- Chairman's Message
- FS 8-way camp with Martial Ferré
- Skydive Robertson Wingsuit Skills Camp
- Skydive Central Canopy Formation Skills Camp
- Aero Club Annual Awards
- Licences and ratings
- Aero Club fees
- Keeping it in the family
- SSA mid-term reports
- Formation Skydiving mid-term report
- Artistic Events mid-term report
- Canopy Formation mid-term report
- Canopy Piloting mid-term report
- Atmonauti mid-term report
2011 has been an exciting year with many boogies, nationals competitions and skills camps dedicated to giving our members as many opportunities as possible to have fun, learn and hone your skills. We look forward to more of the same in 2012. Members at all skill levels are urged to consider participating at Nationals next year. It should be a fantastic event since it’s the first combined nationals championships representing all competition disciplines for some time with open gold medallists being eligible to represent South Africa at the Mondial World Championships, also showcasing all disciplines at one event, being held in Dubai in November and December, 2012.
On the housekeeping front, we have continued to strive to improve service levels while keeping costs (and your fees) to a minimum. We will be launching the new admin system in time for 2012 renewal and hope this will further improve service. More about those exciting developments in the next issue.
While our number of members, first jump students and descents are all marginally down on the previous year, I am pleased to report that incidents are down more than 30% on the previous year. This underscores the great work done by Safety and Training, Chief Instructors and their support staff around the country.

On a personal note, I would like to thank all the members who have been so supportive of my new role as PASA chairman during the past few months. It was certainly a daunting responsibility to take on, made easier with the fantastic backing of the various office bearers and our admin office.
So, to all who read this newsletter, we wish you a safe and happy festive season and every good wish for the New Year.
Blue Skies, Joos Vos
At the end of October, we were treated to a rare privilege - two 8-way camps run by multiple (and current) World Champion 8-way team member, Martial Ferré.
Martial generously gave up half of his first holiday in South Africa with his family to visit Pretoria Skydiving Club and the Johannesburg Skydiving Club and share some of his amazing knowledge and experience, and spread his passion for 8-way. Motivated by the possibility of growing 8-way across the globe, Martial arrived from his previous camp after 3 days of no sleep and exhausting travel to teach us whatever we were willing to absorb in the short time available.

Team JSC (the Skydive Robertson contingent) dirt dive
(Photo courtesy of Claire King)
Standing left to right: Robbie Stewart (cam), Oliver Nöthen, Garric Townsend, Martial Ferré, Pam Russell, Andre d’Argent, Alister McQueen
Kneeling left to right: Martin Phelps, Erik Vliegenthart, Steve Norris
(Photo courtesy of Claire King)

With most of the participants having no formal 8-way experience at all, Martial spent a lot of time on exits, something many of us in South Africa tend to approach with a “just wing it” approach. He poured into the intricate and specific details of the angles, positioning, process and responsibilities of each slot and of the whole piece – from the PAC in the first camp and then from the Atlas Angel in the second.
The results were so rewarding to see, with the PSC participants performing the first completely linked 8-way exit from an Angel. We saw the impact the correct exit made on the success of the jump – while “winging it” informally often works out, it slows the first transition and is usually unrepeatable.
Team PSC in action
(Photos courtesy of Warren Hitchcock)
Not to miss the opportunity, those who couldn’t gather enough people for an 8-way, attended in a 4-way and spending time getting back to basics.
Martial took the teams through the whole 8-way dive pool, reinforced by his 8-way guide distributed to everyone beforehand. Again, the focus on angles and precision paid off for the jumpers who showed visible, significant progress over only 10 jumps.
While jumpers were up on loads, we drilled Martial for 4-way coaching on the creeper pad, going through the 4-way blocks and alternatives and options practiced by the French (in South Africa we largely follow American techniques and continuity).
We are so appreciative of Martial's generosity and professionalism. The feedback was really positive and everyone had a great time.
For your next training camp, I'd highly recommend giving him a call. In the meantime, take a look at his website http://www.veloce.fr/ for a wealth of 4-way and 8-way info as well as alook at his latest pursuits - powerplays, big ways and all sorts of interesting and challenging FS in between coaching the Swiss 8-way team, tunnel coaching and his other full time skydiving work.
Many thanks to Martial for coming, and to Arnaud Laloum for the idea, introductions and organising the opportunity for us.
We look forward to seeing more 8-way teams training and entering Nationals in 2012, and years to come.
Ian van den Berge FS Committee
 Team PSC left to right: Ian van den Berge, Yolandi van den Berge, Jacqui Bruwer, Mark Trethewey, Claire King, Dirk Venter, Bradley Curnow, Anaud Laloum, Martial Ferré, Mike Talerico, Bertus Haring
(Photo courtesy of Claire King)
Skydive Robertson hosted a Wingsuit Camp on 12 and 13 November 2011, with the help of Steve Bartels and Pierre Marais Badenhorst.
Five students sat in on the course, which was presented by Steve on Friday evening. The history of Wingsuiting and the development of the suits was discussed with emphasis on knowledge transfer.
The first flight course covered all aspects of safe Wingsuiting and showed the importance of knowledge transfer as well as the value such a course can offer a skydiver.
Evaluation jumps and First Flights took place on the Saturday. The weather unfortunately did not want to come to the party on Sunday and so students and instructors moved from the DZ to Affie Plaas to ensure the visitors got the full Robertson experience.
The camp also aided in completing the requirements for Marcel Vliegenthart and Oliver Nöthen to become approved PASA Wingsuit coaches.
They will continue the progression of the less experienced Wingsuiters as well as give first flight courses to skydivers that meet the requirements and wish to try the amazing and rewarding discipline of Wingsuiting.
 Taya Weiss |
 Lehan Bornman
(Photos courtesy of Oliver Nöthen)
A big thank you to Steve for flying out from Durban and Pierre for coming out to Robertson and assisting with the jumps and course. Thank you also to Taya Weiss for coming down to Robertson a few weekends before to start the ball rolling for the coach candidates.
We look forward to the next Wingsuit Camp.
Oliver Nöthen
Skydive Central hosted an introduction to Canopy Formation skills camp over the period 18-20 November 2011.
CF is a relative unknown discipline for SC, however, the SC Chevrolet show jump team recognised the “crowd pleasing” value of CF with regards to show jumps. With the possibility of utilising CF in show jumps, two triathlon hybrid canopies were sponsored by Chevrolet, so the journey started to develop CF at SC.
Andre Le Roux, along with Gerrit Lambert, a seasoned CF coach made their way to Bloemfontein from Jo'burg.
 Andre le Roux and Gerrit Lambert doing Canopy Formation with Johan Laubscher in the foreground
(Photo courtesy of Bianca Van der Westhuizen)
The coaches arrived Friday afternoon, just in time to assist the Chevrolet show jump team with the daunting task of landing a two-stack into the Bloemfontein cricket oval. The crowd pleasing value of CF was confirmed! Andre and Gerrit had the crowd on their feet with their performance. |
 Hendri Liebenberg aka PackNorris getting instruction from Gerrit Lambert
(Photo courtesy of Johan Laubscher aka Lobstercam)
The rest of Friday afternoon was spent on CF theory, CF gear and packing techniques were covered. Nine jumpers attended the seminar, with experience levels ranging from 70 jumps to 5000 jumps.
It came to our attention that two jumpers would not be allowed to partake in the practical side of CF, seeing that their wing loading would be too high for their experience level, nevertheless, the two junior jumpers’ commitment could not be tamed and they became proficient CF packers.
The participants had mixed emotions about the fact that CF is predominantly a discipline that favours “first light” loads. All participants reported for duty at 05:30 for a 06:00 take-off on Saturday morning. The usual cheery and chirpy atmosphere associated with the customary first load of the day, were replaced by jumpers with expressions of numbing concentration and focus. Everyone disclosed that this is the closest that they’ve ever come to the feelings one experienced on their very first jump!
A total of 15 coach jumps were done over the Saturday and Sunday, predominantly two way rotations.
It became evident throughout the weekend that CF seemed to be stigmatised by the skydive community, as a discipline that usually ends in wraps and cut-aways, that the canopies utilised for CF promises for bad landings and broken ankles.
This might have been true if you partook in CF back in the 80’s. The gear and techniques utilised today cannot be compared to the time when CF was still in it’s pioneering phase. The stigma surrounding CF did unfortunately not disappear with the new developments and it seems that people tend to see images of wraps and jumpers with line burns over their bodies, whenever they hear the word CRW, Crew or CF.
This observation became evident when the junior participants outflew their more senior counterparts - the juniors did not enter the camp with preconceived ideas, they just went for it.
Jackie Schoeman (320 jumps) and Wesley Pagel (110 jumps) both received their CAT I in CF and are only one jump away from completing their CATII.
 Andre Le roux instructing Jackie Schoeman on CF jump no. 1. |
 Gerrit Lambert and David Botha doing rotations
(Photos courtesy of Johan Laubscher aka Lobstercam)
SC will invest in the development of CF, the new dimension that it brought to the skydive experience is great!
SC would like to thank Gerrit and Andre for the professional yet fun approach to coaching - definitely the right way to inspire a new generation of CF participants!
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Dear Valued Customers,
The time has come again where we say goodbye to yet another great year.
Icarus Air Wear would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all your support during 2011 and we are looking forward to continued relationships during 2012 and beyond.
Please be advised we will close on Monday, 12th December 2011
and reopen on Monday, 9th January 2012.
We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The annual Aero Club awards dinner was held on 5 November 2011 at the Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg. Congratulations to the following PASA members who received recognition awards on the night:
Erik Vliegenthart - Participant - 13th FAI World Para Ski Championships, Gosau, Austria from 28 February to 5 March 2011
Ettienne Bosch - Chief Judge - 6th FAI World Cup of Canopy Piloting and 2nd FAI European Canopy Piloting Parachuting Championships, Klatovy, Czech Republic from 22 to 27 August 2011
Chanel Robinson - Event Judge - 8 Way Formation Skydiving and Vertical Formation Skydiving - 17th FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving and 10th FAI European Formation Skydiving Championships, Saarlouis, Germany from 1 to 7 August 2011
Dirk Venter - Formation Skydiving Judge - 17th FAI World Cup of Formation Skydiving and 10th FAI European Formation Skydiving Championships, Saarlouis, Germany from 1 to 7 August 2011
Agnieszka Solomon - Jury Member - 6th FAI World Cup of Canopy Piloting and 2nd FAI European Canopy Piloting Parachuting Championships, Klatovy, Czech Republic from 22 to 27 August 2011
Samantha Schook - Canopy Piloting Judge - 6th FAI World Cup of Canopy Piloting and 2nd FAI European Canopy Piloting Parachuting Championships, Klatovy, Czech Republic from 22 to 27 August 2011
Jacqui Bruwer - FAI Controller 6th FAI World Cup of Canopy Piloting
The following licences and ratings have been issued recently. Congratulations to all!
Drop Zone
A Licence
Andrew Taylor
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Tarine van Vreden
Witbank Skydiving Club
Shubedu Modise
Skydive Central
Bruno Heyduczek
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Andre Vermeulen
Adventure Skydives Kruger
Justin Custer
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Arnold van Dyk
Skydive Central
Michael Panaino
Witbank Skydiving Club
Hendri Liebenberg
Skydive Central
Bianca van der Westhuizen
Skydive Central
Sonja Botha
Skydive Central
Kevin Short
Witbank Skydiving Club
Marc Malinsky
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Warren Pistorius
SkyDive Rustenburg
Kevin Andrew
EP Skydivers, Grahamstown
Miranda Bramley
Adventure Skydives Kruger
Eddie Sardinha
Witbank Skydiving Club
David le Roux
EP Skydivers, Grahamstown
Simon le Roux
EP Skydivers, Grahamstown
David Martin
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
B Licence
Herman Redelinghuis
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Gerhard de Klerk
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Liza Hietbrink
Witbank Skydiving Club
Lehan Bornman
Skydive Robertson
Bambisa Bhejana
Skydive Central
C Licence
Amanda Loots
Witbank Skydiving Club
Frederik Potgieter
SkyDive Rustenburg
Josie Coetzee
SkyDive Rustenburg
Andre Nel
SkyDive Rustenburg
Lloyd Oelofse
EP Skydivers, Grahamstown
PRO Rating
Karen Fourie
SkyDive Rustenburg
Frederik Potgieter
SkyDive Rustenburg
Pieter van Dalen
SkyDive Rustenburg
James Williamson
EP Skydivers, Grahamstown
Jumpmaster Rating
Johan Roberts
Witbank Skydiving Club
Francois Wagenaar
EP Skydivers Grahamstown
Amanda Loots
Witbank Skydiving Club
Frederik Potgieter
SkyDive Rustenburg
Gerrit Olckers
SkyDive Rustenburg
Pieter van Dalen
SkyDive Rustenburg
Josie Coetzee
SkyDive Rustenburg
Fanie Jacobs
Witbank Skydiving Club
Olaf Ohlssen
Skydive Central
Andre Nel
SkyDive Rustenburg
Jean Strauss
Witbank Skydiving Club
Instructor Rating
Rainer Baecker
Skydive Cape Town
Parachute Technician Rating
Jackie Schoeman
Skydive Central
Tandem Master Rating
Juan Nell
Skydive Mossel Bay
Tandem Master Evaluator Rating
Ralph Ridge
Adventure Skydives Kruger
V = Vector
SG = Sigma
ST = Strong
Coach Rating
John Williamson
EP Skydivers Grahamstown
F = Formation Skydiving
A = Artistic Events
C = Canopy Formation
S = Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing
If any members have not received their PASA cards and/or licence/rating certificates this year, please contact admin@para.co.za

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Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: http://www.dphi.co.za/
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
Members who renew their Aero Club fees via PASA are advised to ignore recent email notices from the Aero Club relating to membership renewal.
PASA’s membership year ends 31 March 2012 and members will be notified about renewals closer to that time.
The Vliegentharts have been part of the Skydive Citrusdal family since dad Leen joined the Club in 1974. Sons Erik and Marcel grew up on the dropzone and both learned to pack at an early age, and eventually to jump. Erik found a career on the dropzone, and Marcel found a wife, Debby. Their children, Phoenix and Gabriel, are now on the new Robertson DZ being led astray by the grown up kids that populate it.
Recently, Leen’s partner, Denise Howkins undertook her first Tandem jump with Erik looking after her. Debby, Leen and Marcel joined up with the Tandem pair above Robertson. Thanks to Tim-O-T’s photography, Denise will never forget the day she truly joined the flying Vliegenthart family.
 Left to right: Marcel, Erik with Denise as tandem passenger, Debby and Leen
(Photo courtesy of Timothy Hutchings)
 Left to right: Erik, Denise, Leen, Marcel and Debby
(Photo courtesy of Timothy Hutchings)
 Phoenix and Gabriel seem set to continue the proud family tradition.
(Photo courtesy of Pam Russell)
All discipline committees were requested to give their members feedback on progress and development as a comparison to the plan and budget submitted by them at the start of the year. This is a valuable tool for you to measure your discipline committee’s performance and if they are delivering, which in turn should influence who you vote onto the committees at the AGM in March and also how you allocate funds to each discipline via the ticks on your renewal form.
We have highlighted only the development activities or other major items here. A detailed feedback report from each discipline will be available to members ahead of the AGM in early 2012.
» No feedback reports had been received from the Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing and Paraski committee or from the Wingsuiting committee at the time of going to press. «
1. Cat II Coach Day: [R 2 700]. Goal is to increase the quality of FS Cat II coaching and to assist 3 drop zones in skilling up and qualifying 1 Cat II coach each by means of a coaching and evaluation weekend. The identified drop zones are Eston, Bloemfontein and Grahamstown and the camp will be held at Bloemfontein with the other DZ’s attendees travelling through to Bloem for the weekend.
1. Cat II coach day. R1200 paid for travel costs to Skydive Central and R1200 for coach evaluations at JSC. Cat2 coaching weekend was planned and held at SC on the weekend of Fri 30 Sept to Sun 2 Oct 2011. Four PASA FS Coaches attended the weekend. Due to bad weather, no evaluation jumps were done. The weekend focused on theory, and all candidates had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Cat 2 program, FS Techniques, and observe all Cat 2 briefings as stipulated by the pre-requirements for becoming an FS coach. Arrangements were made with 4 candidates to do their evaluation jumps on the weekend of 22 to 23 October at JSC during the 8-way Camp. Two candidates were evaluated during this weekend by Dirk and Amy. One candidate received his rating on the day. This is an ongoing project, and the FS Committee is committed to assist with funds (if available) for the evaluation of any of the interested parties from the 3 DZ’s with pre-requirements signed off by their CI.
2. 8Way Skills camp: [R 5 000]. French 8 way (World Champions) coach, Martial Ferre is willing to run an 8 way camp. We need to raise enough funds to cover his expenses, so a registration fee estimated at R500 per person is expected to cover the shortfall of the expenses, currently estimated at R11 000 but not yet confirmed. This camp is dependent on enough attendees committing to the camp. The camp will focus on functional, productive open 8-way for existing teams and jumpers wanting to learn more specific techniques and technical knowledge in competitive 8-way.
2. The R5000 earmarked for travel costs was paid from registration funds remaining after all costs were paid. After all costs, R953 left over has been incorporated into FS income. There were 2 camps held, the first at JSC on the weekend of 22 to 23 October, and the second at PSC on the weekend of 29 to 30 October. Each camp had one team participating, a Robertson team and a Pretoria team respectively. Both the teams have indicated that they will be participating in an 8-way event at 2012 FS Nationals.
3. C-Licence day [R5 300]: Venue unconfirmed. Funds and activity carried over from last year. This is a day to facilitate functional, productive 8-ways for jumpers who need their C-Licence requirements, have done the necessary preparation and are proven as ready to complete the requirements, and just need more capable jumpers to complete the required jumps with. In the wake of well-intentioned events we have seen over the last year with similar goals, participants must have proof of readiness and capability to complete the jumps. Jumpers who are not successfully achieving productive 4-way or larger formations will not be permitted onto this camp as it wastes the time and money of those genuinely ready for their C-Licence. C-Licence is an indication of a certain proficiency level, not a fluke achievement needed for pre-requisites.
3. C-Licence day – No date has been set, but we are currently investigating the possibility of incorporating this at the J-Bay Boogie to give the opportunity to the coastal drop zones with smaller lift capacity to also benefit from this initiative.
4. 16-way day: [no cost]. Venue unconfirmed. A minimum of one 16-way sequential invitational day will be organised. This is aimed at the senior jumpers who we feel give back to the sport and deserve an event just for them. Sequential 16-ways planned for adequately skilled jumpers. Some will require the jumps for their D-Licence and we aim to provide the opportunity, however, like the C-Licence day, jumpers will be allowed onto the jumps based on capability and not need as many other jumpers will be spending their money on the jumps with the intention of completing challenging, successful sequential skydives. If the day is well supported, subsequent similar events will be organised.
4. 16 way day – No date has been set due to time limitations (available weekends). Still possible to plan for early 2012.
5. Large formation skills camp [R 1 540]. The coach slot for 7 slots will be sponsored on this camp intended to build the skills needed for big way formations. Big formations will not be built as the focus is on the lasting skill set, not just the completing a big-way.
5. Large Formation skills camp – Skills camp was held on 30 & 31 July at JSC. The initiative was well-received and two groups were formed. Only 8 of the planned 10 jumps were completed and a follow-on day was confirmed by all involved. An additional 6 jumps were completed on 10 September. For future planning the participants will be limited to one group only to afford all the benefit of receiving coaching from Tim Mace. Possibility to plan a different weekend for more experienced jumpers who can do more advanced jumps.
Skills camp 1: Western Cape Skills Camp, Skydive Robertson, Freefly Coaching for all Western Cape Freeflyers (including Skydive Cape Town, Robertson, Mosselbay and Plettenberg Bay) – Coaches: André du Preez / Pierre Marais Badenhorst, Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pay 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)]
Skills camp 2: KZN, Bloemfontein and EP Cape Skills Camp, Angels Way, Freefly Coaching – Coaching with Michael Mackenzie (TBC) and another coach (TBC), Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pay 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)]
Skills camp 3: Gauteng and Mpumalanga Skills Camp, JSC, Freefly Coaching – Coaching with Brendon van Niekerk and Brendon Delate, Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pay 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)]
Skills Camp 4: JSC, Advanced Skills Camp, Freefly Sequentials with Michael Mackenzie, Advanced Skills and possible new record attempt, [R1000 travel cost for Michael Mackenzie and participants split his slots]
The AE committee has been presented with a not-to-be-missed opportunity to incorporate the 3 skills camps originally planned into one big event at the J Bay Boogie. World renowned freefly coach Jean-Philippe Ricordeau will be available at the boogie to coach. The cost of flying JP to SA, his accommodation and meals have been covered privately (by André du Preez, Pierre Marais Badenhorst and Brendon van Niekerk) and the PAC partners are covering his slots.
All available remaining AE funds (approximately R6400) will be used to pay towards his coaching fees. Those who wish to receive coaching from JP will only need to pay their own slots. This is an amazing opportunity for the freefly community in South Africa to develop and expand the skills base. It is hoped that jumpers, particularly freefly coaches, from most drop zones will attend so that the skills learned are taken back and passed on at their home drop zones.
R5500 allocated to two skills camps planned for the year. JSC and Bloemfontein have both requested. Planned expenses split equally between the two with the remaining expenses for the Coaches’ own pockets.
R1000 allocated to travel costs.
R3250 has been paid to Skydive Central to offset some of the cost of the Coach slots at the Skills Camp held there 18-20 November 2011. R1000 was paid to cover the travel costs to this event.
The remaining R2250 will be allocated to another Skills Camp which will probably be held at Witbank. Date TBA.
Additional skills development currently happening is the intended CF Coach rating of Corne Myburgh (a previous long-time CF competitor) from the SANDF. Constant Benade, also of the SANDF, will have a number of one-on-one sessions with a CF Coach during November with a view to sparking a SANDF core of CF excellence as the SANDF has a number of AR7 canopies at their disposal.
Ad hoc one-on-ones continue to take place at various DZs to introduce jumpers to CF.
Skills camps will be hosted at PSC until JSC have appointed a responsible person for the pond and competitions.
Skills camp 1: PSC, latter part of 2011, the goal is to encourage more intermediates and to test the new freestyle rules from the IPC. Cost: R1 000.00
Skills camps 2 and 3: PSC, 1st half of 2012, 2 competitions will be held prior to Nationals. Cost: R1 000
A planned Canopy Skills Camp will be hosted by the CP Committee (at a venue other than JSC or PSC – still to be determined) and R2 000 has been allocated towards travelling and coaching funds.
The 1st skills camp is planned for end of February 2012 at PSC with details to follow. The reason for the late hosting of the skills camps is that new rules will be tested and discussed at the Dubai Cup in Dec 2011.
A 2nd and 3rd skills camp will be combined and is planned for March 2012 with coaches Chris Teague and Rob Kruger.
Skills camp 1:
International Coach: JSC, 14/15 May
Expected participants 15+
Cost: R7 000 for airfare
Skills camp 1:
The Atmo committee arranged Gigliola Borgnis’ travel and accommodation, and there were a total of 18 participants. 28 group coaching loads and over 250 coaching slots were achieved over the 3 day event, with group coaching of 8way – 12way being the order of the day.
Skills camp 2:
Latter part of year: Participation of local coaches
Atmo committee will be relying on registration fees to compensate international coaches fees, and local coaches costs at boogies.
Atmo committee will be relying on the PAC Partnership to cover coaching slots at Boogies held at JSC.
It will remain the Atmo SSA Committee’s objective to promote Cat II and Cat III progression, with the aim to introduce the Atmo Cat II programme to a minimum of 10 new atmonauts and sign off at least 1 new Coach rating in 2011.
Skills camp 2:
Compared to anticipated single event, 12 Events have been held thus far, as privately organized Atmo Coaching events, endorsed by Atmo SSA. These events have been held monthly due to popular demand and have exceeded all expectations.
Over 800 coaching slots.
Planned introduction to 10 students has been exceeded, and currently stands at 28!
26 Atmo ISP, 13 Cat1, 2 Cat2, 4 Cat3, 25 Cat2 Progression, 4 Cat3 Progression, 2 Coach Progression, 3 Coach Ratings, 7 Navigator Ratings.
The Atmo SSA Committee would hope to continue the South African initiative for the integration of Atmonauti into the FAI, with a view to present to the IPC at next year’s meeting. In addition, to have the Atmo MOPs working document ratified and formalised
The Atmo SSA Committee, with the assistance of the SA IPC Delegate to the FAI, has submitted request for presentation at the upcoming 2012 IPC Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This presentation was endorsed by the SSA, and an agenda item is being added to the formal proceedings. It is anticipated that Marco Ciocca will travel to present to the IPC Delegates and FAI Members. Objective: FAI Status.
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Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
If you are interested in advertising in this newsletter, contact admin@para.co.za for more details.
PASA and the Toggle Times cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, due to all content being submitted without verification.