- Chairman's Message
- AE Skills Camp
- FS Money Meet
- J Bay Boogie 2012
- Fantastic Formations at the J Bay Boogie
- SASL Season IV
- 2013 SA National Skydiving Championships
- Seen at the JSC Spring Bash...
- Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium 2012
- 100 Birds Flock Together
- Old Man John's 888
- Skydive for Rhinos
- SSA Disciplines' Mid-Term feedback
- Artistic Events Mid-Term feedback
- Canopy Formation Mid-Term feedback
- Canopy Piloting Mid-Term feedback
- Formation Skydiving Mid-Term feedback
- Style, Accuracy and Paraski Mid-Term feedback
- Wingsuiting Mid-Term feedback
- New licences and ratings issued
Welcome to the last issue of the Toggle Times for 2012. Although some of the following items have been covered in this newsletter over the past months, I thought it fitting to give an overview of some of the highlights of 2012:
- In February the IPC Plenary was held in Buenos Aires where PASA was once again ably represented by Jacqui Bruwer. The members at this meeting voted to award the FAI Parachuting Gold Medal to Tim Mace.
- Also in February, Rob Verner and Selwyn Johnson participated in the Australian National Canopy Piloting Parachuting Championships placing 13th and 16th respectively.
- Rob Kruger participated in a test event in June for the World Games being held in Cali, Columbia in 2013, placing 16th overall.
- Pretoria Skydiving Club hosted the combined South African National Skydiving Championships during April. Peter Lawson and his team went all out to make this a seamless, well run and memorable event for competitors and spectators alike.
- In May, the oldest active skydiving club in the country, Skydive Robertson, celebrated their 40th birthday. We look forward to another 40 years of excellence from this stalwart of the South African skydiving fraternity.
- Skydive Parys was approved as a new drop zone. Situated at The Stonehenge in Africa Resort on the banks of the Vaal River, it is a 7 day a week non-student operation.
- Hosted by SkyDive Rustenburg, the Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium was held in August. Claire King, Julie Teague, Pam Russell, Tamsin Stedall, Yolandi van den Berge and Karen Fourie successfully built a 6-person all female hybrid skydive on National Women’s Day. Although weather hampered the event, much fun was had by all with a number of celebrities doing tandems and various skydiving related seminars being presented including one by Olav Zipser on the Freefly Astronaut Project.
- SkyDive Rustenburg, Durban Skydive Centre, Skydive PE and Skydive Robertson have all hosted Skydive for Rhinos events organised by Mike Rumble and the African Conservation Trust.
- The PASA Manual of Procedures has been updated – a mammoth task for all involved.
- Looking towards the end of the year, the 2012 Mondial takes place in Dubai from 28 November to 9 December 2012. South Africa will be represented by Team Voodoo in 4-way and 8-way Formation Skydiving (Vana Parker, Dennis Parker, Dave Sumter, Colin Rothman, Paul Leslie-Smith, Emile van den Berg, Bailey Edmunds Jr, Amy Kirtland and cameraman Erik Vliegenthart), by Serafim Fernandes in Accuracy Landing and by Rob Kruger, Christopher Teague and Selwyn Johnson in Canopy Piloting. Tim Mace will be participating in the demonstration Speed Skydiving event. We wish them all the very best and know they will do us proud. Also at the Mondial, the InTime scoring system, developed by Dirk Venter and Claire King, is being used for FS, AE, CF and CP. Jasper Williams is the CP technical course director and also designed and built the gates for this event. Dirk Venter, Chanel Robinson, Stuart Robinson, Deborah Seber, Ettienne Bosch and Agnieszka Solomon will be judging at the event.
Finally, as has become customary, we close off the year with the J Bay boogie hosted by EP Skydivers.
On a personal note, I look forward to welcoming many old friends and new faces at the boogie.
My best wishes to you and yours over the festive season and into 2013.
Blue skies,
Joos Vos
AE and CP Coach, Chris Teague, assisted by Julie Teague, will be hosting an AE Skills Camp at Skydive Central on 27 and 28 October 2012. Since not much freeflying has happened at Skydive Central in the past, there has been overwhelming interest. They will start with a ground school at 8am on the Saturday morning which all club members are being encouraged to attend. Chris will be doubling up as a Canopy Piloting coach for the weekend.
Contact Cois if you're interested in joining in the fun!
Money, it’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands
And make a stash
Announcing the FS Money Meet on the 17th and 18th of November at the Johannesburg Skydiving Club.
3 Rounds of 4-way Competition for prize money - Winners take all, and the more teams that participate, the more cash will be up for grabs. The categories on offer are 4-way Novice and Open. The money prize goes to the winning Open team, with fame and glory awaiting the Novice winners.
A R150 (per person) entry fee received two weeks before the event will guarantee you an event T-shirt. Entries can be e-mailed here or to any of the FS Committee members. Please remember to list all team members plus the team camera man for the day. For more information go to the FS SSA Committee Facebook page. See you all there!
New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team!
The J-Bay Boogie 2012 will be hosted by EP Skydivers again at Paradise Beach from 19 December 2012 to 2 January 2013. Come join the fun! A licence and up.
We will have the PAC once again, great scenery and beach landings. Bring the family for one of the most festive boogies on the calendar.
Registration fee: R250 will include a quality T-Shirt and patch from the organisers. Contact James Williamson for registration forms.
Check our web site for more news and any updates as well as the facebook page
Slot rates: R250 to 12 000ft AGL, 14 000ft first 2 loads of the day.
Tandem rates: R1750
Camera fees: R450
Accommodation: Contact Hester Fourie on 0827958394 at the Aston Bay Caravan Park or Reinette Strever on 0726685222 for self catering units.
 Photograph courtesy of Karen Fourie |
Skydivers country-wide are gearing-up again for another J-Bay jaunt and once again, it’s looking to be a blast.
What: The J-Bay Boogie
When: 19th Dec to 2nd Jan
Where: The beautiful Paradise Beach in Jeffreys Bay
Who: YOU, of course, and our gracious (or at least ridiculously fun) hosts, EP Skydivers
Come and experience the unparalleled hospitality of EP Skydivers at their perfectly wicked annual beach boogie.
From December 23rd, Dirk Venter, Claire King and Bailey Edmunds (Jnr) invite you to join us in a Formation Skydiving Fest’. The PAC will be flying and we’re going to fill it with FS!
Whether you’re after 2-ways or 12-ways, novelty sequences, coaching or some competition, come out to J-Bay and show yourself. Our plan for 10 days is to jump, jump, jump and we want to fly with you all!
FS loads will be organised according to the jumpers there each day, what you each can and want to do. We can jump with you or assist you on the ground. If its FS, we’re game.
We’re calling on PASA jumpers from all levels, goals and interest groups to come and show us what South African skydiving is about.
Check it out: here!
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Website: www.icarus.co.za
Email: manny@icarus.co.za or icarusaw@global.co.za
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Season IV of the SA Skydiving League is off to a fantastic start. We are really pleased to see so many coastal and smaller club entries – this is the perfect opportunity to compete without having to travel to competitions. Whether you’re in it to show the Vaalies how to skydive, show them what a real DZ view should look like, just for some fun (with the bonus of prizes), for the coaching or because it’s easier than working out skydives yourself, it’s great to see more of you joining us and to get an eyeful of some of the talent hiding in the dunes.
We have 13 teams entered so far. You can enter yourself in multiple teams and/or multiple events each month – the more teams you enter, the better your chances.
It's not too late to enter - the season runs through to Nationals 2013. Go to the website to register and get jumping.
Some Tips
Two main things have emerged from judging:
Many teams are losing points to camera angle or distance. If the grip (or separation, or inter) can’t be seen, it will be bust. The team and videographers have the skills but just don’t know what FS judging requires. Chat to your cameraman before the jump so they know what you want:
- Stay as much on top of the formation as possible. On-level footage hides grips and gets busted heavily. Keep close to the formation. Judges need to see all hands on correct grips together (and clear simultaneous separation).
- Keep close, especially when you’re over houses/busy backgrounds. Coastal teams – the sea is a perfect background for judging – use the advantage if you can.
Many teams can’t always complete all 3 rounds. This is just one of those unavoidable things, but when this happens, we work out the averages with weightings.
- Tip 1: Submit whatever you have. Teams who only did 2 rounds in September still got points. You never know how many others also couldn’t finish up.
- Tip 2: Start with the fasted round – if for some reason you don’t get all the jumps in, at least you “egg” a slower round and lose fewer points from your total.
Lastly, teams, make your hands visible. If you don’t have white gloves, rather wear no gloves. Black gloves on black grippers are tough to spot and will bust built formations.
Check out your team's feedback by logging on to the site and going to 'My Stuff' -> 'My Jumps'.
Check the website every month for the latest draws. We have awesome prizes every month. September’s winner received a Bev Suit while October’s prize is a pair of Xtreme V6 Blueye goggles to the cameraman with the best footage. We will also have some awesome Arizona Airspeed t-shirts up for grabs. If you would like to know what makes FS footage good, give us a shout.
FS suits protect you from sunburn, rain and minor scratches, and hide hairy legs and hobbit feet. Wear one on every skydive!
Game ON! The SASL Committee
The SSA is pleased to announce that the 2013 SA National Championships will be hosted by Johannesburg Skydiving Club from 29 April to 2 May 2013 (training days 27-28th, competition from 29th).
All disciplines will be included.
To all jumpers: Remember, that Nationals is for every one of you, regardless of your experience level or interests.
Please contact your SSA discipline Committee with any questions.
Looking forward to another great Nationals.
Blue Skies!
Sport Skydivers Association
 Photographs courtesy of Jeanine Roussouw |
By Mike Rumble, C1499
Making use of 2 Turbine Atlas Angels at the luxurious Protea Hotel Ranch Resort, an excellent mix of skydiving, informative and educational seminars and presentations, and socialising / partying was enjoyed by all. In honour of National Women's Day an all female South African Skydiving Hybrid formation was also achieved.
Hosted by SkyDive Rustenburg, the event generated significant exposure for sport skydiving, the event, and the venue through newspapers, magazines, TV and Radio.

Once again, The Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium earned its right to be known as South Africa's Premier Sport Skydiving and Parachuting Event.
If you missed it, you missed out!
A special thanks to:
- 'Father of FreeFly' Olav Zipser for attending the event, sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience with everyone, for the 'FreeFly Astronaut Project' presentation, and for coming on board as an International 'Skydive for Rhinos' Ambassador.
- SSA FS, AE, and CP Committees for skills camps, load organising, coaches, and informative presentations and seminars held at the event.
- Paul 'Simba' Marcellin for the presentation on the 400 Way World Record, and for load organising at the event.
- Pierre Carter and James Braid for the presentation on the Red Bull X-Alps.
- Colourful Conservationist Digs Pascoe for the update of the Rhino Poaching Crisis.
- Aero Club of South Africa for officially supporting the event, and hosting the 'Safety First Aviator' campaign at the event.
- Bob Alison for providing AFIS.
- Sponsors and supporters: Angels' Way Trust; BluEye; Ecko Unltd; EmCare; Insurance for Skydivers; Afrox; Mall of The North; Chevrolet; African Pilot Magazine; Sign-A-Rama; MyPolokwane.com; and Capricorn FM.
All female hybrid ladies - Claire King, Julie Teague, Pam Russell, Yolandi van den Berge, Tamsin Stedall and Karen Fourie seen here with Mike Rumble
A big thanks to Protea Hotel Ranch Resort Owners and Management for allowing us to host the event at this premier venue, and to the working team that ensures that everything runs smoothly, efficiently, and professionally in the run up to, during, and after the event.
Finally, a big thanks to all sport skydivers for attending and supporting, and for the contributions received towards African Conservation Trust's 'Skydive for Rhinos' Rhino Fund.
If you haven't seen the video check here
Dates for The Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium 2013 will be announced in the new year.
 All photographs courtesy of Mike Rumble |
By Oliver Nöthen, C1729
When I was invited to take part in the Wingsuit World Record, I decided that there was no way I was not going to take part. I must admit that I had no idea how much hard work and fun it would be. It is quite hard to explain how it felt to be part of this amazing event but to give you a small glimpse: The anticipation of what is about to happen is flooding your body with adrenalin. The unknown knocking on your door, you open your eyes and look at 23 other faces dealing with the same intense feelings. A few deep breaths and you step back, for a split second there is nothing… but before you have any time to react, reality strikes, you are airborne; you see the rest of your team exit out of the first tail-gate Skyvan. You are with a 100 other Wingsuit pilots leaving a 5-plane formation with one common goal: to build the first 100-way Wingsuit formation.
 Photograph courtesy of Norman Kent |
Be safe, head on a swivel, arms swept back, Dive Dive Dive, get to your slot and fly it solid. Keep your eyes on the person in front of you and your team mates, creating the diagonal lines producing your perfect position in the formation. Fly and adjust and stay there until it's time to fly to safety. You fly the break off, deploy and land, check-in, pack, debrief and repeat.
It was not all fun, we were dirt diving fully kitted-up in 38° Celsius temperatures in the Perris Valley sun. Heat exhaustion and dehydration were serious risks but luckily Riaan Bergh and I, being from South Africa, were used to the dangers involved.
 Photograph courtesy of Norman Kent |
Having returned from the event, I can only feel thankful for all the great friends and experiences I had gained over that week. I was part of something truly amazing. 21 countries were represented at this event. We were able to achieve the record of 100 Wingsuiters in a diamond formation to the satisfaction of Guinness World Records.
A big thank you to Taya and the Team Captains, the ground crew Dan and Eli, the super awesome camera men, Dan BC and Skydive Perris for hosting this awesome event.
Click here for more information.
 Photograph courtesy of Mark Harris |
By Fred Whitsitt, D490
I met John Browett at the Pietermaritzburg Parachute Club in 1990 when he had just completed his AFF training. We started jumping together soon after that and have been friends ever since. John was an avid supporter of our South African 4-way team called Equanimity* from 1993 through to 1997 and followed our progress closely. Myself and two business partners opened up Skydive Miami in 1998, John soon became a frequent visitor with annual trips across the 'pond'.
 Photograph courtesy of Lenny Wolf (8th skydiver on the jump)
We have done so many skydives together, often just 2-ways, sometimes other friends and staff from the dropzone would come and join us in order to build something a little bigger, but always the simple goal has been to enjoy our time together in the sky, appreciating the company of each other during the ride to altitude and the freefall to follow.
Over the years John told me of his career in China and the culture of it's people. I learned the significance of the number 8 and how PASA had awarded him an honorary D888. When John arrived at Skydive Miami in early September this year he had 874 skydives to his credit and needed 14 more jumps to reach a personal milestone of 888 jumps before leaving on the 29th September. This was quite a goal considering that John normally averages just one jump a day, he is 87 years young after all, and also requires a wind-speed of around 10mph/16kmh to help with the landing, anything under this speed will require a PLF from John, of which he is an absolute master let me state for the record, but puts him at extra risk of injury.
We chose our jumping days carefully and his jump numbers rose slowly, at one stage it looked like the pace was too slow due to a lack of suitable wind for landing, so John upped the ante by doing two jumps on a perfect day. With four days to go John still needed four more jumps with the weather forecast never really in our favour. It all came down to the morning of his last day, the return trip to Miami International was scheduled for 3pm. We arrived at the DZ around 8am, barely any movement on the windsock, Load 1 was in the air and after talking to each other at length, while staring at the stubborn windsock, we decided to go for it on Load 2 since the forecast was for even lighter winds later in the day.
 Standing left to right: Randy Melfi, Susy Manning, John Browett, Guy Manos, Greg Frank, Pam Manos Kneeling: Fred Whitsitt, Montana Manos Montana (not on the jump) is, at 16, the youngest skydiver on the dropzone, pictured here with OMJ who, at 87, is the eldest Photograph courtesy of Lenny Wolf |
I had chosen 7 skydivers and a freefall photographer for a total of 8 on the skydive. The formation to build was a double-donut with John in the centre, when viewed from above we hoped it would look like the number 8. We quickly geared up, did one exit drill at the mock-up, completed gear checks and walked out to the waiting Cessna Caravan. Upon reaching 13500ft we stacked our hands on top of John's, shouted our exit count together and did final gear checks, waiting for the green light.
John exited first, we all dove down and slowly but surely our number 8 was built. There were no practice-runs for this jump, just a call the day before to some really special skydivers who wanted to share this jump with John, the fact that it all came together on 888 quite simply means, it was always meant to be.
For anyone wondering how John's landing was in virtually no-wind conditions, it was a perfect stand-up.
* Equanimity won bronze at the 1997 World Championships in Turkey
Father and son 2-way - "Old Man" John Browett, D888 Hon, with his son, John Browett, C1299. Between them, they total 134 years - surely a record?!
Photograph courtesy of Tom Holmes
‘Skydive for Rhinos’ is a serious fund raising and awareness campaign that has so far seen 5 skydiving events in 5 provinces over 2 months: SkyDive Rustenburg; The Ranch SkyDiving Boogie and Symposium; Durban Skydive Centre/Angels’ Way; Skydive Port Elizabeth; and Skydive Robertson.
On World Rhino Day in Gauteng we received special permission to take 4 Rhino Ambassadors on a Tandem ‘Skydive for Rhinos’ at the Africa Aerospace and Defence Airshow, making use of a PAC 750 XL with Stop Rhino Poaching on both wings. At the same time in the Western Cape we took SABC Sports presenter Vaylen Kirtley on a Tandem ‘Skydive for Rhinos’ out of an Atlas Angel live on national television at Skydive Robertson. We also made it onto the front page of the Sunday Times. And that was just one of the ‘Skydive for Rhinos’ weekends!
To date a total 220 Ordinary South Africans have taken a stand, raised awareness, raised funds, and have Tandem Skydived for Our Rhinos.
160 Sport Skydivers have been part of the campaign, which has made use of 20 different tandem masters around the country.
So far the campaign has raised more than R6m, which is going very specifically towards strategic rhino anti-poaching efforts in South Africa.
Another ‘Skydive for Rhinos’ event will be happening at SkyDive Rustenburg on the 10th and 11th November.
Sport Skydivers are welcome, and encouraged, to come and be part of the campaign at this, the 6th official ‘Skydive for Rhinos’ event.
There are opportunities for Individuals, Celebrities, Groups, Sponsors and Corporates to Participate, Donate, Sponsor and Support.
 Photograph courtesy of Karen Fourie
As a section 18a company, donations are tax deductible and Donation Certificates can be provided on request.
The African Conservation Trust is a 12 year-old KZN-based conservation charity with a historical footprint of working throughout Southern Africa. ACT is a registered Trust (IT 2174/00); a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO 030-243); a SARS-registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO 930014758); and a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (NG/25190). It is also a founder member of Project Rhino KZN.
Thanks for the support.
Wild and Horny… Lets keep them that way!
Mike Rumble ‘Skydive for Rhinos’ National Coordinator African Conservation Trust Volunteer Rhino Ambassador
Email mike@imagineering.co.za for more information or to get involved.

dPhi Wear Online Store
Suppliers of high quality skydiving t-shirts and apparel. Why wait for us to come to your DZ when you can get what you want directly from our website!
Contact: Claire King & Dirk Venter
Website: http://www.dphi.co.za/
Email: sales@dphi.co.za
Telephone: 011 609 6719
The SSA disciplines have all provided mid-term feedback on their plans as set out in April. We have published below just the feedback on activities and any other noteworthy information. A comprehensive feedback report will be presented by each discipline at the 2013 AGM.
The Artistic Events Committee has been really busy this year. We’ve already hosted 3 skills camps in Pretoria, Cape Town and Witbank, and will be at the Halloween weekend for coaching in Bloemfontein at the end of October. We also presented the facts regarding the new MOPs and took questions at the Ranch Boogie in Polokwane. A planned skills camp at Eston had to be cancelled due to operational changes – but this will definitely happen once everything in KZN is sorted out. The Facebook Group we created in May already has over 130 members and is growing daily. It’s been a useful tool in communicating events and developments.

The biggest news of the moment of course is that the new MOPs have finally been approved and we’ve already had two C-Licences issued under this system. We would urge all Chief Instructors, AE Coaches and Drop Zone Operators to read the following carefully. The changes are quite extreme and significant But can be summarised as follows:-
Cat II – You need to be able to maintain freefly speeds ‘down the tube’ Jump 1 : Introduces Basic Sit Position and Back Down Stable position Jump 2 : Ensures vertical speed is maintained, and that students are falling down the tube, not sliding around.
Hereafter you are (legally now!) permitted to jump with one other Cat II person and use each other to practice, confident that you are each able to sit base for each other
Cat III – all feet down Jump 1 : Fall rate control / Vertical movement Jump 2 : Horizontal movement You need to be able to slow down/ speed up as well as move forward and backwards with control
C-Licence – all feet down Jump 1 : 360 degree turns Jump 2 : Transitions Qualifying Jump 3 : Maintains heading on exit. 360 turn, transition, move forward to dock You need to be able to exit on your feet and maintain a heading, transition through any axis, as well as turn and to dock
D-Licence – all head down, teaching the same skills you have on your feet Jumps 1 - 5 : Cat II, Cat III and C-Licence jumps duplicated in Head Down Qualifying Jump 6 : Maintains heading on exit. 360 turn, transition, move forward to dock Additional Requirement : Angled flight in back to earth orientation, with dock
I’m sure you’ll agree this is way more achievable, but still comparable to the skill level one needs to gain your licences in other disciplines. As things stand, there would be quite a few people who have their Cat III in AE, which is comparable to the C-Licence requirements of the new MOPs (in fact, you could say the old Cat III is even harder, I suspect). Jumpers who already have a Cat III under the old MOPs, are allowed to do only the C-Licence Jump 3 : Qualifying jump with docks (Page 9 of new MOPs) in order to be signed off for the C-Licence AE requirements. Progression jumps here must be signed by the AE Coach before the CI will sign off. Similarly, there are people who are currently coaches or senior jumpers who have never achieved their D-Licence in AE because it was never attainable in the past. As both the old and the new MOPs actually say that coaches need to hold a D-Licence in AE (page 12), all current coaches must complete their D-Licence Jump 6: Docking and qualifier jump (page 12) before renewing their rating next year – this will also entitle you to a D-Licence (if they don’t already have one!) Senior jumpers who aren’t coaches can also complete the qualifying jump in order to fulfil their D-Licence requirements in AE.
The other issue which we have identified is the lack of uniformity in coaching. With a new system in place, we feel it’s going to be vital to ensure a common goal on methodology employed in passing students, so that jumpers can be sure to follow the same progression and ideology wherever they jump in SA. So in addition to completing the D-Licence qualifying jump, Coaches will need to attend one of two seminars which will be held on the teaching format of the new progression before renewing their rating. We’ll hold similar seminars annually for the benefit of new coaches and to revisit best methods.
We hope that this new system will encourage you to get advice and coaching on how to progress in AE. Please feel free to contact the AE committee if you’d like any other information or assistance on understanding the new MOPs. Hard copies will be laminated and posted to each DZO over the next two weeks.
National Championships
Both AE and Atmo were represented at the Nationals this year. For AE: 1 x senior team 2 x intermediate A compromise was made and the teams were all consolidated into a single senior event with modifications to the competition formats. For Atmo (not a separate discipline): 6 x teams competed Work needs to be done to improve the representation of AE for future national competitions.
Skills Development Activities
Skills camp 1: Western Cape Skills Camp, Skydive Robertson, Freefly Coaching for all Western Cape Freeflyers (including Skydive Cape Town, Robertson, Mossel Bay and Plettenberg Bay) – Coaches: André du Preez / Pierre Marais Badenhorst, Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pay 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)]
Skills camp 2: KZN, Bloemfontein and EP Cape Skills Camp, Angels Way, Freefly Coaching – Coaching with Michael Mackenzie (TBC) and another coach (TBC), Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pay 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)]
Skills camp 3: Gauteng and Mpumalanga Skills Camp, JSC, Freefly Coaching – Coaching with Chris and Julie Teague, Basic Skills Development [R2000 – SSA pay 50% of coach jump + student pays 50% = 16 jumps (8 per coach)]
Skills Camp 4: JSC, Advanced Skills Camp, Freefly Sequentials with Michael Mackenzie, Advanced Skills and possible new record attempt, [R1000 travel cost for Michael Mackenzie and participants split his slots]
So far 3 AE skills camps have been hosted at Robertson, PSC and Witbank respectively. A 4th at Eston was cancelled due to lack of aircraft and altitude.
The decision was taken at the beginning of the year to allocate the available budget for SSA AE to promoting the development of junior and intermediate jumpers by offering 50% off on coaching slots. The coaching at skills camps has been sponsored in this way to great effect and good control has been maintained over the budget and spending.
The next skills camp is planned for end October at Skydive Central.
SSA AE Facebook page - initially set up as a facebook page in May and later converted to a group. There are now 104 subscribed members and the group serves as a great channel for general AE communications online. Thanks to Andre du Preez for helping us set this up and to all the guys who are adding contributions and content.
Skills Development Activities
R 8000 allocated to two (2) skills camps planned for the year. Witbank and KZN . Planned expenses split equally between the two with the remaining expenses for the Coaches’ own pockets. R 1059.35 allocated to travel costs.
Additional skills development planned is the intended CF Coach rating of Corne Myburgh (a previous long-time CF competitor) from the SANDF. In addition, one-on-one CF coaching for Constant Benade, also of the SANDF. This will be done with a view to sparking a SANDF core of CF excellence as the SANDF has a number of AR7 canopies at their disposal. The costing to be determined in consultation with the military.
A skills camp is planned for the 3rd of November at Witbank Skydiving Club, with a KZN skills camp planned for early 2013. The KZN camp might be pulled forward if we receive concrete signs of the world ending!
Ad hoc one-on-ones continue to take place at various DZs to introduce jumpers to CF.
During the first half some ad hoc training has been done.
An amount of R3500 would be set aside for the upkeep of CP equipment and R2 500 for the purchasing of CP equipment.
The CP Committee will assess the equipment available at JSC and offer an amount – November 2012.
Skills Development Activities
2 Canopy Piloting Seminars
2 CP Seminars are planned, 1 at a DZ with a pond and 1 at a DZ without. This is to discuss the CP Rules, CP Skills Programme and general canopy Flight.
A CP seminar was held at the Ranch Boogie during August 2012 with 7 pilots attending.
2 Canopy Piloting Competitions
These competitions will be held, 1 as preparation for the Mondial in November and 1 in 2013 as preparation for CP Nationals. Open and Intermediate jumpers will be allowed.
The dates for these 2 competitions will be available in October and are still on track.
Canopy Piloting Mentoring Program
The CP committee will ask each Open CP Pilot to nominate 2 Intermediate Pilots and implement a mentoring programme in association with a current coach. This is to ensure that more intermediate jumpers enter Nationals, ensure safety and provide Pilots for the future.
3 Pilots have been nominated and participated in their 1st CP Skills Camp.
2 CP Skills Program Day (Intermediates)
This ties in with the Canopy Piloting Mentoring Programme and the idea is to set aside a day where the coaches film, coach and mentor their Inter’s on a set of jumps.
The 1st CP Skills Camp was held in March with 16 Pilots attending. Cost: R1173
A CP Skills day was held 24 – 26 July at PSC with 17 participants including 8 members of the Defence Parachute Club, doing a minimum of 2 jumps each. Composition: 4x (BEE) Novice jumpers 4 x senior skydivers 1 x Intermediate skydiver 8 x Novice skydivers Rob Kruger acted as Course Leader with the assistance of Mike Teague, who filmed all the landings. CP SSA contributed R50.00 per slot and the participants paid R200.00 per slot. Total Cost: R3000 Slots, R750 Coaching Fee
Rob Kruger was nominated to attend the World Games Test Event in Cali Columbia during August 2012. A sponsorship was secured through SASCOC which paid all his expenses as well as for training jumps. The skills camp in July was used for Rob to train as well as to coach and de-brief all the participants.
Skills Development Activities
Large formation skills camp-coach slots. After the success of 2011’s camp, another similarly structured camp will be held. One group only, 10 jumps, with the coach’s slot paid for.
Large formation skills camp: Due to the coach’s unavailability for the originally planned time, this event has been rescheduled for early 2013. The Money Meet will be moved earlier to keep the events reasonably spaced.
Shake the bag. This is a skills weekend aimed primarily at novice and intermediate 4-way jumpers who are looking to meet and greet other jumpers to form new teams with. This will be held a couple of months after Nationals when budgets have recovered and jumpers are motivated to start planning and training for the new season. The funds will be put toward coach slots on the lower-experience teams who still need senior jumpers for productive 4-way but are ready to start competing and looking for team mates. Coaches will coach, jump where necessary and assist with matching and introducing jumpers appropriately.
The STB event was held and was very successful with new teams formed as a result, and novice jumpers exposed to FS and keen to compete. Demand was higher than expected and a decision was made to spend an additional R 1000 on coaching slots and some coaches also covered their own slots to help out and keep the event running smoothly.
Money Meet - prize money. A competition with a money prize will be held. Both 2-way and 4-way will be included and all experience levels will be catered for. A small entry fee will be charged, live judging and a prize giving at the end of the weekend. Not yet confirmed, but this will possibly leverage off or combine with SASL.
The Money Meet was planned for early in 2013 but will be switched with the Large Formation skills camp and is now planned for November 2012. The FS Committee plans to use some of the funds from this event to purchase team tracksuits for the South African delegation at the World Championships.
Money Meet - t-shirts. See above. FS branded t-shirts will be printed for the day for participants.
T-Shirts will still be provided for Money Meet entrants.
Cat III day - no funding. We hope to have more than one such day. The committee will organise a “team” of experienced coaches to send a whole day preparing, briefing and flying base for jumpers who need their Cat III. The jumpers will pay the coach’s slots, but the feedback received in 2011 indicates that jumpers are happy to pay this if it means that the base is sufficiently skilled.
We have already completed some Cat III days, and used the Shake the Bag event to do this as well. These continue as requests are made.
16-way Sequential Day. This was planned for 2011 but aircraft availability prevented the event from taking place. It is aimed at the senior FS skydivers only. There will not be coaching – it is a fun and challenging sequential day for the experienced skydivers who usually come to SSA Events to coach. The committee will keep looking for opportunities to schedule the event. The participants will all contribute equally to any costs (such as aircraft ferry and camera slots) so no funds are required.
We continue to look for opportunities to hold this event.
16 Way development day. If enough experienced skydivers can be found to assist on the skydives, and the costs can be covered by the participants, the FS Committee will facilitate additional 16-ways for intermediate jumpers who are ready and need it for licences.
This was held at The Ranch Boogie. Unfortunately, weather prevented jumping on the final day when the 16-ways were to be completed, but the skills development and build-up formations kept 3 coaches and the participants busy throughout the event. A lot was learned by the jumpers, including an understanding for many of how much more experience and build-up is required than they thought before. We hope that those who weren’t quite ready are working on their 4,6 and 8-way skills to be ready for the next camp.
C Licence 8-Way day - self-funded. The FS Committee will organise 8-ways for ready skydivers who need the C-Licence requirements. Due to the lack of support for this initiative in 2011, no funds will be channelled into the event, but the planned system of an experienced base to fly and coach during the day and rotating docking positions for participants will be used again. Participants will cover the costs of the coaches’ slots.
Several C-Licence 8-way days have been held and very successfully, proving that with the right base and some planning, jumpers who are ready can get these requirements.
FS Camera Camp - self-funded. If sufficient support is shown the FS Committee will hold a skills camp for FS cameramen. There is currently a shortage of skilled FS cameramen, and a lack of understanding from cameramen of the FS-specific requirements.
We have had some support for a camera camp but not sufficient to cover a camp yet. We will continue to work towards a camp of some for those who are interested.
Incidentals and slot rate increases. The remaining funds have been retained for incidental expenses, such as slot rate increases and unplanned SSA expenses.
We have used up some excess for the extra Shake the Bag coaching slots.
SASL Sponsorship R3000 – FS has a long term strategy to partner with SASL in building competitive formation skydiving, increasing competition opportunity and growing the discipline.
The R3 000 sponsorship towards Season IV of the SASL has been paid.
National Championships
Serafim Fernandes won the Accuracy at Nationals. He will be representing South Africa at the World Championships in Dubai later this year.
Skills Development Activities
It is planned to do skills training at the different clubs in the country.
Two night accuracy competitions at PSC and Rustenburg.
Participants will pay a registration fee to cover the cost of these events.
No skills development Camps planned at this stage.
The night accuracy will continue once the two clubs confirm the dates for night jumping.
Money not used will be saved for purchasing an inflatable mattress. Estimated cost: R15 000.
Quotes are being obtained.
Skills Development Activities
Planning to host a Wingsuiting development course in Johannesburg, one in Cape Town and one at Skydive Central. These events will be partially sponsored by the SSA in conjunction with the club. (as a wingsuit coach, Oliver travels to Johannesburg quite often).
Estimated costs: R1500 for flight to Skydive Central (if needed) and about 12 slots (R270 each) per skills camp.
Successful wingsuit development camp held at Skydive Central as planned.
Planning for another in Johannesburg and Cape Town still on track with a budget of around R3000 at each course.
Lic/Rating |
Name |
Drop Zone |
A Licence |
A7197 |
Mogorosi Tlhabi |
Skydive Central |
A7198 |
David Cronje |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7199 |
Vincent Cronje |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
A7200 |
Michiel Voges |
Skydive Central |
A7201 |
Brad Price |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7202 |
Deon van Wyk |
Durban Skydive Centre |
A7203 |
Stefan Britz |
Skydive Central |
A7204 |
Susan Watts |
Skydive Robertson |
A7205 |
Abdallatif Abuarra |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7206 |
Monir Haj |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7207 |
Zafer Abdalrazeq |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7208 |
Dino Paulo |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
A7209 |
Gerrit Botha |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B Licence |
B2830 |
Jacobus Conradie |
Skydive Central |
B2831 |
Munyaka Makuyana |
Skydive Rustenburg |
B2832 |
Bosman Kruger |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2833 |
Nico Fourie |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
B2834 |
Oscar Sithole |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
B2835 |
Warren Pistorius |
Skydive Rustenburg |
C Licence |
Correction from Issue 18: C1794 to C1796 should be Skydive Mossel Bay. Ed's apologies. |
C1794 |
Marinda Munro |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
C1795 |
Arenhold Hooper |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
C1796 |
Andrew de Jonge |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
C1798 |
Nico Hickley |
Skydive Rustenburg |
C1799 |
Braam van Heerden |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
C1800 |
William Sharman |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
PRO Rating |
PRO424 |
Arenhold Hooper |
Skydive Mossel Bay |
PRO425 |
Ian van den Berge |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
PRO426 |
Johan Loots |
Witbank Skydiving Club |
PRO427 |
Jimmy Parrella |
Pretoria Skydiving Club |
Jumpmaster Rating |
JM1245 |
Melissa van Riel |
Skydive Robertson |
JM1246 |
Vinca Cox |
Johannesburg Skydiving Club |
Instructor Rating |
I197 |
Laurel Thatcher |
Skydive Central |
Tandem Master Sigma Conversion |
TM134 SG |
Graham Field |
Skydive Parys |
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue. If you have any stories, pictures, comments or suggestions please send these to news@para.co.za
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