chris Briers and accompanied by Mr Airshow, Brian Emmenis, from Capital Sounds.
Graham, Ricci and Sharky exit
(Photo courtesy of Graham Field)
 Display stack
(Photo courtesy of Frederik Potgieter)
After a flawles display for Event Director and Swaziland Airshow organiser, Lyndon Hermanson, we spent a quiet and tense evening at the George Hotel in Manzini in preparation for the big event. No less than 5 helicopters, 3 fixed wing aircraft and 50 personnel were part of this display with the skydivers providing the highlight and dash of colour to proceedings.
Friday morning was spent watching unfavourable weather prior to the call to proceed around midday with improving conditions. The display went off perfectly with a freefall smoke and bomb-burst formation opening at 5000ft agl. The sequence then went into a CF display with Bruce and Sharky providing a fast CF base-pin for me to dock 3rd with smoke on the bottom. Ricci and Mike carried 8 Swazi flag-coloured smoke on either side of the stack, breaking into a pinwheel colour wheel and landing first whilst all being filmed by Fred and Jasper. The final part of the display was 2 large 5m x 3m flags - the Swaziland National Flag and the Sponsors, SALGAOCAR banners - being landed in front of dignitaries. My role was to land last in front of the Swazi King and other Royalty and take the required bow for protocol.
The King of Swaziland honoured us and all the aerial performers by breaking with tradition and coming forward to shake each of the skydivers hands and thank them personally - a great honour for all of us. The sponsors SALGAOCAR also purchased 5 full systems in the colours of Swaziland for this demo and for the further use and development of Skydiving in Swaziland and at Pretoria Skydiving Club. Thanks to Chris Dales and Parachute Systems for coming through in record time and providing us with some of the World's best skydiving equipment
I would like to thank all involved especially our sponsors SALGAOCAR, Deola and Chris Briers from NAC , PSC Pete Lawson, Lyndon Hermanson, all the pilots and especially my Team of skydivers for a world class performance.
Blue Skies, Graham Field www.aerialfx.co.za
His Majesty King Mswati III of Swaziland,
(Photo courtesy of Graham Field)
Skydive Parys is situated on the banks of the Vaal River serving Gauteng and at the Free State adventure capital town of Parys. The DZ is undoubtedly the region's most scenic and the manicured grass landing area of The Stonehenge Resort caters for all experience levels.
The DZ is a full time 7 day a week non-student operation utilising Cessna 206 / 210 aircraft. Staff at the DZ includes DZO and CI Graham Field with Frederik Potgieter and Karen Fourie.
Skydive Parys will form an integral part of the area's vision for an airsports capital offering skydiving, paragliding. PPG, gliding, aerobatics, ballooning and power flying alongside the already established white water rafting, canoeing, biking and cycling activities.
The DZ is less than 1 hour and 100km from Johannesburg and offers tandem students, sport skydivers and their families a welcome getaway venue and alternate to the norm.
The planned DZ launch date will be announced soon with balloon jumps and a turbine aircraft as an added attraction over this weekend.
For further information please contact Graham Field at (074) 198 0891 or email graham@aerialfx.co.za
Skydive Parys is located at Stonehenge in Africa - Parys

(Photo courtesy of Graham Field)
Lic/Rating |
Name |
Drop Zone |
A Licence |
A7149 |
Gerald Williams |
Skydive Central |
A7150 |
Sebastian Dorfner |
Skydive Cape Town |
A7151 |
Rogan Maclean |
Durban Skydive Centre |
A7152 |
Costin Lupu |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B Licence |
B2808 |
Michael Bonandrini |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
B2809 |
Hendri Liebenberg |
Skydive Central |
B2810 |
Rogan Maclean |
Durban Skydive Centre |
C Licence |
C1785 |
Chris Moller |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
C1786 |
Jimmy Parrella |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
C1787 |
Rogan Maclean |
Durban Skydive Centre |
PRO Rating |
PRO418 |
Michael Tippett |
EP Skydivers, Grahamstown |
Tandem Master Rating |
TM148 V/ SG |
Mark Dumbleton |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
Tandem Master Sigma Conversion |
TM133 SG |
Gerrit Lambert |
SkyDive Rustenburg |
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
If you are interested in advertising in this newsletter, contact admin@para.co.za for more details.
PASA and the Toggle Times cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, due to all content being submitted without verification.