- SSA Budget and Activity Plans 2011-2012
- SA Skydiving League - Season 2 Final Roundup
- SA Nationals in FS, AE and Atmo
- The Smoking Dragon Boogie
- SSA Atmo Skills Boogie May 2011
- Canopy Piloting Nationals
- Night Jumps at SkyDive Rustenburg
- Skydive Northern Cape takes to the skies
- Licences and ratings issued recently
- Judges News
- Style and Accuracy Competition 25 to 26 June 2011
- Atmo Skills Boogie 2
- FS Large Formation Skills Camp
- Ranch Boogie 2011
- Jeffreys Bay Boogie
The SSA fees for the year April 2011 to March 2012 are R150 per member.
The SSA committees have prepared the following budget and activity plans based on an estimate of 680 members (with an average of 694 over the past 3 years, this is a reasonably conservative estimate).
More than 680 members will mean more funds are available for events later in the year. Fewer will mean that expenditure in the latter half of the membership year will need to be adjusted. This is monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure that budgets are met.
Each discipline is required to provide a budget for approval by its members and the Management Council. Funds are allocated to each discipline with an approved budget and according to the following formula:
The shared expenses for administration (R6000 p.a.) and IPC delegate travel (R12 000 p.a.), to which each discipline contributes equally, are provided for before allocating funds.
The balance of income is split 40/60 with 40% being split equally among the 7 disciplines and the remaining 60% being split according to the ticks on members’ renewal forms.
The SSA, as a whole, contribute R25 000 towards the hosting of the South African National Championships in all disciplines except Wingsuiting which does not currently have a competition format. Since nationals is often held in the first quarter of a membership year, the members' ticks for that year are not yet known at the time of the competition. For this reason, the SSA committees have elected to split the R25 000 between the disciplines based on the previous year’s ticks and then weight to exclude Wingsuiting. This also allows for a more accurate estimate of funds available per discipline at the time bids are called for from all drop zones.
Below are the major plans for each discipline for the year ahead extracted from the detailed budget and activity plan document.
Formation Skydiving
National Championships
The FS Committee continues to support SASL as a means to grow the discipline. The intention is to continue this long term strategy. There has been significant growth in both quality and quantity of competing novice FS teams. We hope to see this feed into the Open category over 2011. Our 2012 Nationals goal is a minimum entry of 5 open teams. R12 869.75 to be spent on hosting FS nationals plus R1 287.06 for medals.
Skills Development Activities
- Cat II Coach day: [R 2 700]. Goal is to increase the quality of FS Cat II coaching and to assist 3 drop zones in skilling up and qualifying 1 Cat II coach each by means of a coaching and evaluation weekend. The identified drop zones are Eston, Bloemfontein and Grahamstown and the camp will be held at Bloemfontein with the other DZ’s attendees travelling through to Bloem for the weekend.
- 8 Way Skills camp: [R 5 000]. French 8 way (World Champions) coach, Martial Ferré is willing to run an 8 way camp. We need to raise enough funds to cover his expenses, so a registration fee estimated at R500 per person is expected to cover the shortfall of the expenses, currently estimated at R11 000 but not yet confirmed. This camp is dependent on enough attendees committing to the camp. The camp will focus on functional, productive open 8-way for existing teams and jumpers wanting to learn more specific techniques and technical knowledge in competitive 8-way.
- C-Licence day [R5 300]: Venue unconfirmed. Funds and activity carried over from last year. This is a day to facilitate functional, productive 8-ways for jumpers who need their C-Licence requirements, have done the necessary preparation and are proven as ready to complete the requirements, and just need more capable jumpers to complete the required jumps with. In the wake of well-intentioned events we have seen over the last year with similar goals, participants must have proof of readiness and capability to complete the jumps. Jumpers who are not successfully achieving productive 4-way or larger formations will not be permitted onto this camp as it wastes the time and money of those genuinely ready for their C-Licence. C-Licence is an indication of a certain proficiency level, not a fluke achievement needed for pre-requisites.
- 16-way day: [no cost]. Venue unconfirmed. A minimum of one 16-way sequential invitational day will be organised. This is aimed at the senior jumpers who we feel give back to the sport and deserve an event just for them. Sequential 16-ways planned for adequately skilled jumpers. Some will require the jumps for their D-Licence and we aim to provide the opportunity, however, like the C-Licence day, jumpers will be allowed onto the jumps based on capability and not need as many other jumpers will be spending their money on the jumps with the intention of completing challenging, successful sequential skydives. If the day is well supported, subsequent similar events will be organised.
- Large formation skills camp [R 1 540]. The coach slot for 7 slots will be sponsored on this camp intended to build the skills needed for big way formations. Big formations will not be built as the focus is on the lasting skill set, not just the completing a big-way.
SASL Sponsorship R3000 – FS has a long term strategy to partner with SASL in building competitive formation skydiving, increasing competition opportunity and growing the discipline.
SuperSport DVD R1500 – FS will contribute to the first DVD being produced with the intention of publicising skydiving on television.
Artistic Events
National Championships
R12 869.75 to be spent on hosting AE nationals plus R1 287.06 for medals.
Skills Development Activities
Skills camp 1: Western Cape Skills Camp, Skydive Robertson, Freefly Coaching for all Western Cape Freeflyers (including Skydive Cape Town, Robertson, Mossel Bay and Plettenberg Bay) – Coaches: André du Preez / Pierre Marais Badenhorst, Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pays 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)].
Skills camp 2: KZN, Bloemfontein and EP Cape Skills Camp, Angels Way, Freefly Coaching – Coaching with Michael Mackenzie (TBC) and another coach (TBC), Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pays 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)].
Skills camp 3: Gauteng and Mpumalanga Skills Camp, JSC, Freefly Coaching – Coaching with Brendon van Niekerk and Brendon Delate, Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pays 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)].
Skills Camp 4: JSC, Advanced Skills Camp, Freefly Sequentials with Michael Mackenzie, Advanced Skills and possible new record attempt, [R1000 travel cost for Michael Mackenzie and participants split his slots].
R1500 towards skydiving development DVD of Nationals 2010 on SuperSport.
Canopy Formation
National Championships
R1 398.30 - Nationals to be held at Skydive Xtreme 25/26 June 2011. Two 4-way Rotations teams planned as well as four 2-way Sequential teams. Zimbabwean 4-way Rotations team invited to attend. TBC. R381.90 to be spent on medals.
Skills Development Activities
R5500 allocated to two skills camps planned for the year. JSC and Bloemfontein have both requested. Planned expenses split equally between the two with the remaining expenses for the Coaches’ own pockets. R1000 allocated to travel costs.
Freefall Style and Accuracy Landing & Paraski
National Championships
R2 632.57- Nationals to be held at Skydive Xtreme 25/26 June 2011. R1 032.84 to be spent on medals.
Skills Development Activities
R2200 allocated to two skills camps planned for the year.
Repayment of loan for 2009 purchase of Weckbecker – R4 000.
Canopy Piloting
The CP measuring equipment is owned by different individuals and was developed for the 2 World Competitions held at PSC and JSC. The CP Committee would like to purchase this equipment and a complete list with pricing will be submitted to the SSA for approval as soon as we receive it. We have estimated the amount to be around R10 000. Should our estimates be completely wrong, the CP Committee requests that our portion of the SSA funds be kept in order to purchase the equipment in 2012.
Proposed List:
- Windblades
- Measuring Tape (2)
- Laser Stands
- Accuracy Course Tapes
- Bollards and covers
Repair of the Laser Stands which was broken during a competition in 2010. Cost R1 414.
National Championships
Our goal is to have 15 entrants for Nationals this year, 10 Senior and 5 Intermediates.
Nationals to be held at Pretoria Skydiving Club 13 to 15 May 2011.
R2 508.87 to be spent on Nationals.
R566.58 to be spent on medals.
Skills Development Activities
Skills camps will be hosted at PSC until JSC have appointed a person responsible for the pond and competitions.
Skills camp 1: PSC, latter part of 2011, the goal is to encourage more intermediates and to test the new freestyle rules from the IPC. Cost: R1 000.00
Skills camps 2 and 3: PSC, 1st half of 2012, 2 competitions will be held prior to Nationals.
Cost: R1 000
A Canopy Skills Camp will be hosted by the CP Committee (at a venue other than JSC or PSC – still to be determined).
Cost: R2 000 has been allocated towards travelling and coaching funds.
Procure 3 GPS units - R7700.
Skills Development Activities
The SSA WS Committee is going to introduce wingsuit competitions to South Africa. This will be done in three parts:
Big ways: Although some big ways have been flown there exist no clear rules and guidelines on how these formations will be judged. The SSA committee will endeavour to get governing rules in the SSA handbook. There will also be an attempt to break the current SA record of 8-way. Practice camps will be held at the major skydive boogies.
GPS competitions - this will consist of three competitions:
- Distance: the longest flight within parameters according to GPS unit;
- Speed: The fastest speed achieved between parameters according to GPS unit;
- Time: the longest time flown between parameters according to GPS unit.
The rules and specifications will also be compiled by the WS SSA committee.
Artistic event: This will be in the form of 2-way formation and will follow the same structure as the SASL. Rules will also be submitted by the WS SSA committee.
Big Way rules to be submitted by June
Introduction weekend July 2011 – R1000
Big Way practice camps:
- Smoking Dragon Boogie 29 April 2011
- Margate Boogie 16 June 2011
- Ranch Boogie 4 August 2011
Procure paralog licence - R1000.
National Championships
The Atmo Committee voted for Cape Nationals to promote a Cape event, notwithstanding the fact that Atmo competitors would have preferred Rustenburg as a venue and would have guaranteed larger numbers. In light of this, the Atmo Committee does not expect a large representation at this year’s Nationals. R1 191.24 to be spent on Nationals. R396.72 to be spent on medals.
Skills Development Activities
Skills camp 1:
International Coach: JSC, 14/15 May Expected participants 15+ Cost: R7 000 for airfare
Skills camp 2:
Latter part of year: Participation of local coaches.
Atmo committee will be relying on registration fees to compensate international coaches fees, and local coaches costs at boogies.
Atmo committee will be relying on the PAC Partnership to cover coaching slots at Boogies held at JSC.
It remains the Atmo Committee’s objective to promote Cat II and Cat III progression, with the aim to introduce the Atmo Cat II programme to a minimum of 10 new atmonauts and sign off at least 1 new Coach rating in 2011.
The Atmo SSA Committee would hope to continue the South African initiative for the integration of Atmonauti into the FAI, with a view to present to the IPC at the 2012 meeting. In addition, to ratify and formalise the Atmo MOPs working document.
Hi Everyone
SASL Season 2 is done and dusted and what a fantastic season it has been. Thanks to unbelievable support from our sponsors, the prizes put SASL onto a whole new level. Even those who are "all about the competition" were freshly motivated by the loot.
Congratulations to the Winners!
Congratulations to the SASL Season 2 winners, Mohan Chudalayandy (Formation Skydiving) (seen below left receiving his prize from Claire King) and Tracey Delate (Freefly) (below right).
 (Photograph courtesy of Claire King)
 (Photograph courtesy of Brendon Delate)
If you missed Nationals (shame on you – it was a superb event!) and managed to avoid our newsletters and updates through the year, check out what our winners walked away with:
An Aerodyne sport canopy of their choice EACH!
- Aerodyne manufacture the Pilot, the Triathlon, the Mamba, the Sensei, the Solo and the Smart reserve. They are also the Icon container manufacturers. Next time you’re in Durban, swing past their factory there.
A Larsen & Brusgaard digital visual altimeter EACH!
A Larsen & Brusgaard audible altimeter EACH!
- Larsen & Brusgaard are the name behind so many of the alti’s on our DZ’s - the ProTrack, Solo II, Optima II, Altitrack and Viso II. Not to mention the good ol’ DYTTER. My first audible was a DYTTER – I still have it and use it regularly and it still works beautifully.
A Bev Suit of their choice EACH!
- Another amazing brand, Bev suit make formation and freefly suits. My only complaint is that my Bev Suits have lasted so well, I’ve had to create justifications to get a new one. I have 2 Bev Suits. The only difference is the purchase date and gripper colour – I guess that sums up my opinion of the product.
Thank you to our Sponsors
We cannot thank our sponsors enough. It is because of your support and contribution that we can run this league. We are so proud of the participation which continues to grow and hope you are reaping rewards from your involvement. We are tremendously grateful.
In addition to the amazing prizes put up this season, the cash sponsorships from so many people and companies enabled us to cover all our running costs and award a small prize to all the leading teams too.
Thanks to the workers
To the Judges, who haul themselves across the city (and sometimes between cities!) at night after work to judge hours of SASL footage for nothing but a glass of wine, thank you! Thanks too to the SASL Reps, who post the draws, guide novices into competition and push our league and sponsor brands on the dropzones – we have seen a great word-of-mouth take-on of the league this season and hope it has lessened your work.
Thanks to the SASL Committee – also hopefully less work than last year, but vital to the running of the league, we appreciate your hard work. SAB thanks you too ;).
While they are also a sponsor, we would like to thank PASA and the SSA for their continued support of the league. A truly symbiotic relationship exists between us and the SSA and we believe that together we are making gains we could not have made independently. Nationals 2011 participation in AE and FS was up by almost 50% on last year! We have big plans for next year’s Nationals numbers!
Competitors - you guys rock
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support. We love seeing the near-obsessive strategising, scheming and calculating going on at the DZ each weekend. We love to see teams using SASL as part of their training plan. We love the random new-team-mate-each-month jumper who loves to skydive but doesn’t have a regular team or jumping routine. We love to see jumpers who had run out of ideas for what to do, going up with a plan and measuring their progress, motivated to improve. And we love that senior skydivers can now have an additional, very worthwhile motivation for jumping with novices.
Season 3
While we appreciate your eager requests for the next draw, the new season will only start in September. The running season is more fun for all of us but somewhere in between we need to gather ourselves and prepare for the season. Please keep us foremost in your mind – we spend this time gathering sponsorships, planning and preparing for the next season. If you or anyone you know is interested in contributing toward SASL Season 3, please contact us on Game_ON@skyleague.co.za. We appreciate any support you can offer us – SASL reps, SASL committee members, money, prizes, services or even an enthusiastic voice behind a loud hailer – it’s all part of an awesome, growing community project.
But don’t get too settled in for the winter! While Season 3 only starts in September, look out for some random fun SASL events. Nothing is confirmed yet, but we hate the silence so we might throw in a little something - something this winter to keep you busy and motivated.
Comments & Feedback
Thanks for the feedback from this season – we have received some great ideas and will implement whatever we can practically and financially to make the league valuable and fun. Keep sending feedback – now is a great time while it's fresh in your mind and while we have time to incorporate it into our systems and format before Season 3 starts.
See you on the DZ!
The SASL Committee
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* * Just in - new stock of neck warmers and white / black skydiving gloves * *
In April the beautiful Breede River Valley welcomed more skydivers than it has ever seen at one time (so far) for the 2011 Nationals in FS, AE and Atmonauti. The event was very successful, attracting 89 entrants – a great surprise given the extra cost associated with travel to the Cape.
Skydive Robertson invited participants as well as local fun jumpers to take part in three training days from 22 to 24 April to kick things off. This gave Cape jumpers an opportunity to practise exits from the PAC – a first for many – and allowed the visitors to enjoy the scenery and get used to the landing area without the pressure of competition.
Robertson Airfield is extremely close to the town, so the Friday and Sunday training days were scheduled around the local NGK service times. This worked well on the Friday as it alleviated some of the rush when everyone arrived to register.

 Boarding point in the beautiful Breede River Valley
We really have to thank everyone for putting up with the early morning start on Sunday and then the shutdown for the service. I don’t believe there was a single murmur of complaint about the hour’s downtime despite the Manifest being full to capacity.
Sunday was also the Atmo competition day. Given the success of the last few Atmo Nationals competitions it was decided to run this on its own day. Many of the usual entrants either film or participate in other events. The intention was to allow full participation without people having to split their focus too much.
Sadly, this proved an unnecessary concern, with only one Intermediate Atmo team entering. Despite finding they had nobody to compete against, the Zach and Scott Show persisted and completed three rounds to earn the Gold. I think they should be applauded for going ahead and averting the embarrassment of a non-event. Well done guys!
FS and AE were to be run from the 25th to the 28th, with the 29th held in reserve for speedstars if there was sufficient interest. Jumping started off on schedule, but it did not take long for the weather to roll in and mess up Liz’ careful Manifest plans. Isn’t that always the way?
In all there was about 1.5 days lost to weather on the first two days of competition. On the second day, Erik cancelled jumping for the day at about lunch time. The wind that came gusting through all afternoon confirmed it to be a wise call, as well as being the perfect excuse for a mid-competition mini holiday in the Cape. Teams headed off to the surrounding wine farms for a relaxing afternoon, followed by a wine-soaked evening for most.
On the downside, the weather hold did result in a minor crime wave in the main hangar. Simba’s creeper had all four wheels stolen. The chassis was a sorry sight after the culprits abandoned it on blocks in the corner. By happy coincidence, an identical set of wheels went on sale at the back of the hangar at more or less the same time. Philosophical question: is it a cybercrime if the perpetrators Facebook it?
The event continued despite everyone watching their backs (and frappe hats) for more pranks. Liz reshuffled the Manifest expertly to ensure everybody’s rounds ended up more or less even. Not an easy task when your day’s work can include writing a cameraman’s schedule on his hand so it won’t be lost.
By the end of Thursday, all of the critical events had been completed, or else concluded by agreement on a set number of rounds. There were 33 FS and 6 AE teams in total across all the categories, making for the biggest AE representation in some years. It was also noted that the Cape teams performed comfortably and were less affected by fatigue than when the competition is held at higher elevations. All the results are available on http://www.skydive.co.za/ - click on Nationals Results on the left. A big well done to all the winners, and to everyone who competed.
 Formation Skydiving 4way Open Gold - Team G4B (left to right): Erik Vliegenthart (camera), Pierre van den Berg, Stuart Robinson, Emile van den Berg, Brett Shaw
 Freefly Intermediate Silver - Team 4 Sprung Duck Technique (left to right): Stefan Schiele, Rainer Baecker, Oliver Nöthen (camera)
The award presentation was a simple affair, prefaced by a raffle and lucky draw. An amazing steak braai, and live music by RipCord followed, with the only downside being the chill in the air. This was countered by indulgence in one of the Club’s newest traditions - Tequila Speedstars. The local Vryburgers – our caterers for the night - were quick to show an interest in this and actually took the prize with the fastest Whuffospeedstar on the face of the planet.
Friday saw not a lot of excess energy on the dropzone. The in-air speedstars did not happen, but the one and a half loads flown included possibly the most memorable jump of the event for those who took part. Well done to Ailsa and her team.
There are many people to thank for the success of this first-time Western Cape National Championship in FS, AE and Atmonauti. Here are some of the main contenders in no particular order:
- All the WPSPC members who contributed time, skills and passion to make it all come together
- Robertson Vliegklub for their amazing hospitality and gorgeous venue
- Alwyn du Plessis (of the Vliegklub) for putting in about as much personal time as most of the Nationals Committee members
- SCT for allowing most of their staff to jump ship for the week and take part (and our venerable NSTO for visiting)
- Neeve for all the help with communications and procedures both before and after the event, and for brightening our day by coming to visit (and for being Neeve by asking permission to enter the Competitors area – like we would ever refuse you, Neeve)
- The PAC partnership for the most amazing jumpship in the country
- The WPSPC students who worked like slaves over the event to keep the dropzone clean and the zappers collected
- Liz and the Ladies for keeping all of us where we were supposed to be most of the time
- Marisa for letting me plagiarise her documents
- The Judges for the sterling job they did of mostly laughing with us during some of the more interesting jumps (yes N&C – this means your footage)
- All of the sponsors for their amazing prizes and festive windvanes / posters / banners
- RipCord and Aidan for the atmosphere at the closing ceremony (and Gill for arranging it all)
- The Robertson Vryburgers for the amazing food at the closing ceremony
- The FS and AE committees for the fantastic support (special mention to the FS committee who ALL attended the event as competitors)
- The caterers, security, paramedics who worked through weekends and public holidays and treated us all as friends by the end
- Each and every Competitor for making it so rewarding for us to have done this for you
- Anyone I may have forgotten (there are bound to be several)
 Formation Skydiving 8way Open Bronze - Team Kapit8 (the local favourites) Standing (left to right): Erik Vliegenthart, Alister McQueen, Pam Russell, Oliver Nöthen, Bradley Curnow Kneeling (left to right): Marcel Vliegenthart (camera), Steve Norris, André d'Argent, Karl Hayden
(All photographs courtesy of Oliver Nöthen)
With a Music Festival and the Mighty Drakensberg as the backdrop and extended playground, Steve Bartels and Noogs Spall on the ground, near perfect weather the entire time, many friends (with girlfriends / boyfriends / husbands / wives, kids, pets and toys...)... the Smoking Dragon Boogie got underway... and super chilled it was! The (Super Chilled) Smoking Dragon Boogie...
From 29 April to 2 May 2011, 59 jumpers from 7 different drop zones registered, 26 people made tandem introductory skydives with Duran flying Atlas Angel Gabriel to altitude a total of 50 times. There were some high openings and some low openings, with a mass of fun, coaching, progression, firsts, naked jumps, licence requirement jumps, as well as partying and relaxation for all from sunrise to sunset and from sunset to sunrise again and again... for 4 (or was it 5?) days.
Thanks to Amphitheatre Backpackers, Vernon Kloppers, Roy Steemson, Steve Bartels, Angels Way Skydiving Club, everyone that was part of organising and running the event, as well as to all those who attended.
 (Photograph courtesy of Liam Bartels) |
The Atmo Committee is pleased to announce that the 5th Atmo Skills Boogie - with the participation of International Instructor Gigliola Borgnis, and 20 South African participants from around the country - was successfully held at JSC from 13 to 15 May 2011.
The significant interest shown was cause for an additional day's jumping on the Friday, in addition to the Saturday and Sunday traditional jump days.
23 big ways - mostly slot specific 12-ways - were briefed and over 230 coaching slots successfully completed, notwithstanding the ever changing weather conditions.

 Atmo 5 way (Photograph courtesy of Roy Steemson)
International-level formations and also 1st time record formations made the event especially memorable - in specific the linked combo, diamond & train formations.
We welcomed 10 NEW CAT II progression students to the flock, which in addition to the 4 current CAT II progression students brings the total to 14 for 2011 thus far.
The unofficial Atmo linked record of 7 was equalled, with another 3 in very close proximity!
Well done to Gerhard who also did his 100th Jump (Naked) on an Atmo group jump!
Thank you to all the sponsors, including Atmo SSA, PAC Partnership and JSC.
If you would like more information on what Atmo and this excitement is all about, or would like to book your place on a CAT II progression programme, email marco@macaronis.co.za or contact a coach in your area (Jhb, KZN, Cape, North). A list of Atmo coaches is available on the PASA website.
* * Check out "Atmo Skills Boogie 2" in this newsletter for information about the next Skills Boogie being held in June * *
The Sky's Your Playground tm The Atmo SSA Committee
 Back left to right: Roy Steemson, Wayne Hodge, Gerhard de Klerk, Marco Ciocca, Zach van Tonder, Gigliola Borgnis, Ed Chambers, Karen Fourie, Rohin Gosling, Brad Hunter Front left to right: Mark Daniels, Rogan Brent, Norman Langeveldt, Scott Riddell (Photograph courtesy of Marco Ciocca)
XEAS is a full service company specialising in digitising designs and embroidery which is available on a variety of garments. There is no minimum order quantity making it ideal for teams, clubs, special events, boogies, etc.

The Canopy Piloting Nationals Championships were held at the Pretoria Skydiving Club in May 2011 with 3 entrants in the intermediate category and 7 in the open category making for an exciting competition.
Overall top honours went to Chris Teague winning gold in all three open events.
Final results
A normal ops Saturday at SkyDive Rustenburg on 28 May 2011 was supplemented with the rolling in of the masses from as far away as Eston and even Chad for the night jumps. Due to the interest (and having friends we can call on) we were pleased to be able to confirm the PAC 750XL for the night operations. Some people even got their first Atlas Angel and PAC 750XL jumps in on the same day!
16 people did their first night jumps, there was a bunch of night 2ways and 3ways both FS and FF, as well as even some night wingsuit rodeoing and night hybrids. We managed 5 PAC night loads and a total of 55 night descents. Proper dark with no moon, the last load exited pretty much on midnight.

Night jumps take quite a bit of planning and organization and it all went down super chilled and stress free with no off landings or incidents. Text Book Stuff… Well done everyone, thanks for the support and for treating this privilege with respect.
The party continued until 4am with groovy laser lights and sweet music courtesy of our paragliding and, recently recurrent (from the Bullets Boogie), skydiving friend Craig Pyle.
The night jumps enabled a number of people to qualify for their C licences.
Left: Night freeflyers Mike Rumble (top) and Karen Fourie in action
 Back: Mike Rumble, Karen Fourie Middle: Pieter van Dalen, Amanda Loots, Fritz Schoeman, Damian Miller, David Maina, Zack van Tonder Front: Maryke Prinsloo, Gareth Price PAC pilot: Ludo (All photographs courtesy of Frederik Potgieter)
* Night jumps are organised at various clubs from time to time – enquire at your local dz or check the events listing at http://www.para.co.za/Events.aspx regularly.
 At the opening (left to right): Johan Laubscher, Hein Geldenhuys, Francois Krös
Hein Geldenhuys was recently granted a licence to operate a student drop zone in Kimberley in the Northern Cape. PASA is delighted to be represented in all 9 provinces of the country now.
Skydive Northern Cape celebrated their opening weekend on 4 and 5 June 2011 in grand style with their friends from Skydive Central in Bloemfontein shutting up shop to support this event.
About 25 visiting and local skydivers as well as 9 tandem passengers ensured that the visiting Atlas Angel from Skydive Central was kept busy.
Hein Geldenhuys is the drop zone operator and chief instructor at Skydive Northern Cape. They plan to operate 7 days a week and will start training first jump students soon. Their usual jump ship will be a C182. They are located at the John Weston airfield outside Kimberley and look forward to welcoming visiting skydivers from around the country.
For more information, contact Hein on skydive.nc@gmail.com
 Back left to right: Francois Krös, Riaan van Wyk, Hein Geldenhuys, Chantel van Vuuren (tandem pax), Jaques Nel (pilot), Johan Laubscher. Kneeling left to right: Reinier de Jager, Jan van Niekerk
 Skydive Northern Cape DZ
(All photographs courtesy of Hein Geldenhuys)
Drop Zone
A Licence
James Williamson
EP Skydivers
Liza Hietbrink
Witbank Skydiving Club
Rodney van der Laan
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Mark Pretorius
Angels Way Skydiving Club
David Botha
Skydive Central
Alwyn Allie
Pretoria Skydiving Club
CJ Potgieter
Skydive Central
Mark Daniels
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Mark Peeters
Witbank Skydiving Club
Gideon de Villiers
Skydive Mossel Bay
Leith Welsford
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Waldo Prinsloo
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Gert Duursema
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Garth Lewis
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Lloyd Louw
Skydive Cape Town
Jaco Tromp
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Adri Potgieter
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
William Beer
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Ehan Groenewald
Skydive Central
Jan Botes
SkyDive Rustenburg
Jason Els
SkyDive Rustenburg
Patrick Mossop
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Frederic Body
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Fanie Jacobs
Witbank Skydiving Club
Alta Ebertsohn
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Thomas van der Meulen
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Blair Willson
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Murray Aitken
Skydive Mossel Bay
Frederick Hugo
Skydive Cape Town
Reinier de Jager
Skydive Northern Cape
Kevin Rielly
EP Skydivers
Idalise Klopper
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
B Licence
Gerrit Olckers
SkyDive Rustenburg
Nico Hickley
SkyDive Rustenburg
Jean-Jacques Wallis
Pretoria Skydiving Club
Maryke Prinsloo
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Johan Roberts
Witbank Skydiving Club
James Williamson
EP Skydivers
Mariska Gillespie
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Bernhard Smuts
Witbank Skydiving Club
Chris Badenhorst
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Konstantin Popov
Witbank Skydiving Club
Fanie Jacobs
Witbank Skydiving Club
Marinda Munro
Skydive Mossel Bay
C Licence
Peter Hansen
SkyDive Rustenburg
Gerrit Olckers
SkyDive Rustenburg
Pieter van Dalen
SkyDive Rustenburg
Pamela Turner
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Scott Riddell
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
D Licence
Cornelus Vorster
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Michael Tippett
Witbank Skydiving Club
PRO Rating
Bailey Edmunds (Jr.)
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Bertus Haring
Witbank Skydiving Club
JT Holmes
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Bradley Hunter
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Peter Hansen
SkyDive Rustenburg
Jumpmaster Rating
Nick Ames
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Rhett Harrison
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Stuart Munstermann
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Burnley Oosthuizen
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Parachute Technician Rating
Timothy Hutchings
Adventure Skydives Kruger
Burnley Oosthuizen
Angels Way Skydiving Club
Tandem Master Rating
Roy Seber
Johannesburg Skydiving Club
Constant Benadé
Pretoria Defence Parachute Club
Anthony Martin
EP Skydivers
Tandem Master Sigma Conversion
Jason Richardson
Witbank Skydiving Club
Corne Myburgh
Witbank Skydiving Club
Marcel Drotsky
Witbank Skydiving Club
Tandem Master Strong Conversion
Corne Myburgh
Witbank Skydiving Club
Timothy Hutchings
Adventure Skydives Kruger
V = Vector
SG = Sigma
ST = Strong
Coach Rating
Ralph Ridge
Adventure Skydives Kruger
F = Formation Skydiving
A = Artistic Events
C = Canopy Formation
S = Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing
 Steve Bartels jumping into his alma mater, Maritzburg College, on their recent reunion day. This annual show jump has been done by KZN drop zones for the last 15 years. (Photograph courtesy of Liam Bartels)
We would like to congratulate the following judges on being selected to judge at the following international events:
Ettienne Bosch - Chief Judge - FAI CP World Cup and European Championships Klatovy, Czech Republic, 22-27 August 2011, as well as the Dubai World Championships in CP in November and December 2011
Chanel Robinson – Event Judge - 8 Way FS and VFS - FAI World Cup and European Championships, Saarlouis and FS and AE judge at US Nationals from 25 Oct to 5 Nov 2011.
Dirk Venter –FS judge - FAI World Cup and European Championships, Saarlouis
Stuart Robinson – AE judge - FAI World Cup and European Championships, Saarlouis, Germany
Agnieszka Solomon - CF and CP judge at the Dubai World Championships in November and December 2011
Samantha Schook – CP Judge at FAI World Cup and European Championships, Klatovy, Czech Republic, 22-27 August 2011
The SA judges Committee has internationally rated judges in FS, AE, CP, CF and are looking for anyone interested in becoming a judge or wanting to know more about it to contact Stuart Robinson. There is a FAI sanctioned training course from the 28-30 July in Saarlouis, Germany for anyone wanting to attend the training course for FS and VFS, as well as a training course in Colorado, USA for those interested in CP.
Blue skies
Judges Committee
Due to poor the response for Style & Accuracy and Canopy Formation Nationals 2011, Skydive Xtreme opted to cancel the event as laid out in the Bid Document and Nationals Bulletin.
After some discussion with the SSA SAP committee, we agreed to go ahead with a competition to allow the competitors to qualify for an international event. The event details are as follows:
Dates: 25 and 26 June 2011
Events: Classic Style, Accuracy & Night Accuracy
The night accuracy event will only take place if we are able to get the temporary runway lights up. Dinner will be available at the drop-zone on Saturday night and is included for all competitors. Additional meals for partners can be pre-booked.
Competitors are welcome to join us on Friday afternoon, 24 June, for some training jumps. Please let me know soonest if you would like to manifest for these jumps. Fun jumpers are also welcome to join us on Saturday and Sunday.
Should you require any additional information, please feel free to contact me.
Marisa Dold Skydive Xtreme Tel: 083 759 3483
Email: info@skydivextreme.co.za

dPhi Wear Online Store
Suppliers of high quality skydiving t-shirts and apparel. Why wait for us to come to your DZ when you can get what you want directly from our website!
Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: www.dphi.co.za/shop.aspx
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
Dear FS Jumpers,
First of all I would like to congratulate every competitor at Nationals. You guys are the best!
As some of you might be aware, the FS Committee is organising a Large Formation Skills Camp at JSC, presented by Tim Mace. Some of you have already indicated your availability for this camp, but we still have spaces available. Registration fee is R200 per person and full payment of jumps and registration fee will be required by 22 July 2011.
The details are as follows:
Friday, 29 July – Briefing @ 18H30
Saturday, 30 July – Jumps
Sunday, 31 July – Jumps
Please note that you are required to commit for all the jumps for the entire weekend. Tim will be making weather calls if required.
We can accommodate a minimum of 6 jumpers and a maximum of 7. If we get double the amount of jumpers, we can form 2 groups.
The numbers are:
6 Jumpers – 9 jumps
7 Jumpers – 10 jumps
We will be manifesting 2 loads in between jumps. It is preferred that you pack yourself, but if you can’t pack fast enough make sure that you have a preferred packing arrangement with one of the packers. We won’t delay briefings (most will be done on Friday night) or the aircraft because you are not ready.
This skills camp is open to everyone, but to ensure quality jumps, we ask that you have at least competed in 4way at a Nationals / SASL or have spent some time in the tunnel. If you have attended a similar skills camp with Tim, you will unfortunately not be considered. We are trying to give as many people a chance as possible. Everyone is however welcome to attend the seminar on Friday night.
Please email me the following information if you are interested:
- Name & Surname
- Jump Numbers
- Largest successfully completed formation
- Nationals / SASL Participation
- Tunnel time
Just to get you in the mood, please see the picture below of the completed 185 way Phoenix recently done at Deland. Tim Mace is on the left; 4th on the third row down (white suit docked on his left). Karl Meyer is top centre of the 12way base with a white suit docked on his right.
 (Photograph courtesy of Tim Mace)
Contact details are:
Email: mdold@amadeus.co.za
Tel: 071 680 4046
The FS Committee Marisa Dold Claire King Ian van den Berge
The Ranch Boogie 2011 is being held at www.TheRanch.co.za - 25km South of Polokwane (Pietersburg) from 5 August to 9 August 2011.
The Ranch is a family owned leisure, sports, exhibition, conservation, accommodation and conferencing centre within the 1,000 ha Ranch Conservancy.
Facilities include: a 12 hole par 3 Executive Golf Course; 4 swimming pools (2 heated); gymnasium and wellness centre with steam rooms. For the kids there is a play room with computer games, pinball machines, pool table, table tennis, bowls, a tennis court, a playground, a trampoline and a jungle gym... activities include horseback safaris, lion walks, lion tours, game drives and more....
There is everything from buffet to fine dining, a cocktail bar and lounge, a poolside bar and lapa, and a coffee shop and bakery.
Accommodation consists of twenty 5 star 6 sleeper self catering chalets, tented camp accommodation for 60 guests, 7 suites and 103 deluxe 4 star hotel rooms.
This Ranch Boogie looks set to have as many Atlas Angels as required as well as some cracking entertainment. There are a number of extra special things in the planning pipeline!!!
Organisers are SkyDive Rustenburg and Pretoria Skydiving Club.
It is highly recommended to attend this boogie, and to bring the entire family...
More details as well as special package offers will be coming in the near future.
Blue Skies and Great SkyDives.
For more information: SkyDive.Rustenburg@gmail.com
The Jeffreys Bay boogie will be held from 19 December 2011 till 2 January 2012 at Paradise Beach Airfield.
We will utilize the PAC 750, ZS-BLU as aircraft with a surprise appearance of a novelty chopper to skydive.
For accommodation, contact Reinette on 072-668-5222.
A website with more info will be up soon! Check http://www.para.co.za/Events.aspx for updates.
Contact: Joos Vos
PASA and the Toggle Times cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions, due to all content being submitted without verification.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
If you are interested in advertising in this newsletter, contact admin@para.co.za for more details.